
Sunday, July 11, 2010

This Man

"But this Man.
Because He continueth ever,
Hath an unchangeable priesthood."
Aaron died on Mount Hor,
And all of his successors,
In mystic procession, followed Him.
Ancient burial grounds,
Are closely packed,
With priests, elders, and teachers;
And the ashes of uncounted shepherds
Are mingled amongst their flocks:
Occupants pass; the office remains.
Yet the Annointed One
Is ever the same:
He does not falter;
Neither does He fail.
Though the world of men
Neither knows nor heeds Him,
His heart is yet undimmed.
Though the age be black with tempest,
And run red with blood;
Still, does His love and mercy
Continually flow and bubble over,
As the thermal towers,
Strung out along the ocean floor;
Which heat cannot scorch,
Nor stinging cold freeze;
Neither can they run dry;
Because they draw their life,
From everlasting sources.

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