
Saturday, April 24, 2010

One Man's Rant

It is not necessary to be a Christian to recognize that Christianity has played a fundamental role in the shaping of western culture, and that there is no aspect of life in the west that has not been profoundly affected by that faith. It was the Christian synthesis of freedom and community that made modern western democracy and political liberty possible; based upon personal membership in a spiritual supranational community - a relationship denied, or not understood by our contemporary cultural, political, and religious leadership. To the believer, the understanding of historical development permits (even requires) interpretation of past events in the light of Divine Will and spiritual forces that may be unknown even to the actors themselves.

This Cristocentric view of history isolates and overthrows all other historistic rivals: from the ancient theories of endless repeating cycles to the spiritless homogeneity of our modern era. For the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation is not simply a theophany - a revelation of God to man; it is, in itself a new creation - the introduction of a new spiritual principal which transforms human nature into something entirely new. The history of the human race hinges on this unique Divine event which gives meaning to the whole historical process. The Incarnation gives shape to history and supplies a beginning, a middle, and an end to the story of man; an interpretation of times in terms of eternity and of human events in the light of divine revelation.

For at least the last fifty years, our culture - and our society - have increasingly de-emphasized moral effort and personal responsibility; thus overwhelming the Christian western medieval insight concerning the central importance of spiritual assent, rationality, and the freedom of the individual personality as prime coallessive cultural forces. This doctrine, a hallmark of western thought for centuries is in imminent danger of being deluged by forces on both the left and the right to return the individual person to a collective identity under the absolute control of a predetermined elite.

It is a movement not so much defined by its end as by its starting point; away from, rather than towards something definite. Though imbued with the dark powers and visions of neo-pagan theology, the point of departure is more real then the destination; and the destination will present a very different picture when arrived at, from the vaguer images formed at its inception. By destroying the traditional social habits of the people, by licensing the opinions of the most foolish, by substituting indoctrination for education, by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart over the qualified, by fostering the bedlam of cultural disintegration, this modernism will prepare the way for its own negation through the enaction of an artificial yet brutal control over all as a desperate attempt to remedy the created chaos. Thus initiating that final empire triggering the prophetic sequence of events recorded in Scripture leading to the return of our Lord.

We, as believers, stand on the cusp of the truly terrifying and the wondrous, chosen and preordained by God for these times to stand as a witness before man to His Glory and to His Love. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

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