
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Podcast 13 Show Notes

Be Still and Know That I Am God

1 – Greeting

2 – Explain absence: Work, traffic, holidays, schedule

3 – Opening Reading ------- Still and Silently

4 – There are times and places in life where we need to speak-up and take action

a – In our lives as citizens fighting the encroaching evil and
corruption that we see everywhere in both public and
private life

b – As lambs – believers – while involved in God's work
according to the task or call He has lain on each of us

c – At prayer, through petition, praise, and standing against
the enemy in spiritual warfare

5 – There are other times, when it is just as important to be still,
and silently reflect, and prayerfully meditate on Almighty God,
and on His presence in our lives

a – We are encouraged, even commanded repeatedly in His
Word to take time to consider God, and to quietly ponder
His ways; that we may come to know Him intimately, and have life – for knowing God intimately, from within,
absolutely requires spending time regularly with Him, in
abject silent surrender and an eager expectant quietude

b – Just a few Scriptures – all from only the Book of Psalms -
will demonstrate the point - & can be found throughout

His Word

1 – Commune with your own heart upon your bed,
and be still (Psa. 4)

2 – When I remember Thee upon my bed, and meditate
on Thee in the night watches (Psa. 63)

3 – I will meditate also on all Thy works (Psa. 77)

4 – And lastly, from Psalm 46:10 -
“Be Still, and Know that I am God”

6 – Second reading: Spiritual Serenity

7 – I don't know any details of your prayer lives; but I do know that
in some of the best – most comforting & productive times of
prayer & communion with God that I have ever experienced -
I never uttered a word past Oh God – as I collapsed, silent
& prostrate before the Throne

a - Closing my ears to the distractions – no matter how sweet
the music

b – Not berating the world for all its ills; and its treatment of me

c - Not crying for the desires of the heart

d – Simply waiting expectantly & resting profoundly in His
warm & loving presence – to learn of Him

8 – His Word glides gently across my spirit – commanding obedience:
Be Still And Know That I Am God
& as I wait quietly – yet eagerly & expectantly – He stills the will

& the heart with His presence that my spirit may bask in &
drink in the wonder & majesty of God – who He is – what He
has done - & His desires for my life

9 – Oh my friends – can you not see – it is here, in our quiet solitude
with God that our focus on Him is restored & renewed - & the next step in our walk, & our work in Him is laid out before us, &
within us

a – This is absolutely critical; for the focus of the believer -
all lambs of God – must be directly on Him, & being in His
presence – Doing with God; not simply for God

b – We must be a “Mary” who put all else aside to sit quietly
at the feet of our Lord

c – Rather than a “Martha” who was constantly running to and
fro to do everything just right for Him – at the expense of
the very relationship she claims to cherish

d – Lambs REQUIRE, & thoroughly enjoy basking quietly in
the warmth of God's love, & they delight in His presence

e – Though it is true that all lambs have their tasks and calling
in service to our Lord, as He individually calls us & it is also
that we are diligent in all our efforts – our first work, always,
is the work of adoring, praising, worshiping, and knowing
Almighty God

1 – We must first see all of life as an opportunity for
developing deeper communion with God – our risen

2 – We must continue always to grow in His intimacy &

in His knowledge – for it is life – as He is life – both
within Himself, & within us

3 – And we must all come to understand that this stillness
before the Living God is not something that can be -
or should be – rushed into, or hurried out of – we must
devote ourselves to it, if we would benefit from &
rest in it

10 – Third reading: Soaking Prayer

11 – The Lord is looking for – searching & seeking for – deep,
fulfilling, intimate relationships with all believers

a – But His children are – all too often – caught-up & diverted
into the rat-race of doing – sometimes to the exclusion of
knowing Him who called us to do!

b - His purpose for each of us includes giving us everything
we need for the walk He has called us to

1 - But our GREATEST NEED is simply HIM!

2 - Just being in Him -- quietly & thoroughly in Him;
that He be thoroughly in us

3 - As the evangelist once said -- our end is simple; all
we have to do is show-up & shut-up - our Father will
do all the rest - He will do all the heavy lifting

4 - He will fill your heart & spirit with strength, love,
awe, & amazement - this is His promise & the testimony
of all who have gone before us

5 - We must practice the patience of the Spirit here,
however, - God's timetable & ours are quite probably
two different animals entirely - He is in no rush - & we
usually are

12 - My friends, I cannot over-stress the message here:

a - Silent solitude with God is an absolute necessity

b - Without it; intimacy with God simply will not happen

c - As our spirits become saturated in the fullness of the Living
God - as we quietly gaze upon the Lord's glory with unveiled
faces - we are ourselves transformed from glory to glory
into His image & we become truly reborn into His Spirit in
reality & experience, as well as name - even while we are yet
encombered within this humble, broken body

13 - The cares, anxieties, & stresses of life are lifted from us as we
enter into a lifestyle of regular silent soaking prayer with Yahweh

a - Our hearts & lives are restless & whiplashed - & our spirits
atrophy & die within us unless they rest in Him

b - True peace - any kind of meaningful peace - without Him,
is unknowable

c - All our work - all work for that matter - for His Kingdom,
is a lie & a fraud if we do not take the time to know Him
who has sent us
d - Wolves, harlots, and hirelings live on & perennate on only
the tasks at hand, for they serve a different master - lambs live
only through union with the Living Shepherd

14 - To all believers & lambs that hear my voice, understand the
message He has laid on my heart tonight - your life & your
healing is in this quiet submission at the Master's feet - your
abundance & every need - the answers to life's questions - are
to be found in solitude with the Lord - all that we long for is to be
found here in the stillness of our own hearts before God - it's as
near as your next breath & you don't have to sweat & strive for it:

15 - Simply: ------- Be Still and Know That He Is God!!

16 - Prayer

17 - Music:

a - As always, I would like to thank Zeph & Trish Daniel for
the use of their music -- we opened with Divisions; & we
will close with The Prayer

1 - Zeph & Trish's music can be found at (repeat)

2 - Also, Zeph has recently unified all of his websites into
one at -- all of his music, video, and spoken
messages can be (or soon will be) found there - the web
address is:
I urge you to give the site a visit

b - As a special treat this week, I am pleased to present the
musical talent & witness of a dear friend; Linda Rose,
also known on the internet as Spiritsong. She has a gorgeous
voice & an almost hypnotic way on her 12 string guitar.
I hope you enjoy her as much as I do. Tonight we will hear:
Come Away, Run Away

1 - Linda's music can be found at: (repeat)

2 - She also has a compelling blogsite at;
Please give these site a thorough look when you get the
opportunity - you will be glad you did-- I guarantee it!

18 - Close`

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