
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Re: Earthquake in Chile

As I read about the massive earthquake this morning in Chile and the resulting tsunami, my mind raced with prophetic thoughts. Then I went to the Word; I wound up in I Kings 19.Perhaps it is wise to wait for that Still Small Voice that He will surely send to us if there is more to this or if there is something we need to know. That is not to diminish the power of this event or its possible prophetic significance.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Matthew 6: On Prayer

Wisdom enjoins:
As breath is to life,
Prayer is to grace.
Pouring out the soul
to the Father of Lights
in unutterable spasms.
As a freewill offering:
Solemnly; Eternally devoted to Him,
Binding one to another.

Uniting as one,
A hidden Fire
Trembles in the breast.
The burden of a sigh,
The falling of a tear,
When none but God is near.
He delights in infant lips
Entering Heaven on supplication,
Accessing Majesty on High.

Angels in their songs rejoice;
We pray ....... I pray;
Saints unite in prayer.
A source; and an end,
In word, deed, and mind;
We supplicate ....... we receive.
Love to pray ....... pray to love;
We beseech thee Lord,
Teach us to pray.