
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Combat Bunkies

As I know is true of the rest of you; I too have felt a great increase of demonic activity as we approach the return of our Lord. A spirit of lethargy and ennui has ensnared our world as a hunter nets a bird; and we seem only spectators of this headlong plunge into darkness. But we must take heart in the knowledge that He is in control, and that all is as it should be. We are children of the Light, living in a world of darkness we cannot comprehend; our task is to witness of the Light; and to fight the ever expanding darkness in the power and presence of His redeeming blood. To this end, I am thrilled in the spirit that we are about to create a prayer room for spiritual warfare and the battles we know are to come. The chats over the past year, and our constant contact here at CrazyLamb have refined, united, and honed us to a fine edge in His Spirit; well able to stand against the evil ones. We have learned to draw strength from each other, and return it through prayer again unto each other, as is proper within the Body of our Lord. As we begin, God has put it on my heart to repost 2 early writings that may have been to early to have been posted here: one on the powers of prayer; and one on the realities of transformation; so I include them now:

On Prayer

Wisdom enjoins:
As breath is to life,
Prayer is to grace.
Pouring out the soul
To the Father of Lights
In unutterable spasms.
As a freewill offering:
Solemnly; Eternally devoted to Him,
Binding one to another.

Uniting as one,
A hidden Fire
Trembles in the breast.
The burden of a sigh,
The falling of a tear,
When none but God is near.
He delights in infant lips
Entering Heaven on supplication,
Accessing Majesty on High.

Angels in their songs rejoice;
We pray ....... I pray;
Saints unite in prayer.
A source; and an end,
In word, deed, and mind;
We supplicate ....... we receive.
Love to pray ....... pray to love;
We beseech thee Lord,
Teach us to pray.


The cry rings out --- Peace. Peace.
Behold;....... for peace,
I had great bitterness:
Blood on the hands;
Gall on the tongue;
Unforgiveness in the heart.
For the way of peace;
I did not Know .......
Could not know.

Mischief came upon mischief;
Suddenly, in the thick of shadows:
A light ....... Overwhelming Light!
I was without strength -- speechless.
Hubris; perfidy exposed ....... slain.
Inchoation ....... efflorescense ....... metempsychosis:
Promise pierced my soul.
A fresh mind; a pure heart; a new life;
Suddenly Awake!  ....... Astounded!

The Spirit is Life...and Peace,
Flowing from Him; through the Body;
Unto the world ....... Unrecognized;
Unrequited .......It must be so;
"For the fruit of righteousness
Is sown in the peace of them that make peace.
And He who formed the Light
And created the darkness.
Will keep that soul in peace.

A final word; I am proud and pleased to have all of my CrazyLamb family as combat bunkies.


1 comment:

Mike and Netty said...

Hi Charles, I was blessed to see the new prayer thread that has started and was deeply touched by your prayer. Hearts are waxing cold, and the enemy is, as one described it recently "as animated as the convict being dragged to the electric chair". He knows his time is about up, and he is putting up a fight, but glory to God the victory is His and consequently ours as we remain hid in Christ!