
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Psalm 34:18

Those who are pressed and bore down with afflictions,
By the sorrow of soul under which their spirits are crushed,
With a sense of sin and sorrow - smitten by their own heart,
Leaving them wounded and abased.
Unto these, the Lord is nigh in a deliberate manner:
He comes and manifests Himself in graciousness,
Pouring in the oil and wine of His love,
To bind and sooth the bleeding heart;
Healing the bruise and restoring the breach.
As they are truly humbled by the burden of sin;
Melted down in open, honest repentance:
Poor and mean in their own eyes, and
Oppressed by the love and grace of God.
He will save with an everlasting salvation,
For the Lord does not despise the sacrifice
Of a broken and contrite spirit.

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