
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Podcast 14: Worship Is Life

Podcast 14: Worship Is Life is now up at


Anonymous said...

Charles, you are such a DEAR brother in Christ! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you, your podcasts and anointed words that flow in in Spirit. It was WONDERFUL to hear your podcast this evening on worship! One of my favorite subjects of course. I love you my precious brother!

Linda @->--

Mike and Netty said...

Hi Charles, This is the first audio that I have heard from you and it touched me deeply. My husband and I have been walking through the fire for the past three years. Brother Tozer and others have been instrumental in ministering into us through their writings on "worship" and "sanctification". This message on worship really touched me deeply. Through it all we have learned to commune with Abba no matter where we are, or how we feel. As Tozer once said something to the nature of; "Show me a mans thoughts when he is free to think about what he wants and I'll tell you where he's headed." We have learned, and continue to grow in the fact that our thoughts are indeed prayers/worship unto Abba.