
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Talking Heads

Beware of the media's talking heads. Whatever their political persuasion or message; they are an illusion; a SOP thrown to the masses to keep them neutered and under control. They preach hallowed notions and present grandiose plans and ideas for reform, change, help the poor, return to constitutional government, etc., etc., ad nauseam; while they continue to game the system and make money hand over fist. They are not on your side, they are simply a pacifier for the restless, to distract from what is really being planned and done behind the scenes so that it can be thrust upon us as a fait accompli, with no response possible. Here is perhaps a better analogy: in the middle ages, when an opponent wished to distract the lord of the manor's defenses, they would send in female dogs in heat to unhinge the guard dogs and throw the manor into an uproar, easing their scheme towards fulfillment.The term used at the time for these dogs was "hot bitches"; this, in reality, is what these men and women are: ALL OF THEM. Turn away from any message or messenger not from or of the Lord. For all that is not of Him, is of the dust and of no profit to holiness and the high calling of the Kingdom.

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