
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


From a thousand heights,
The streams of life
Are ever rushing down:
The jutting rock,
The broken bough,
The crooked bank,
Even the rounded pebble;
Each, and all,
In their personal murmurs,
Are enough to trouble
These shallow waters,
And obstruct
Their narrow course.

Eternal Springtime

Eternal springtime
Canopies the soul
At peace with God;
Walking free,
Enwrapped in the
Living consciousness
Of His love.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Godly sorrow,
Like weeping Mary,
Seeks after Christ;
Saving faith,
Like wrestling Jacob,
Finds, and holds fast
To Yeshua.

Monday, October 29, 2012

To His Glory

As the inlet waters,
Run back again
To the sea;
So too, the
Rushing love of
The Living God:
What we receive,
In His mercy;
We must return,
To His glory.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Living Flame

The Living Flame
Within the lamp,
Is a transformation
In Light:
Christ beheld,
Is Christ incarnate
Within us;
Gazing upon Him,
Are we changed
From glory to glory,
Even as by
The Spirit of the Lord.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Follow On

We follow on,
That we may know;
Yet we only know,
That we may follow on:
Light prepares
The way for love;
Love girds the loins
Of the heart:
As light refreshes
In the morning,
After a dark and stormy night;
So is knowing,
After the travail;
God's mercies, after affliction,
Are very sweet:
And so, we follow on.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Major Suits

President Obama was nearing the end of a reception line at a fund raiser last month,
when he saw a face approaching that he didn't quite recognize.

He leaned to his chief of staff and asked, Who is that guy?'

"Oh he's ok sir," he replied. It's the guy who made your suits for tonight."

Thus reassured, and with a new confidence, the president flashed a warm smile, put out a firm hand shake, and said, "Major Suits, it's so good to see you again tonight."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Yet Shall We Live

How often we sink into those dark and dismal places where we are, in our feelings, as dead men. Has sin never slain you? Has the iron never pierced you soul? Has the accuser never knocked the wind of God out of your soul, so to speak? Has Satan never come with his darts of fire, and all the
firebrands of hell, and sought to scorch away the leadings and feelings of grace and even blot out the very desires within for life? And those times when you seemed to sink in your soul into such a
miserable emptiness of spirit, that it felt as though you
were devoid of all grace, as if it were an impossibility for grace ever again
to renew and revive your soul? Here, my friends, you were in the pallor of death. I have been here myself, more than once,
that's why I can describe it to you. Because I've been there; we all have.

Yet even with all this, there is, within the lamb, that longing
look, a heartfelt groan, a heaving sigh, and a resisting unto the blood, not an utter giving up, nor sinking down into miserable despair. God the Spirit keeps alive his work upon the soul, and Christ, Himself as the resurrection of life comes into our bosom, raising us up and drawing us to Himself, renewing and reinvigorating our lagging, lifeless spirits with fresh
movements of that Life which is in Him alone. Here, we see within us, each of us, and all of us, a personal, individual consequence of his resurrection, "Whosoever believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

DNC Scientists Disprove Existence of Roberts' Taxon

DNC Scientists Disprove Existence of Roberts' Taxon

WASHINGTON DC - Jubilant scientists at the DNC's High Speed Word Collider (HSWC) announced today they have conclusively disproven the existence of Roberts' Taxon, the theoretical radioactive Facton particle that some had worried would lead to the implosion of the entire Universal Health Care System.
"I think it's time to pop the champagne corks," said HSWC Director David Plouffe. "Then blaze some choom."
The landmark experiment in Quantum Rhetoric began early this week after legal particle cosmologist John Roberts published a paper in the Quarterly Journal of Tortured Logic that solved the long-debated Pelosi's Paradox in Universal Health Care Theory.
"Pelosi's Paradox states that in order to find out what is in a health care bill, it would have to be passed," explained physicist Steven Hawking. "But in order to be a law it would have to be constitutional, which means someone would have to know what was in it, which would mean it couldn't have been a bill in the first place. Think of Schroedinger's Cat, except with a lobotomy."
To solve the paradox, Roberts proposed the existence of the Taxon - an ephemeral, mysterious facton particle that in theory would allow the Universal Health System to be constitutional, without directly observing what was in it. DNC scientists at first cheered Roberts' findings, but it soon came apparent that it opened an even deadlier dilemma.
"If Roberts' Taxon were really to exist, and was woven throughout the Health-Government-Time continuum, the merest realization of it would create a giant black hole in Gallup Space and cause free healthcare reality to collapse upon itself," said Plouffe.
In order to disprove the Taxon, scientists at the HSWC devised a test experiment in their enormous CarneyLab bullshit accelerator. This test involved speeding a small mass of Facton - theoretically containing Roberts' Taxon - and smashing it at near-light speed against a flaming super-dense ionized clod of purified bullshit.
  DNC Collider
Schematic of experiment (graphic courtesy HSWC)
"It was a complete success," said Plouffe. "The collision produced only inert crap particles like Feesons and Penaltyons, obliterating any traces of a single highly radioactive Taxon. What's more, we were thrilled that it also resulted in over 300 milliaxlerods of of positive Fernstroms."
While super high-density bullshit was critical to the experiment, Plouffe said other key variables were necessary to keep potential Taxons from escaping to Gallup Reality Space.
"We were careful to shroud the collision within the Beltosphere, which is protected with a thick sheath of inert, pliable media," he noted. "As additional protection, we surrounded it with a negatively-charged gaseous squirrel field."
Base on the success of the test, Plouffe said the HSWC would soon begin work on destroying traces of a new deadly Facton particle, the Unemployon.


What is communion;
But the embrace
Of two hearts;
The melting into one
Of two wills;
The flowing exchange
Of two loves;
Each distinct,
Yet close woven;
As the soul,
Of only One.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Light and Truth

Psa 43:3  O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.

"O send out thy light." The Psalmist desired that light might be sent out, that
is, that there might be an appearing, an arising of it in some tangible, soul-felt way. The soul, lost in darkness,
and crying out after light, is not satisfied
with a simple conviction, however deep, that with God is light. The thirsty man, parched for water, is
not allayed by knowing that there is water in the well; nor is the miner who
has been trapped in a cave-in, content with knowing that there is light above. One
faint ray of light gleaming through a small crack in the rocks will be worth more to him than a thousand suns,
unseen by him, blazing away, high in the sky.

And thus the struggling lamb will not rest, can not rest,
in the bare knowledge that "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all,"
but his sigh and cry is that this light may be sent out of the fullness of
God into his soul, so as to shed abroad His glorious inward light in his heart,
whereby he may see the truth of God; whereby he may see the glory of God, whereby he can see the full love of God
in the sacrifice of His Holy Lamb; and know that his name is written in the book
of life. That he may see  his own eternal union with Jesus, and in seeing his own eternal union with the risen Lord,
he might enjoy communion with Him, and know presence of Almighty God in his soul,
to have His glory revealed, and made manifest in his heart.

This was the cry of David's heart that night, as he sought the face of God. He wasn't
looking for help or sympathy from men or their traditions. He needed, as we all do,
that which only God could provide: Light and Truth.

It is a picture of a tempest-tossed soul. Sun and stars beclouded, compass
lost, chart useless, pilot absent, and breakers ahead. Lost in a storm of guilt,
despondency, gloomy forebodings or dismal, dreary apprehensions.

How many of us can see ourselves here? Driven from our course;  sun and stars all obscured; no clear
evidences, no bright manifestations; darkness above, and a raging sea
beneath; no harbor in sight, and hope of reaching home, fading fast. I think this describes
everyone that I know of, at one time or another.

Yet David knew in His heart where to find the light, as do all lambs.
You find the Light in the Truth.

He says, "O send out thy light and
thy truth." What was "the truth" which he sought to know? The truth of Messiah; the truth of His
sacrifice; the truth of His justifying blood, the truth of His righteousness;
the truth of deliverance from the curse and condemnation of men, that
truth whereby the soul is set free, according to the words, "Ye shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free;" the truth whereby the
affections of the soul are separated, and set free from the things of time and sense, and fixed on the
realities of eternity; in a word, to know the Truth, Himself, and to discover the Light, in Him
who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

It is clear from his words, that David could not be
comforted by any other than God. This is the witness, my friends,
of the work of God's grace upon his soul. When a man
is so distressed in his feelings, so cast down in his mind, and so troubled in his
conscience, that none but God can comfort him, he is at once on the
footsteps of the Spirit. We do not find hypocrites on this ground.  Zion's special mark is that she,
His beloved, can not be comforted by any other than her Lord, her wounds are too deep for human balms, her
sickness too sore for the medicines of men. Almighty God has reserved her comfort for His
hands alone; from His lips only, can consolation be spoken into her soul.

Through the grace of the Spirit of God, David saw the Truth, and received the Light; much
the same as Job, Abraham, Jacob, or Moses. How can this be? You ask. How could David have seen the Truth and received the Light a thousand years before Messiah would come? Because in the Eternal Realms of God, where time has no presence or meaning, Messiah is the Paschal Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world.
The power of His sacrifice flowed backward, as well as forward across time. How else could Job sing out that
He knew his Redeemer lived and would resurrect him at the last day; how else could Abraham see His
day and be glad therein? You can see from the second part of our verse, that David, as Job and Abraham
before him, knew the Truth, and had seen the Light, in the power of the Spirit of the Living God.

Let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. He asks that Truth and Light bring him to the
holy hill of God. In the days before the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, there was no permanent sacred
or holy hill, or place in Israel; he could only be talking about the holy hill of Golgatha, the place of sacrifice,
the holy hill of God, where the Light and the Truth was made manifest in the flesh; slain; and in His resurrection, made available
to all who would seek It. And he asks to be brought into God to celebrate the feast of tabernacles with the rest of God's
redeemed lambs through all eternity.

This was the cry of David's heart, and the longing of his soul as he penned these words. This too is the cry
of our heart, and the longing in our soul as we sail these stormy waters of life, often alone and in distress.
If this is where you are, if you have lost your bearings, or the sight of shore; the same God that came to comfort David
will also bring His refreshment and His renewal to you. Simply follow the path David has laid out for you;
seek the Truth with all that is within you, and you will find the Light; and once we have seen the Light, the journey home is all laid out
for us. We simply need to follow the Light.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Softer Moods

There are softer seasons,
Sprinkled among the years:
Times when the springs
Of life are unsealed,
And heavenly purposes
Come into birth.
We speak of being refreshed,
As though the rain had fallen;
As indeed it has:
Turning the hard ground,
Into forcing beds,
Of luxurient growth.
"I will come down as the rain"
Says the Lord of Hosts;
And like the mist He comes.
Creating softer moods
In the old stony ground;
Causing it to be fragrant,
With the budding fruit
Of His Kingdom of Righteousness.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Homeland Security Laser Scanner Reads People At Molecular Level

The Department of Homeland Security will soon be using a laser at airports that can detect everything about you from over 160-feet away. Gizmodo reports a scanner that could read people at the molecular level has been invented. This laser-based scanner – which can be used 164-feet away — could read everything from a person’s adrenaline levels, to traces of gun powder on a person’s clothes, to illegal substances — and it can all be done without a physical search. It also could be used on multiple people at a time, eliminating random searches at airports.
The laser-based scanner is expected to be used in airports as soon as 2013, Gizmodo reports.
The scanner is called the Picosecond Programmable Laser. The device works by blasting its target with lasers which vibrate molecules that are then read by the machine that determine what substances a person has been exposed to. This could be Semtex explosives to the bacon and egg sandwich they had for breakfast that morning.
The inventor of this invasive technology is Genia Photonics. Active since 2009, they hold 30 patents on laser technology designed for scanning. In 2011, they formed a partnership with In-Q-Tel, a company chartered by the CIA and Congress to build “a bridge between the Agency and a new set of technology innovators.”
Genia Photonics wouldn’t be the only ones with similar technology as George Washington University developed something similar in 2008, according to Gizmodo. The Russians also developed something akin to the Picosecond Programmable laser. The creators of that scanner claim that “it is even able to detect traces of explosives left by fingerprints.”
But what makes Genia Photonics’ version so special is that the machine is more compact compared to the other devices and can still maintain its incredible range.
Although the technology could be used by “Big Brother,” Genia Photonics states that the device could be far more beneficial being used for medical purposes to check for cancer in real time, lipids detection, and patient monitoring.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Have you ever groaned
In bleeding lamentations?
Has the iron never
Entered your soul?
The lamb comes to Truth,
Only through a bitter draft;
He arrives at the banquet,
Weathered by the pangs of hunger;
He lays hold of the
Robe of Righteousness,
While yet chilled
In his own nakedness.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

from Consumed

It is said of life in the flesh that you are what you eat. So it is with life in the spirit:

To eat His flesh, and to drink His blood,
Is to become broken bread and poured out wine;
To eat His flesh, and to drink His blood,
Is to consume His righteousness,
And thereby become the sons of God;
To eat His flesh, and to drink His blood,
Is to partake of His holiness,
And thereby become the priests of God;
To eat His flesh, and drink His blood,
Is to be filled with His glory,
And thereby become the call of God;
To eat His flesh, and drink His blood,
Is to be consumed by His love,
And thereby become the hand of God.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Distinctive Loveliness

Light is sown steadily,
Within the righteous:
A seemless, sequential,
Laying of seed;
That the garden
He has prepared,
Is never without flora
In radiant bloom;
They build, and amplify,
One, upon another,
In invitive succession;
Adorning each new dawn,
With its own
Distinctive loveliness.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Prayer, is in
The intimate breathing
Of the heart
After God;
There is more
Depth, power,
And fertility,
In the inward sigh
And groan
Of a broken heart;
Than in any
Of the lips.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

After All

The Light,
So magical
In its morning beauty,
Has lost none
Of its Luster:

The River,
Which flows
Through past ages,
Has not dried-up
In the sands of time:

The Fire,
That blazed so clear,
As life itself,
Has not died
Down to ashes:

The Living God,
In all His majesty,
Is still our refuge;
As He has spoken it;
So it will be.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Air Force Document: Drones Can Be Used To Spy On Americans

A newly discovered Air Force intelligence brief states that should fleets of unmanned drones accidentally capture surveillance footage of Americans, the data can be stored and analyzed by the Pentagon for up to 90 days.

The instruction, dated April 23, admits that the Air Force cannot legally conduct “nonconsensual surveillance” on Americans, but also states that should the drones”incidentally” capture data while conducting other missions, military intelligence has the right to study it to determine whether the subjects are legitimate targets of domestic surveillance.

“Collected imagery may incidentally include US persons or private property without consent,” the instruction states.

The Air Force can take advantage of “a period not to exceed 90 days” to use the data to assess “whether that information may be collected under the provisions of Procedure 2, DoD 5240.1-R and permanently retained under the provisions of Procedure 3, DoD 5240.1-R.” it continues.

The Pentagon directives cited authorize limited domestic spying in certain scenarios such as natural disasters, environmental cases, and monitoring activity around military bases.

Should the drones capture data on Americans, the Air Force says that it should determine whether they are, among other things, “persons or organizations reasonably believed to be engaged or about to engage, in international terrorist or international narcotics activities.”

The instruction also states that the Pentagon can disseminate the data to other intelligence and government agencies, should it see fit.

“Even though information may not be collectible, it may be retained for the length of time necessary to transfer it to another DoD entity or government agency to whose function it pertains.” the document reads.

The document was discovered by Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


A restless craving,
Churns in his heart;
For a light he cannot see,
A warmth unknown;
There are aching voids:
Yawning chasms
Within his soul,
That tinsel pleasures
Can never fill.
His hope is ever
Gilding a future,
That the present denies;
Lured and bedazzled,
He pursues the phantom;
Never coming to know,
The object of his search,
Is as far from him
As ever!

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Joy

The joy
Of the morning
Life's bitterest tears
The heart
Of the child
At the sight,

Of his Father's house.

Monday, April 30, 2012


As in water;
Face answers to face:
So the heart of
Man to man.
The winds will blow,
And the rains will fall;
The sirens are subtle,
And the heart of man
Is winsome and flirtatious.
The excursions of a lamb,
Are from a God
He has known --
From a Savior
He has loved --
From pastures he has
Roamed with delight.
We have tasted of the Lord;
Heard His voice;
Fed from His hands;
And yet we wander.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


A night of woe,
Spreads a heavy drape:
A harbinger - a prelude;
A forecaster of shadow,
Yea, dark things loom
In the deep mists.
Amid the somber hues
Of time and sense,
There is a Garden,
And One who prays.
Faith embraces the
Mystery of Godliness;
Hope casts its anchor
Within the veil;
And Love gently lifts,
To His Eternal shores
Of wholeness.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Dream

A white line -- delicate,
Yet so intricately woven,
Suddenly pierced
The black nothingness:
A singularity of light;
Then another -- square unto it,
Sprang into perspective;
Then a third,
Perpendicular to all,
Shined into existence.

Then, with
The lightest touch
Of His Word,
The space created
Leaped into life,
With delicate, wondrous
Patterns of light:
Lines, circles, and curls;
Filled with color,
All intertwined;
Like the crescendo
Of a visual symphony.

The cup of my dream
Then ran over,
Like a river that
Overflows her banks:
For I dreamed
An infinity of dreams
In an instant;
And this infinity;
Multiplied by Infinity,
Created all possibilities,
In one magnificent Now.

It was a perfect realm,
Whose ever changing patterns,
Resonated in the eternal now:
A blend of sounds, textures,
Colors, and dimensions;
Seeding new patterns
Into countless infinities;
All dancing to the absolute,
Perfect control of
God's eternal awareness.

**there is, my friends, one more verse
always in my dream; but at the conclusion of this scene
I always awake with a consciousness and a
dread of destruction and oblivion, and can see no further. **

Into this perfect realm,
He created reflections
Of His awareness,
And gave them purpose:
He brought into the dream;
Beings of beauty,
And intellect, with
A sense of self.
Set, at their creation,
To share the dream;
He sent their ken
Into His infinities,
To peer into possibility;
And to manifest reality.

** Here the dream ends; always **

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Arizona Passes Sweeping Internet Censorship Bill

The state legislature of Arizona has passed a bill that vastly broadens telephone harassment laws and applies them to the Internet and other means of electronic communication.

The law, which is being pushed under the guise of an anti-bullying campaign, would mean that anything communicated or published online that was deemed to be “offensive” by the state, including editorials, illustrations, and even satire could be criminally punished.

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund breaks down Arizona House Bill 2549:

“The bill is sweepingly broad, and would make it a crime to communicate via electronic means speech that is intended to ‘annoy,’ ‘offend,’ ‘harass’ or ‘terrify,’ as well as certain sexual speech. Because the bill is not limited to one-to-one communications, H.B. 2549 would apply to the Internet as a whole, thus criminalizing all manner of writing, cartoons, and other protected material the state finds offensive or annoying.”

First Amendment activist group Media Coalition has written to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, urging her not to sign the legislation into law.

The letter notes that the terms used in the bill are not defined in the statute or by reference, and thereby the law could be broadly applied to almost any statement.

“H.B. 2549 would make it a crime to use any electronic or digital device to communicate using obscene, lewd or profane language or to suggest a lewd or lascivious act if done with intent to ‘annoy,’ ‘offend,’ ‘harass’ or ‘terrify,’” the letter notes. … ‘Lewd’ and ‘profane’ are not defined in the statute or by reference. ‘Lewd’ is generally understood to mean lusty or sexual in nature and ‘profane’ is generally defined as disrespectful or irreverent about religion or religious practices.”

“H.B. 2549 is not limited to a one to one conversation between two specific people. The communication does not need to be repetitive or even unwanted. There is no requirement that the recipient or subject of the speech actually feel offended, annoyed or scared. Nor does the legislation make clear that the communication must be intended to offend or annoy the reader, the subject or even any specific person.” the letter continues.

In this respect the law could even technically be applied to someone posting a status update on Facebook.

“Speech protected by the First Amendment is often intended to offend, annoy or scare but could be prosecuted under this law.”The Media Coalition letter continues.

“A Danish newspaper posted pictures of Muhammad that were intended to be offensive to make a point about religious tolerance. If a Muslim in Arizona considers the images profane and is offended, the paper could be prosecuted. Some Arizona residents may consider Rush Limbaugh’s recent comments about a Georgetown law student lewd. He could be prosecuted if he intended his comments to be offensive. Similarly, much general content available in the media uses racy or profane language and is intended to offend, annoy or even terrify.”

“Bill Maher’s stand up routines and Jon Stewart’s nightly comedy program, Ann Coulter’s books criticizing liberals and Christopher Hitchens’ expressions of his disdain for religion, Stephen King’s novels or the Halloween films all could be subject to this legislation. Even common taunting about sports between rival fans done online is frequently meant to offend or annoy, and is often done using salty and profane language.”

This type of legislation is far from unprecedented. Last year, former president Bill Clinton proposed a law to censor internet speech. “It would be a legitimate thing to do,” Clinton said in an interview that aired on CNBC. Clinton suggested the government should set-up an agency that monitors all media speech for supposed factual errors.

“That is, it would be like, I don’t know, National Public Radio or BBC or something like that, except it would have to be really independent and they would not express opinions, and their mandate would be narrowly confined to identifying relevant factual errors” he said. “And also, they would also have to have citations so that they could be checked in case they made a mistake. Somebody needs to be doing it, and maybe it’s a worthy expenditure of taxpayer money.”

Cass Sunstein, head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, has also proposed banning speech on the internet that  the government disagrees with. Sunstein proposed the creation of an internet “Fairness Doctrine” similar to the one that was used for years to limit and eliminate free speech on the radio.

This legislation represents yet another move to police and control freedom of expression via the internet. Once again it grants the state and the government the direct right to determine what is and is not “offensive” on a whim. It then allows for the prosecution of individuals and organisations based on such summations – an extremely dangerous precedent to set.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The witness
Of the Spirit,
Is that first
Streak of light,
Bringing the promise,
Of the coming day.
A pouring within,
Of the grapes
Of Eschol.
Showing what
The vintage will be.

Tiniest Puppy

WEST SACRAMENTO — A puppy named after one of the world's biggest pop stars could set the world's record for tiniest dog.
Animal rescuers in Northern California say the female Dachshund mix, named Beyonce, was so small at birth that she could fit into a spoon. At two weeks, she's about the size of a business card.
The Grace Foundation, based in El Dorado County, says animal control picked up Beyonce's pregnant mother, and she gave birth to a litter of five on March 8.
Beyonce was the last one delivered, and was born without a heartbeat. Veterinarians managed to revive her through chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
The foundation says she'll be ready for adoption in about two weeks.
Meanwhile, it has submitted an application to Guinness World Records for world's smallest dog.

Monday, March 12, 2012


John 14:27  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.

Here, in John 14, our Lord was about to leave this world; and He knew it. So on this night, in His high priestly prayer, He makes His last requests known; kinda like a living will -- the world's first living will. His soul he committed to his Father; His clothes, He knew would fall to the soldiers; His mother, He would leave in the care of John: but what did He leave to His disciples, and all those who would believe on Him through them? Silver and gold He had none; but He left them, and us, something infinitely more valuable, His peace. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you." I not only give you a title to it, He said, but I give you possession of it.  As a dying father leaves his portions to his children; so His peace is a part of our inheritance as lambs of the Living God; and it can never be taken from us if we do not give it up.

This peace is a harmonic rightness with God implanted deep within our hearts, it is also a budding union with all of God’s universe. Natural forces are at our back, when we are right with God and walk in His peace;  as it is written “The whole creation groans and waits for the manifestation of the children of God.” When a man is one with the Maker he has the co-operation of all that the Maker has made. The winds and currents are his friends, and  the heavens fight on his side -- even the stones of the field lay in covenant with the lamb living in the flow of God's peace.

Most people, when they think of a peaceful setting, would seek it near some secluded mountain-lake, nestling quiet and untroubled far from the beaten path, and where even the cry of a nature is only rarely heard. It is by these “still waters,” and in these deep silences, that they call to mind the gift of peace. Others may see visualizations of a different sort, a beach, a boat, it could be anything; but for me when I think on the peace of God, I think of the verse from Isaiah: thy peace is like a river. this may seem, at first glance, like an odd choice, but for me, the peace our Lord bequeathed to us is a peace of motion and fulfillment, not one necessarily of quiet and stillness.

How prescient and thoughtful was the prophet’s choice of a river as his figure of peace.  Not a lake, not a pool, not a scene of quiet and stillness, but a river. He is not necessarily deriding the idea of a peaceful quietude; he is trying to point to a quality of life and movement:  peace is not motionless quietude, but quiet motion. Peace has its appropriate figure in the brimming river,  quiet because of its steadiness and depth. God's peace in our souls, my friend,  is liquid, frictionless motion, in the midst of the chaos that surrounds it. What he was trying to get across to us is that  this perfect peace is found in a lamb's life only when that life moves and breathes in God’s life without complaint, without fret,  and without friction. It is not so much found in the absence of sound as in the absence of any discordant notes. The peace of Christ is musical movement, it is a divine harmony of spirits.

Our Master’s conception of this peace is given in His often repeated words, “I and My Father are one.” When one life flows into another life with seamless perfection; commingling—will with will, soul with soul, heart with heart, the two become one, this is the the essential secret of experiencing and living in His peace. And when that perfect commingling is between the the lamb's heart and God, he will have learned the secret of perfect peace. That was the peace our Lord enjoyed -- His peace, and this is the peace He  has promised and provided, “My peace I give unto you.”

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Communion with God:
The words fell freely
Through my lips;
But the savor,
Where was the savor?
"Oh, what a stranger am I
To the Living One, and all
That I flattered myself
To be acquainted with.
What do I know of
His transforming vision?
Of His inexpressible love?"
I, who could not abandon
My lust, and my shame.
Trapped in the flaming passion
Of performance, and duty:
I begat Him with my lips,
Yet saw Him not in my life.
Oh, that I might love Thee,
Let all else flee, and fall away;
That I might love Thee.

Out on the campus lawn,
Under a willow;
Almost unable to speak:
Little did I know
The power and the prophesy,
Of those words; those words
I had so longingly uttered;
And which had been
So lovingly heard;
That lonely midnight prayer,
That changed my life forever.

Amen; and praise
His Mighty Name!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dying; We Live

After the Lord has quickened our souls, and we try to get serious about our spiritual life; we tend to think that from here on in, our way of life is to keep God's commandments — obey the law — cleanse ourselves from sin — reform our lives — cultivate universal holiness in thought, word, and action — and so we go — blundering and stumbling on in darkness — and all the while never get a single step forward.

We are ever looking for something in self to make ourselves acceptable to God. We are often sadly cast down and discouraged when we cannot find in ourselves — that holiness — that obedience — that calm submission to the will of God — that serenity of soul — that spirituality — that heavenly-mindedness — which we believe to be acceptable in His sight.

Our quick tempers — our fretful, anxious minds — our rebellious thoughts — our coldness and barrenness of heart — our constant struggle with the darkness within us — with the daily feeling that we get no better, but often worse — make us think that God views us just as we view ourselves -- as utter failures. And this brings on great darkness of mind and bondage of spirit — until we seem to lose sight of our acceptance in Christ — and get into the miserable dregs of self — almost ready to quarrel with God over our state of grace, because we seem so vile to ourselves, and only seem to get worse as we go along.

Now the more we get into these dregs of self — and the more we keep looking at the dreadful scenes of wreck and ruin which our heart presents to our daily view — the farther do we get from the grace of the gospel — and the more do we lose sight of the only ground of our acceptance with God.

Hear the words of Paul from the Letter to the Ephesians:

Eph 1:4  According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love:
Eph 1:5  Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,
Eph 1:6  To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved.

It is in His righteousness; His sacrifice; His mercy; and His love that we are accepted into His beloved — and not for any good words — good works — good thoughts — good hearts -- or, for that matter, any good anything of our own. If there be any righteousness in us; it is only because He has placed it there -- not because of any natural seed within us.

But the Lord will allow us to wear ourselves out worrying about our own righteousness -- we all do at one time or another -- and after He has let us sink lower and lower into the pit of guilt and ruin, from feeling that all our attempts to extricate ourselves have only plunged us deeper and deeper into the mire. Here, in this deep pit of shame, as we abandon ourselves, our Lord opens a door within our hearts, and His Spirit floods our soul with a witness to keep us from sinking altogether into despair, without hope or help, without an understanding; and He immerses our soul in a vital discovery of Jesus, who He is, why He came, and of His glorious sacrifice thus making it known -- and clear to us, that there is a Savior, there is a Mediator, and there is a way of escape provided — this is a grand turning point in our walk with God, when we finally see the Opening in the valley of Achor (trouble), a way of life; a door of hope; a way out.

The fruit and the effect of this divine illumination is to cut in pieces, and root up all our fleshly wisdom, strength, and righteousness. God will never patch a new piece upon an old garment. All our wisdom, our strength, our righteousness must be torn to pieces. It must all be ripped out by the roots — that a new wisdom, a new strength, and a new righteousness may arise upon its ruins.

But until the Lord is pleased to drive us to this moment, to our own point of despair, and teach us through His Spirit of Illumination, we never can part with our own righteousness — never give up our own wisdom — never abandon our own strength. These things are a part and parcel of ourselves — they are who we are; so ingrained and innate within us, that we cannot willingly part with them until the Lord Himself demolishes the house we have built up in our own strength. Then, as He flashes into our souls  the vision of our corruption and our folly in a thousand ways, and our blindness to all things of the spirit — our wisdom fades away. As He shows us our inability to resist temptation and overcome sin, by any exertion of our own — our confidence in our own strength and righteousness dissipates, and dies, as we begin, at last, to put on the new man.

Upon the bleached remains, then, of our own wisdom, righteousness and strength, does God build up Christ's wisdom, Christ's righteousness, and Christ's strength. But only so far as we are filled with His Spirit can a death sentence be carried out  upon our own wisdom, strength, and righteousness — and a new life in our risen Lord begin.

"As dying, and, behold, we live." 2 Corinthians 6:9

Though we die, and die daily — yet, behold, we live. And in a sense, the more we die, the more we live. The more we die to self — the more we die to sin. The more we die to pride and self-righteousness — the more we die to creature strength. The more we die to sinful nature — the more we live to grace. This runs all the way through the life and experience of a believer.

Nature must die, that grace may live. The weeds must be plucked up, that the crop may grow. The flesh must be starved, that the spirit may be fed. The old man must be put off, that the new man may be put on. The deeds of the body must be mortified, that the soul may live unto God. As then we die — we live. The more we die to our own strength, the more we live to Christ's strength. The more we die to creature hope, the more we live to a solid hope through grace. The more we die to our own righteousness, the more we live to Christ's righteousness. The more we die to the world, the more we live to and for the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the grand mystery — that the believer is always suffering, yet always joyful; always emptying himself, yet always full; always dying, yet eternally alive — and the more he dies, the more he lives. For the death of the flesh, is the life of the spirit, and the death of sin, is the life of righteousness. The death of the creature, is the very life of God in our souls. And this, my friends is our only way of escape; our only way out: "As dying, and, behold, we live."

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Driving Through The Storms

Driving through the storms;
My wits hover,
In the consciousness
Of His loving presence;
And all unrest is soothed:
The heaving ocean,
Lodged high in my throat;
Is as an untroubled bayou;
Charmed, and glistening,
In the evening sun.

Yesterday was quite a day on the road for me. I was right in the middle of the Kentucky/Indiana/Ohio tornado outbreak. I was in Ky, across the Ohio River from Indiana & Ohio when the first group went through; I could see the clouds across the river; storm sirens were going off everywhere in a driving rain and emergency vehicles were flying down the road toward the blackest part of the clouds. It didn't iake a rocket scientist to see that this was a ferocious storm; yet it came no closer to me. The second storm was a different matter; it was much closer, and on a normal Friday, would have been directly in my path. I was southeast of Cincinnati on route 125, and I could see the storm move in and hit directly in front of me, Bethel was only a few miles ahead of me on this same road, but on this night, a regular customer in Georgetown -- further up this same road, the other side of Bethel -- did not order, so I headed north instead of further southeast. Had I gone to Georgetown, as usual, I would have been directly in its path at almost exactly the right time. As I headed home; and dozens of emergency vehicles passed the other way by me towards the storm damage; Psalm 91 echoed over and over again in my mind: Marysville, Indiana was on my right -- Bethel, Ohio was on my left -- yet did I pass through it all untouched. Who can understand or know His ways?

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Joy Of Possessing

Things that come easily,
Are lightly esteemed:
The pebble lying
On the common way,
Is beneath regard;
Yet the pearl
Buried in the ocean depths,
Is a treasure
Of rare price.
The pain of getting,
So intensifies
The joy of possessing.

Friday, February 24, 2012

It Was Not The Nails

1Pe 1:9  Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
1Pe 1:10  Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
1Pe 1:11  Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.
1Pe 1:12  Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.

Things which the angels desire to look into

To the carnal, earthly, degraded mind of man — the mystery of the Person of Christ, of the cross, of the sufferings, blood-shedding, and death of Jesus, whereby He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself — is foolishness. He sees no beauty, blessedness, or glory in the Person of the Son of God — nor any wisdom or grace in atoning blood and dying love.

But not so with these bright and pure beings! They see in the Person and work of Christ not only the depths of infinite wisdom in the contrivance of the whole plan of redemption, and of power in its execution and full accomplishment — but they see such lengths, breadths, depths, and heights of love as fill their minds with holy wonder, admiration and praise. They see in His incarnation, humiliation, sufferings, blood-shedding, and death — such unspeakable treasures of mercy and grace as ever fill their minds with wonder and admiration; and they long to understand the depths of such a love, but they cannot -- these wonders are for the bride alone. All lambs of the Living God should be ever seeking and inquiring into this heavenly mystery, that we may discover in it ever new and expanding treasures of the wisdom, grace, mercy, truth, and love of God. It is to our shame, my friends, that this vision of Eternal Love, in its sacrificial essence is not always before our eyes. Tonight I want to look into this scene of our Lord's offering of Himself, and share a few thoughts that He has laid on my heart.

Let your mind and spirit come with me now to view that day on the hill of Golgatha,
To see, by the eye of faith, as revealed  by the
power of God — our savior bound, scourged,
whipped, spit upon, mocked—and then, as the climax,
crucified between two thieves.

But what we see, is that this was the
smallest part of His sufferings— there were yet depths of
soul trouble and agony from the
hand of God as a consuming fire, in justice
and righteous indignation against rebellion, sin, and corruption; that our
Lord had to endure until He was poured
out like water, and His  heart, in the fires of
judgment became like wax, and melted within Him.

It was not the nails driven through His hands and feet — it was not the crown of thorns forced upon His brow — it was not the stripes which mangled His back — it was not the languor and faintness under which He suffered — nor the loss of blood that caused the Lord to die. It was not the mere bodily agony of the cross — it was not simply the pain of the nails driven through His hands and feet, as severe as this must have been -- It was not the being stretched upon the cross six hours, that constituted the chief part of the Redeemer's suffering.

No, far more severe, were the agonies of His
soul — the wrath of God in the Redeemer's heart was so much
more devastating than the nails that pierced His hands and feet,
or the thorns upon His head.

It was this load of imputed sin — the imputed sins of millions — a load unbearable for any other -- it was the tremendous pouring of the wrath of God into His innocent soul — it was the hiding of His Father's face, and the very fires of hell that sought to take hold of Him -- as prophesied in His Word:  Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.  I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. Our suffering Savior drank the cup of the wrath of God to the very dregs — when the penalties for our rebellion were laid upon Him -- it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; as Isaiah wrote: He has put Him to grief: when You shall make His soul an offering for sin. This is what claimed our Savior's life: it was not the nails.

Uncounted thousands may have died in greater bodily agony than our Lord, for He only suffered in body for six hours. Martyrs have perished in the flames, in dungeons, at the hand of the executioner, and on crosses, as burning torches lining the roads of Rome. But of all the generations of men, none have ever felt what the Lord endured in His soul — for He had to suffer in His soul what the elect of God -- His lambs -- would have had to suffer in hell, if He had not paid the price for them; and this eternity of pain, is what He endured in those same six hours.

What is the body anyway? We all know that our body is not the chief seat of suffering.  It is the soul that feels, and rejoices, and mourns. All of our deepest agonies are of the soul. It was so with our Lord as well. It is true, His body was racked and torn — but it was the racking of His soul in which lay His chief agonies. And the greatest of all was the final stroke of God reserved for His last moments — the last drop of the cup in all its bitterness — which was hiding His face from His Son. Nothing else but this last bitter drop extorted the cry of suffering from His lips:

My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

But when, to crown all the scene of suffering, the Father hid His face from Him — that was more than His  soul could bear.

In the words of Thomas Morton:
"What heart can conceive or tongue express what must have
been the feelings of the Redeemer's soul when He, the beloved
Son of God, who who had lain in the bosom of the Father from
all eternity, was by imputation, made a sinner—the deep wounds
of suffering love felt by the Son of God when His Father, His own
Father, hid His face from Him?"

That instinctively evoked from Him that plaintive cry — such a cry as earth had never before or since — a cry which made the sun to hide its face as if in sackcloth; caused the earth to shake; rending the veil, and tearing open the very graves as if the world could no longer hold its dead. And I guess that is the point: at the foot of the cross, is pardon and peace
for the guilty. Here is thorough justification for the
condemned. Here is salvation,
complete and everlasting, for all the redeemed family of
God. Here is a fountain, ever full and free. Here is
a robe, in which the Bride stands without blemish
and without spot before the throne of God. Here mercy is
magnified everlastingly. Here dying, sacrificial love displays itself in all its
breadth, and length, and depth, and height. Here, my friends, grace,
all-glorious, all-triumphant grace, reigns unto eternal life,
by Jesus Christ our Lord!

It says in His Word: Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.  His death of sacrificial love gives weight to His words and a certainty to their promise.

There is no beginning to the love of Christ, for it existed  from eternity. Neither is there any end to that love. His love then, is as eternal as He is. What strength it is for those who live and walk in the love of Christ, to know that it is from everlasting to everlasting—that no incidents of time—no storms of sin or Satan—can ever change or alter that eternal love—but that it remains now and will remain the same to all eternity. The love of Christ to His people is eternal, unchanging, and unchangeable.
This eternal, unchanging character of the love of Christ gives us strength and power to stand upon—apart from our fluctuating feelings—our wavering frames—and the changes that always seem to come in our thoughts, hearts and lives. The love of Christ to us is not changing and changeable like ours to Him—but it abides forever, as He does. Jesus freely, fully, and unchangeably loves those who were given to Him by the Father in the councils of eternity—and presented to Him as His spouse and bride.
Christ's love to His bride was love at first sight. For when she was presented to Him by the Father that she might be His spouse—as soon as He beheld His chosen bride He fell in love with her—for He saw her not sunk and fallen—but in all her beauty as clothed in the fullness of that glory in which she will one day shine forth—when she sits down with Him at the marriage supper of the Lamb!
Nothing can quench or destroy the love of Christ! It will prevail over sin, death, and hell—yes, over every impediment and obstacle—until it achieves the final victory, and in all the blaze of His glory — it will fill heaven with its eternal magnificence.

So, my friends, keep this vision of His sacrifice ever before you, and do not shy away from it or forget it; for it is the highest and greatest glory of God and all creation; and it is life itself, life eternal unto all who believe. Amen.


Rom 8:26  Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Rom 8:27  And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

The Spirit, as an enlightening Spirit, He teaches us what to pray for; as a sanctifying Spirit, He works and stirs up the need and the desire to pray; as a comforting Spirit, He silences our fears, and helps us over all discouragements. The Holy Spirit is the wellspring of all desires toward God, which are often more than words can utter. The Spirit who searches the hearts, can perceive the renewed mind and will of the spirit, and advocates his cause. The Spirit makes intercession to God, in sublime and affecting cries, which cannot be expressed in  language.

Sublime and affecting cries, which cannot be expressed in any articulate language outside the Spirit of God.

We do not know what we ought to pray for.  What shall we say before the our Heavenly Father? With what feelings, with what language, with what arguments shall we unburden our hearts, unveil our sorrows, confess our sins, and make known our requests? How shall we overcome the remembrance of past stumblings,  the convictions of present guilt, the pressure of deep need, and the overwhelming sense of the Divine Majesty? Regularly, all believers feel these uncertainties within themselves -- we can sense that our need is great; but we often do not know quite where to begin, or even how best to approach Him . . . sometimes it almost seems that our prayers are beset in an atmosphere of uncertainty, confusion, and distraction:

    Guilt troubles our conscience;
    doubt vexes our spirits;
    a sense of ignorance invades our soul;
    a crowd of foolish wanderings and evil imaginations distract our thoughts;
    and in the midst of all this -- satan hurls his fiery darts, with their accusations of infidelity, fast and furious in his attempt to raise a cloud of doubt over the Mercy Seat;
    so that amid all this throng and confusion, our thoughts become muddled and our words seem as idle breath, or the imagined fruit of our own impotence.

In this scene of confusion and distraction, when all seems going to the wreck — the Spirit comes, as it were, to the aid of the saint, to teach him how to pray and even what to pray for. He even writes the prayer, so to speak. Do not think that that spiritual petition, which breathed from your lips and rose as an incense-cloud before the mercy-seat, was other than the composition of the Holy Spirit. He inspired that prayer, He created those desires, and He awoke those groanings. The form of your petition may have been ungraceful, your language simple, your sentences broken, yet there was an eloquence and a power in that prayer which reached the heart and moved the arm of God. And whose eloquence and whose power was it? It was the power of God's Holy Spirit – only of His interceding Spirit. He teaches us what to pray for. Many and urgent as our needs are, we only accurately know them as the Spirit makes them known to us. But the Spirit reveals our deepest needs, convinces us of our emptiness, our poverty, and of our longings for God, and teaches us what blessings to ask, what evils to stand against, and what mercies we need to implore.

He puts us at ease with our infirmity in prayer, by showing to our soul the loving character of God. Sealing within our hearts a sense of our Divine adoption, He emboldens us to approach God with the love of a son and with a child-like confidence. He leads us to God as our Father while pleading the shed blood of Yeshua before the Throne to prevent satan's spirits of confusion and confrontation from invading in these times of communion with the Living God. He is always here within us, my friends, to comfort, to intercede, to instruct, and to strengthen. As we seek the Throne in prayer; He gives sight to our spirits, that we may see that blood on the Mercy Seat, and know that He hears us.

When the soul is led by His Spirit in prayer, my beloved,  its petitions are a spiritual sacrifice, pleasing in the eyes of our Lord, and its cries enter the very ears of Heaven; as it written:

And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.


Lord, all my desire is before You. My groaning is not hidden from You.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Morning Glorious!

"Let this be your daily prayer, my beloved, Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

It is good that a lamb be examined regularly by his Shepherd -- amen."

I have begun a new series of morning devotionals called
Morning Glorious! at my newest podcast site.

The initial podcast is now up @ 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Voice Of My Weeping

"The Lord has heard the voice of my weeping." Psalm 6:8

How often has prayer found me grieving; weeping almost in despair; but left me triumphant in His hope and assurance.

Tears have a voice, and God has an ear to our groanings, our sighs, and our wimpers, just as upon our prayers.
The burdened tears of His lambs are divine ambassadors, which never return from the throne of Heaven without answers of grace. Peter
said nothing, but went out and wept bitterly — and obtained mercy. These bitter tears are an unarticulateable utterance of the soul, prompted by the Holy Spirit;
that will prevail for His mercy.

There is a voice in weeping; it does speak, it utters its meaning in that universal tongue which is known and understood in all the earth, and even in heaven above. When a man weeps, it is the inexpressible eloquence of his sorrow, needing no interpreter, but understood of all -- our tears are understood even when words fail us.

Our prayerful weeping is a witness of our spiritual life; these deep groans and sighs are a constant flow of importunate intercession;  they are the pantings of His holiness, implanted deep within our hearts, hungering and thirsting after righteousness. They are also the outward expression to God of the grief within our own soul, for we suffer when we are tempted, or anytime His holiness within us feels contact with evil.

The spiritual sighs and groanings of the believer are interpreted by God as the prayers of a broken and a contrite heart -- our sobbings of the soul are of great price in His sight, and bring Him praise and honor, as the smell of sweet sacrifice. The believer's moans resonate throughout heaven: as His Word proclaims, "the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping,"  "and my groaning is not hid from Thee".

Our tears speak to Him of godly sorrow, our moans as the breathings of a contrite spirit. God hears the cry of our soul, the voice of our tears sometimes better than the voice of our words; for it is the Spirit itself that makes intercession for us within these groans, and  in these tears, which we cannot utter -- these devout, and simple tears, which cannot speak of their own, speak loud in the ears of God, my friends. These flowing overtures of repentance, pouring out of the sorrow of the heart and the groaning of the spirit, open the very doors of our soul to our Risen Lord, the Living God, that He may enter into His temple, setting the captive free. "From heaven does the Lord behold the earth: to hear the groaning of the prisoner." (J C Philpot)

I will leave you with the testimony of His Word:

"The Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer."

"Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee"

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities"

"I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears."

"For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

"They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble"

"A lamb's face never shines so beautiful, as when it is bedewed with penitential tears." (Thomas Brooks)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Love, Eternal

I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.  Jeremiah 31:3

I have loved thee: I, who am the great God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; a God of infinite purity and holiness; the Lord that changes not: and His love is like unto Himself: it is sovereign, unchangeable, and eternal.

Hear the testimony of Jude: .... To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and preserved in Christ Jesus ...

God's people have had a vital, living union with Christ, long before
our awakening unto Him in this life -- we have, and have always had an
eternal, immanent union with Him before all worlds were created.
It is by virtue of this eternal union that we come into the world . . .
   at such a time,
   at such a place,
   from such parents,
   and under such circumstances,
as God has appointed.

It is by virtue of this eternal union that the circumstances
of our lives are ordained. By virtue of this eternal union
we are preserved in Christ, even before we are awakened by His Spirit.
The lamb will not pass until God has reawakened that vital
union with Christ within him.

Whatever sickness we may pass through—whatever
injuries we may be exposed to—whatever perils assault
us — perish we will not, we cannot;
until God's purposes in us are executed.

Thus, this eternal union watched over every circumstance
of our birth, watched over our childhood, watched over us until the appointed
time and spot, when the God of all grace, according to
His eternal purpose, quickened our hearts, and awakened us,
renewing this eternal union with the Lord of all life and glory.

You see, my friends, the love of Christ is eternal; it is not a passion of His humanity — but a witness to, and a perfection of His divinity. He has always existed — and He has always loved His people. His people . . .
  have always had a place in His bosom,
  have ever been before His eye, and
  have always been loved by Him.

Hear the words of our Lord from Proverbs:
Pro 8:30  Then I was by Him, as one brought up with Him: and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him;
Pro 8:31  Rejoicing in the habitable part of His earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

He has loved us — ever since He knew us — and He knew us from before all creation. His love has run through the boundless ages of eternity past — and fixed upon those who were His; and having fixed upon us — His love forever maintains its hold.

When He created the earth, spread abroad the Heavens, and gave His decree to the sea — His love was fixed upon His people. Their welfare, in connection with His Father's glory was the object which He sought in all things.

When we consider the dim past; even flowing into the mists of eternity — there is an echo that resounds within all of our hearts: our Savior loved us then; He loved us from all eternity; always, has He loved us; and always will He love us. My friends . . .
  before worlds existed,
  before devils appeared,
  before sin was committed;
we were the delight of His heart.

His love to us is as eternal as His nature — without beginning of days, or end of years; and from His love, as from a mighty river, flows . . .
  all the acts of His power,
  all the displays of His benevolence,
  all the manifestations of His grace, and
  all the provisions of His gospel.

This witness and testimony of His love has been a beacon shining through His Word, and the hearts of His lambs down through the centuries:
We are a chosen generation, my friends, a royal priesthood.

Every believer is a chosen vessel. The body of our Lord had its origin in Jehovah's eternal choice. This eternal choice . . .
  is an exercise of His Divine sovereignty;
  yet, it flows from Divine love;
  for it secures the lamb's salvation and God's eternal glory.

He chose us in Christ before the creation of the world. It was a choice of pure grace and love; but it was also an election unto holiness -- unto His holiness:

We were chosen to be . . .
  redeemed from curse;
  purified from sin;
  separated from the world;
  wedded unto the Lamb; and therefore,
  eternally one with Jehovah.

Being chosen of God -- we choose Him in return.
His choice caused ours; it was not the other way around.

As it says in His Word:

Eph 1:4  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Eph 1:5  Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
Eph 1:6  To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
Eph 1:7  In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

Do you remember, my friends, the days before you were awakened? Always searching for God;
but never quite apprehending -- you had learned the language of Christ, forgiveness, and grace;
but what, in your heart did you truly know of these things?  Nothing, absolutely nothing!

Ignorant of your own ignorance — you thought yourself rich,
and increased with goods, and to have need of
nothing—and you knew not that you were wretched,
miserable, poor, blind, and naked.

Then, in His own time, Almighty God reached into your world
and you were never the same again. In that one instant, you were awakened,
and called out -- in that world altering flash you saw,  at once  . . .
  God and self,
  justice and guilt,
  power and helplessness,
  a holy law and a broken commandment,
  eternity and time,
  the purity of the Creator, and
     the filthiness of the man.

And these things you saw, and you received — not merely as
promises — but as  personal, living realities, encompassing all
of your struggles and all of your joys in time and
in eternity;  as though a new existence had been communicated,
a new dimension had been opened, and a new life was given.

It was as though all your days you had been asleep,
and were now awakened -- as if all
your past life were a dream, and in this dream, you had been:
  hunting butterflies and chasing bubbles;
  picking daisies and playing games building houses of cards --
and the dream was now at an end.

But now awakened by the power of Almighty God, washed in the Blood of the Lamb, and enlivened by the Spirit of Truth;
you travel as one apart, for you are now forever conscious that you have been redeemed and set apart by the Living God.

In this new walk, through this anointing from the Holy One, you see that you can do all things, be all things, and bear all things.

Though. we soon find that we can no longer abide all things -- because we have seen the glory of God and have been filled with His Truth,
we can no longer stomach the lie we see everywhere about us in the world we were once so attached to -- The main characteristic of a child of God is that he is now a
stranger upon earth. One of the first effects of the
grace of God upon our soul was to separate us from
the world, and make us feel ourselves estranged from it.

The world was once our home — the active, busy center
of all our thoughts, desires, and affections. But when His
grace planted His imperishable principles of life into our bosom,
it at once separated us from the world in heart and spirit; life, and walk.
We are strangers by the power of divine grace making
this world a wilderness to us.

This may seem a strange path in which to return to eternity; but this is only because of our limited perspective, the wilderness journey is part of His plan;
as it says in His Word:  Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her.

When you are in the wilderness, you have no friend — no creature help — no worldly comfort — these have all abandoned you. God has led you into the wilderness to  separate you from these earthly ties of creature refuges and vain hopes, that He may Himself become your help, your friend, your comfort; and speak His Words of life, and love to your soul.

If, then, you are separated from the world by being brought into the wilderness — if you are passing through trials and afflictions — if you are exercised with a variety of temptations — and are brought into that spot where the creature yields — it is because then, and only then, are you made to see, feel, and understand that nothing but God living and breathing with power deep within your soul can give you any solid grounds of rest or peace. It may be painful — it is painful — but it is profitable, because by it we learn to look to the Lord and the Lord alone — and this must ever be the lesson to learn for every child of God.

Hear the words of Peter, my friends, ... you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people ...

The Son of God gave Himself to purify unto the Father a peculiar people — a people whose thoughts are peculiar, for their thoughts are the thoughts of God — a people whose affections are peculiar, for they are fixed on things above — a people whose prayers are peculiar, for they are wrought in their heart by the Spirit of grace and supplication — a people whose sorrows are peculiar, because they spring from a spiritual renewal — a people whose joys are peculiar, for they are joys of a soul at peace with God — a people whose hopes are peculiar, as anchored within the veil — a people whose expectations are peculiar, as witnessed in His Word:

Psa 107:2  Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
Psa 107:3  And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.
Psa 107:4  They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.
Psa 107:5  Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.
Psa 107:6  Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
Psa 107:7  And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.

And the only city of habitation, our only place of refuge, is the City of God, from which we departed for our sojourn here according to His will; and our only path of return, my friends, runs through the Blood, the resurrection, and the renewal in the wilderness.

We confess to be strangers and pilgrims here on earth. The people of God are expected to be different from the world. We profess to be of another Spirit, and to be the sons of God.  We look for a new heaven and a new earth,  for that coming of His Holy City, wherein alone dwells Righteousness.

His Spirit encourages us to be watchful, prayerful, diligent, holy, patient, thankful, and expectant .......
and to set little value on the things of time and space, for our hearts and our eyes should be fixed on the things which are eternal.

For we, ourselves, if we be lambs of the Living God, are of these things which are eternal.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Morning Dew

The Word of God often compares His people to the life giving dew. Like the dew, God's people nourish His creation humbly; silently; and almost without perception or appreciation. As the dews of heaven, His lambs choose, as their time of refreshment, a  darkened world where all men are sleeping, and few can see their silent, life giving work. They cover the leaves with clusters of pearls. They impart into the bosoms of the flowers, and leaves new cupfuls of sweet life. They pour themselves down among the roots of the grasses and tender herbs and plants, losing themselves altogether, and yet they are not lost. For in the morning there is fresh life everywhere, and new beauty. The fields are greener, the gardens are more fragrant, and all nature is clothed in His fresh luxuriance.

Here, my friends, is our blueprint, our heavenly paradigm for service in His Kingdom; that we should be willing to lose ourselves in the self-forgetful love of His calling and service;  as the dew loses itself in the bosom of the rose — caring only that other lives shall be sweeter, happier, and holier — and not that honor shall come to us. We are too anxious, many of us, that our names shall be written in large letters on the things we do, even on what we do for our Master; and are not willing to sink ourselves out of sight — and let Him alone have the praise.

Our Lord's teaching on the subject is very plain. He says: "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full." That is, they have that which they seek — the applause of men.

This is an insightful test, both to God and to us, of our relationship with Him. Are we willing to be as the dew — to steal abroad in the darkness, carrying blessings to men's doors, blessings that shall enrich the lives of others and do them good — and then steal away again before those we have helped or blessed awaken, to know what hand it was that brought the gift? Are we willing to work for others . . .without gratitude ... without recognition ... without human praise ... without requital?

Are we content to have our lives poured out like the dew — to bless the world and make it more fruitful — and yet remain hidden away ourselves? Is it enough for us to see the fruits of our toil and sacrifice — in others' spiritual growth, and deeper happiness; yet never hear our names spoken in praise or honor — perhaps even hearing others praised for things we have done?

Hear what the Word has to say, my friends:
Psa 110:3  Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.
Psa 110:4  The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Lambs are not only marked by a glad obedience to our risen Lord, but that obedience rests upon the service of sacrifice. The word here rendered ‘willing’ is translated throughout  the Old Testament as freewill offerings. As priests after the order of Melchizedek, adorned in the beauties of His righteousness, birthed into this fallen world from the womb of Heaven itself, the sacrifice we have come to offer, is ourselves. It is this obedience, this willing, silent sacrifice that God accounts as the morning dews, bringing life and refreshment to His creation; and wafting a sweet smell of incense throughout the corridors of Heaven.