My deepest wishes for a Happy New Year for all!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Soaking Prayer
God's presence,
Is a radiating Fire -
- A Divine Energy -
That all believers
Are meant to absorb;
As the desert sands,
Soak up the rain
Of a spring thunderstorm:
This silent, prayerful,
Soaking of the soul,
Invites the love
Of our Heavenly Father,
To seep ever so deeply,
Into the inner core
Of our being;
To bring His healing;
And our renewal.
Is a radiating Fire -
- A Divine Energy -
That all believers
Are meant to absorb;
As the desert sands,
Soak up the rain
Of a spring thunderstorm:
This silent, prayerful,
Soaking of the soul,
Invites the love
Of our Heavenly Father,
To seep ever so deeply,
Into the inner core
Of our being;
To bring His healing;
And our renewal.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Spiritual Serenity
Spiritual serenity;
This spiritual calm,
That God commands;
Does not come
From lack of troubles;
It builds from a steady,
deep and quiet reflection
On the ways and works,
Of a powerful, loving God,
On behalf of His people.
This spiritual calm,
That God commands;
Does not come
From lack of troubles;
It builds from a steady,
deep and quiet reflection
On the ways and works,
Of a powerful, loving God,
On behalf of His people.
A man's will,
Should be an echo,
Not a voice;
The echo of God,
Not the voice of self:
He should remain quiet,
As the sweet strings
Of the lyre,
Who rest silently;
Until stroked,
By the Master's touch.
Should be an echo,
Not a voice;
The echo of God,
Not the voice of self:
He should remain quiet,
As the sweet strings
Of the lyre,
Who rest silently;
Until stroked,
By the Master's touch.
Still and Silently
Life's agitation and commotion,
Tends always to exhaustion,
As a pendulum tends to rest:
The sweet voices of pleading affections,
The loud cry of desires and instincts,
That roar for their food,
Like beasts of prey;
All our passions and flames,
Burn to their extinction;
They perish, while they yet glow.
Oh my friends, if we would know
The joy and peace of God;
Then as the lamb quietly persues,
The shepherd's loving carress;
We too must present our hearts,
Still, and sliently before Him;
Whose voice commands,
Whose love warms and comforts,
And whose Truth,
Makes all life fair.
Tends always to exhaustion,
As a pendulum tends to rest:
The sweet voices of pleading affections,
The loud cry of desires and instincts,
That roar for their food,
Like beasts of prey;
All our passions and flames,
Burn to their extinction;
They perish, while they yet glow.
Oh my friends, if we would know
The joy and peace of God;
Then as the lamb quietly persues,
The shepherd's loving carress;
We too must present our hearts,
Still, and sliently before Him;
Whose voice commands,
Whose love warms and comforts,
And whose Truth,
Makes all life fair.
My Apologies
My apologize for the recent inactivity on my blogsite, but this is a very busy season for me on the road; up and out before 7am, and not home 'till 10 or 11 pm or so. Things should return to more normal now that the holiday season is about over.
Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your patience.
Monday, December 27, 2010
His Throne Of Glory
His Throne of Glory,
Is high, and lifted up,
Even from the beginning;
Yet His reigning glory,
Is also His redeeming grace:
For the cloud of Shekinah,
The Glory of the Lord;
Shines still above the mercy seat,
Where spreads the blood of the Lamb,
By which all sin is wiped away.
Is high, and lifted up,
Even from the beginning;
Yet His reigning glory,
Is also His redeeming grace:
For the cloud of Shekinah,
The Glory of the Lord;
Shines still above the mercy seat,
Where spreads the blood of the Lamb,
By which all sin is wiped away.
Friday, December 24, 2010
In the process of time,
Did it come to pass:
Unto us a child was born,
Unto us a Son was given;
In Him was Life; and the Life,
Was a Light unto men;
That all men, through Him,
Might believe in the Light;
For His Light is life,
Unto all who believe.
And they called His name:
Merry Christmas to all !!!
Did it come to pass:
Unto us a child was born,
Unto us a Son was given;
In Him was Life; and the Life,
Was a Light unto men;
That all men, through Him,
Might believe in the Light;
For His Light is life,
Unto all who believe.
And they called His name:
Merry Christmas to all !!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Longing
There is a longing,
Imperfect in this life;
Yet fully supplied,
According to the measure
Of its intensity:
As I stand, wearily,
Yonder in the wilderness;
Far from the holy soil,
Of my native land;
My long, and wistful gaze,
Yearns across the narrow valley,
Seeking the Rushing Waters,
That flow freely therein:
Oh my soul thirsteth
For Almighty God;
Yea, for the Living God.
Imperfect in this life;
Yet fully supplied,
According to the measure
Of its intensity:
As I stand, wearily,
Yonder in the wilderness;
Far from the holy soil,
Of my native land;
My long, and wistful gaze,
Yearns across the narrow valley,
Seeking the Rushing Waters,
That flow freely therein:
Oh my soul thirsteth
For Almighty God;
Yea, for the Living God.
Thoughts on the Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount judges us all, for it shows
us our evil fruits by which the evil tree is recognized.
The good fruit of the deed and the new love for all
that flows from the heart is what marks the new life
spoken of in the Sermon on the Mount. Where these
words of Jesus become life and action, there is God’s
firm build ing, which cannot be overthrown even in
the final catastrophe. Where his words do not become
action, the only thing that can be expected is a heap of
rubble – which is what human deeds truly are.
Eberhard Arnold
us our evil fruits by which the evil tree is recognized.
The good fruit of the deed and the new love for all
that flows from the heart is what marks the new life
spoken of in the Sermon on the Mount. Where these
words of Jesus become life and action, there is God’s
firm build ing, which cannot be overthrown even in
the final catastrophe. Where his words do not become
action, the only thing that can be expected is a heap of
rubble – which is what human deeds truly are.
Eberhard Arnold
Sunday, December 19, 2010
In Majesty and In Power
Thine, Oh Lord, is the greatness,
And the power, and the glory,
And the victory, and the majesty:
For all that is in heaven,
And in the earth; is Thine
Thine is the Kingdom, Oh Lord;
And Thou art exalted,
As Head above all.
The Lord reigneth,
He is clothed with majesty;
The Lord is clothed with strength,
Wherewith He hath girded Himself:
Honor and majesty are before Him;
Strength and beauty are in His Sanctuary.
Enter into the rock,
And hide thee in the dust,
For the fear of the Lord,
And for the glory of His majesty!
And the power, and the glory,
And the victory, and the majesty:
For all that is in heaven,
And in the earth; is Thine
Thine is the Kingdom, Oh Lord;
And Thou art exalted,
As Head above all.
The Lord reigneth,
He is clothed with majesty;
The Lord is clothed with strength,
Wherewith He hath girded Himself:
Honor and majesty are before Him;
Strength and beauty are in His Sanctuary.
Enter into the rock,
And hide thee in the dust,
For the fear of the Lord,
And for the glory of His majesty!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
From the Pen of A Z Tozer
The man who comes to a right belief about God is relieved of ten thousand temporal problems, for he sees at once that these have to do with matters which at the most cannot concern him for very long; but even if the multiple burdens of time may be lifted from him, the one mighty single burden of eternity begins to press down upon him with a weight more crushing than all the woes of the world piled one upon another. That mighty burden is his obligation to God. It includes an instant and lifelong duty to love God with every power of mind and soul, to obey Him perfectly, and to worship Him acceptably. And when the man’s laboring conscience tells him that he has done none of these things, but has from childhood been guilty of foul revolt against the Majesty in the heavens, the inner pressure of self-accusation may become too heavy to bear.
The gospel can lift this destroying burden from the mind, give beauty for ashes, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. But unless the weight of the burden is felt the gospel can mean nothing to the man; and until he sees a vision of God high and lifted up, there will be no woe and no burden. Low views of God destroy the gospel for all who hold them.
The gospel can lift this destroying burden from the mind, give beauty for ashes, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. But unless the weight of the burden is felt the gospel can mean nothing to the man; and until he sees a vision of God high and lifted up, there will be no woe and no burden. Low views of God destroy the gospel for all who hold them.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Vallet Of Weeping
In the valley of weeping,
There be many a dark and desert place;
And many an hour of sadness,
With all its sorrows and pains;
Yet, will He make thy tears,
Into a well of His refreshment;
Lifting the mists and clouds,
That so encumber thy hope:
Restoring the joy of thy salvation;
And delivering thy soul in peace,
From the battle that was against thee.
There be many a dark and desert place;
And many an hour of sadness,
With all its sorrows and pains;
Yet, will He make thy tears,
Into a well of His refreshment;
Lifting the mists and clouds,
That so encumber thy hope:
Restoring the joy of thy salvation;
And delivering thy soul in peace,
From the battle that was against thee.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My Response To The Music
This evening I was listening to Zeph's latest music: "Zeph Verses the Fallen Angel"
and "Don't Come Around Here No More", while I was Reading Linda's Spiritsong blogpage;
and there was something in the music and the spirit of her writing that set me off in thought;
and here is my response, though I couldn't come up with any title--so I just labeled it
as my response to the music:
Majestic spiritual music,
Is a sonic reflection,
Of the Light of God;
Seen through brightened eyes,
And believing hearts:
It is as if the harps,
Which had hung so silent,
Upon the willows
Of the rivers of Babylon,
Had awakened at last;
To their ancient, holy melodies,
Climbing higher and higher,
In their call to praise Him.
"Let everything that hath breathe,
Praise the Lord:
Praise ye the Lord!"
and "Don't Come Around Here No More", while I was Reading Linda's Spiritsong blogpage;
and there was something in the music and the spirit of her writing that set me off in thought;
and here is my response, though I couldn't come up with any title--so I just labeled it
as my response to the music:
Majestic spiritual music,
Is a sonic reflection,
Of the Light of God;
Seen through brightened eyes,
And believing hearts:
It is as if the harps,
Which had hung so silent,
Upon the willows
Of the rivers of Babylon,
Had awakened at last;
To their ancient, holy melodies,
Climbing higher and higher,
In their call to praise Him.
"Let everything that hath breathe,
Praise the Lord:
Praise ye the Lord!"
Monday, December 13, 2010
Where The Spirit Falls
Where the Spirit falls,
He displaces the old man,
With something altogether new:
For He invades the life,
As morning sunlight
Permeates the air;
Driving out the old,
As light drives away darkness,
From the early sky.
He displaces the old man,
With something altogether new:
For He invades the life,
As morning sunlight
Permeates the air;
Driving out the old,
As light drives away darkness,
From the early sky.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Podcast 12 Now Up
Podcast 12 - Isaiah 41:10 -- The God Who Is There !!
is now up at:
is now up at:
Podcast 12 Notes
Personal Testimony of the importance of Isaiah 41:10 in my life.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I
am thy God. I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I
will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
This verse is a personal treasure to me. It is powerful! It
brings great reassurance. It is nothing short of a full testimony to the reality and the absolute personal presence of Almighty God. I know! Because through this verse and His strong hand; my life, and spiritual walk were irrevocably altered. I want to share it with you if you haven't already discovered it:
Isa 41:10 Fear thou not, for I am with thee,.... This is both a command and a promise: a command to trust in Him and not fear any but Almighty God himself; and an absolute promise of His continuing presence with us and in us; not merely by His essence or power, which is every where; nor only by His providence supporting, preserving, observing, ordering, and overruling all things; but in a way of special grace, to guard and protect his people, support and supply us, comfort and strengthen our hearts; wherefore we need not fear any enemies, nor whatsoever we may be called to suffer for His name's sake, even though we may have to pass through fire and water, and the valley of the shadow of death; He will be there, with us. For He knows How much more prone to fear and discouragement we are when we are alone. But we are never alone, because God has declared, fear not, for I am with you
be not dismayed, I am thy God; always, according to Scripture, through Yeshua, the living Son of Almighty God, in a covenanted way, as demonstrated by the effectual calling of each of us, individually; and that therefore, we should depend on His love, be sure of His power, expect all needful supplies, and be carried through every service and trial we are called unto; and that we need fear no enemies, or be dismayed at anything that should befall us; neither should we become weak as water, and our hearts melt like wax within us, as the Jewish commentators generally interpret the word (n). The Targum is, "be not broken;'' in spirit. The word signifies to look about, as persons in distress, and alarm, or amazement: or better known to us as deer in the headlights syndrome – being paralyzed by fear and distress. He is calling to you, Be not dismayed, for I am your God: “Remember Me? The God of all power and glory? I’m that one. I am your God.”
I will strengthen thee; with strength in the body, spirit, and soul, to perform duties, exercise grace, withstand corruptions, resist temptations, bear afflictions, suffer persecutions, and to to perform whatever task the Lord has requested, according to the will of God; and if God is the strength of His people, they need not be afraid of any persons or things, Hear the marvelous words of David in the Book of Psalms: (Psa_27:1, -- The Lord is my Light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?)
yea, I will help thee; help us through all of our afflictions and temptations, and safely out of the hands of all enemies; help us in the discharge of whatever calling He has lain on our lives – and make no mistake; if you are chosen by God as His; you are also called out by Him for service to the Kingdom – THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS – it is a promise of His help in the exercise of grace, in bearing the cross, in fighting the Lord's battles, and in the journey to another world; help for us to every mercy, temporal and spiritual, to all needful supplies of grace, and at last to glory; His help is ready and sure, and may be expected, even looked for; since He is our help, He is able to help in and by Himself, regardless of circumstance, regardless of any apparent means; for He has promised to help His people, and He is faithful that has promised; He has laid help up on One that is mighty, the Risen Son of God, and set up a flow of grace to come to for help in time of need; and seeing He is our strength and our help , we need not fear what men or devils can do unto us. As Paul wrote in the Book of Hebrews: (Heb_13:5. -- ...for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.)
I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness; by His almighty power, and through His strong right hand, the Son of All Righteousness, the Living Son of God, and the author of all righteousness to his people: this speaks, no, shouts clearly of His sustaining love for us, not merely in a providential way, but in a way of special grace; and of His powerful protection and preservation of His beloved, so as that we shall stand in the grace of God, go on in His ways, as He has determined for each of us, and not fall, but persevere to the end, though our trials and temptations may be great and many.
Now that we have kinda broken the verse down and looked more carefully at it; let's read it in its context one more time to sorta get a new feel for the words and the message they are sending to us:
Isa 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isa 41:11 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.
Isa 41:12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of naught.
Isa 41:13 For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
If we know the Lord at all, it is because He has called us!
But salvation begins with God! We never "come to God" just
because we decide it might be a good idea.
"You have not chosen Me," Jesus said, "But I have chosen you!" (John 15)
Our relationship to God must be clear. "You have not chosen me," God says, "But I have chosen you!"
And if Jesus has called you, He will also see to it that His call
will never be frustrated by any outside force. Times can and will get
hard. People can and will let us down. Things that we don't deserve
will happen to us. But the promise is there: "I have called you-- and
I won't abandon you!"
The idea of being a servant-- even to God Himself-- is not very
high on the totem pole to most people, at least not naturally. In
our society today it is hard to find people who are willing to fill
the so-called "service positions." Everyone wants to be a boss, and no
one wants to be just a foot soldier or a trench warrior.
But this adversity to serving must be abandoned if we are to answer His call; for His call is always a call to service; and His strength and power flow only to those who answer His call and perform His tasks. They have
discovered what they are created for! The angels rejoice in carrying
out the will of God. And God calls us, and leads us out of bondage
into freedom in order that we can have the joy of this privilege the
angels already know.
Look at the counsel and instruction that goes along with this
great promise:
Assurance is personal. It cannot be received second-hand. Oh,
preachers MAY be channels-- but the inner assurance if the witness of
the Holy Spirit Himself!
There is the "I AM with thee!"
Assurance is HERE! It always comes along the pathway of
We need courage and we need perseverance and we need strength
beyond our own. We need help! We need support! It is not an easy
way, this business of following God.
But God has exactly promised to meet our exact needs!
All we have to do here, is believe God; and act, no, live on those beliefs, and all that He has promised will be ours!
Oh my friends, that is my prayer for you tonight; that you may believe these words of our loving God; and that they may work a miracle in your life as they once did in mine --- as the song says, Only Believe.
Read 41:10 Duologue.
Thank Zeph and Trish Daniel for the use of their wonderful music:
Opened with Divisions;
And we will close with: Thanks I Needed That
Remember, Zeph and Trish's music can be found at: (repeat)
They are continually uploading new music there, so check it out and give it a listen, their music is sure to stir you soul and warm up, even fire up your heart – that, I think is its purpose, and Zeph & Trish do it very well.
Also tonight we will hear:
Nephilim Stronghold from Messian Dread.
MD's music can be found at:
This is strong spiritual music with a driving beat; truly outstanding stuff. Thankyou Jetze for all you do with your gifts and in your walk. And thank you for allowing me to use your music.
Thank you all my friends, until the next time, stay strong in the Lord and follow hard after Him who is our strength, our life, and our all.
Goodnight my friends.
Personal Testimony of the importance of Isaiah 41:10 in my life.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I
am thy God. I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I
will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
This verse is a personal treasure to me. It is powerful! It
brings great reassurance. It is nothing short of a full testimony to the reality and the absolute personal presence of Almighty God. I know! Because through this verse and His strong hand; my life, and spiritual walk were irrevocably altered. I want to share it with you if you haven't already discovered it:
Isa 41:10 Fear thou not, for I am with thee,.... This is both a command and a promise: a command to trust in Him and not fear any but Almighty God himself; and an absolute promise of His continuing presence with us and in us; not merely by His essence or power, which is every where; nor only by His providence supporting, preserving, observing, ordering, and overruling all things; but in a way of special grace, to guard and protect his people, support and supply us, comfort and strengthen our hearts; wherefore we need not fear any enemies, nor whatsoever we may be called to suffer for His name's sake, even though we may have to pass through fire and water, and the valley of the shadow of death; He will be there, with us. For He knows How much more prone to fear and discouragement we are when we are alone. But we are never alone, because God has declared, fear not, for I am with you
be not dismayed, I am thy God; always, according to Scripture, through Yeshua, the living Son of Almighty God, in a covenanted way, as demonstrated by the effectual calling of each of us, individually; and that therefore, we should depend on His love, be sure of His power, expect all needful supplies, and be carried through every service and trial we are called unto; and that we need fear no enemies, or be dismayed at anything that should befall us; neither should we become weak as water, and our hearts melt like wax within us, as the Jewish commentators generally interpret the word (n). The Targum is, "be not broken;'' in spirit. The word signifies to look about, as persons in distress, and alarm, or amazement: or better known to us as deer in the headlights syndrome – being paralyzed by fear and distress. He is calling to you, Be not dismayed, for I am your God: “Remember Me? The God of all power and glory? I’m that one. I am your God.”
I will strengthen thee; with strength in the body, spirit, and soul, to perform duties, exercise grace, withstand corruptions, resist temptations, bear afflictions, suffer persecutions, and to to perform whatever task the Lord has requested, according to the will of God; and if God is the strength of His people, they need not be afraid of any persons or things, Hear the marvelous words of David in the Book of Psalms: (Psa_27:1, -- The Lord is my Light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?)
yea, I will help thee; help us through all of our afflictions and temptations, and safely out of the hands of all enemies; help us in the discharge of whatever calling He has lain on our lives – and make no mistake; if you are chosen by God as His; you are also called out by Him for service to the Kingdom – THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS – it is a promise of His help in the exercise of grace, in bearing the cross, in fighting the Lord's battles, and in the journey to another world; help for us to every mercy, temporal and spiritual, to all needful supplies of grace, and at last to glory; His help is ready and sure, and may be expected, even looked for; since He is our help, He is able to help in and by Himself, regardless of circumstance, regardless of any apparent means; for He has promised to help His people, and He is faithful that has promised; He has laid help up on One that is mighty, the Risen Son of God, and set up a flow of grace to come to for help in time of need; and seeing He is our strength and our help , we need not fear what men or devils can do unto us. As Paul wrote in the Book of Hebrews: (Heb_13:5. -- ...for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.)
I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness; by His almighty power, and through His strong right hand, the Son of All Righteousness, the Living Son of God, and the author of all righteousness to his people: this speaks, no, shouts clearly of His sustaining love for us, not merely in a providential way, but in a way of special grace; and of His powerful protection and preservation of His beloved, so as that we shall stand in the grace of God, go on in His ways, as He has determined for each of us, and not fall, but persevere to the end, though our trials and temptations may be great and many.
Now that we have kinda broken the verse down and looked more carefully at it; let's read it in its context one more time to sorta get a new feel for the words and the message they are sending to us:
Isa 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isa 41:11 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.
Isa 41:12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of naught.
Isa 41:13 For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
If we know the Lord at all, it is because He has called us!
But salvation begins with God! We never "come to God" just
because we decide it might be a good idea.
"You have not chosen Me," Jesus said, "But I have chosen you!" (John 15)
Our relationship to God must be clear. "You have not chosen me," God says, "But I have chosen you!"
And if Jesus has called you, He will also see to it that His call
will never be frustrated by any outside force. Times can and will get
hard. People can and will let us down. Things that we don't deserve
will happen to us. But the promise is there: "I have called you-- and
I won't abandon you!"
The idea of being a servant-- even to God Himself-- is not very
high on the totem pole to most people, at least not naturally. In
our society today it is hard to find people who are willing to fill
the so-called "service positions." Everyone wants to be a boss, and no
one wants to be just a foot soldier or a trench warrior.
But this adversity to serving must be abandoned if we are to answer His call; for His call is always a call to service; and His strength and power flow only to those who answer His call and perform His tasks. They have
discovered what they are created for! The angels rejoice in carrying
out the will of God. And God calls us, and leads us out of bondage
into freedom in order that we can have the joy of this privilege the
angels already know.
Look at the counsel and instruction that goes along with this
great promise:
Assurance is personal. It cannot be received second-hand. Oh,
preachers MAY be channels-- but the inner assurance if the witness of
the Holy Spirit Himself!
There is the "I AM with thee!"
Assurance is HERE! It always comes along the pathway of
We need courage and we need perseverance and we need strength
beyond our own. We need help! We need support! It is not an easy
way, this business of following God.
But God has exactly promised to meet our exact needs!
All we have to do here, is believe God; and act, no, live on those beliefs, and all that He has promised will be ours!
Oh my friends, that is my prayer for you tonight; that you may believe these words of our loving God; and that they may work a miracle in your life as they once did in mine --- as the song says, Only Believe.
Read 41:10 Duologue.
Thank Zeph and Trish Daniel for the use of their wonderful music:
Opened with Divisions;
And we will close with: Thanks I Needed That
Remember, Zeph and Trish's music can be found at: (repeat)
They are continually uploading new music there, so check it out and give it a listen, their music is sure to stir you soul and warm up, even fire up your heart – that, I think is its purpose, and Zeph & Trish do it very well.
Also tonight we will hear:
Nephilim Stronghold from Messian Dread.
MD's music can be found at:
This is strong spiritual music with a driving beat; truly outstanding stuff. Thankyou Jetze for all you do with your gifts and in your walk. And thank you for allowing me to use your music.
Thank you all my friends, until the next time, stay strong in the Lord and follow hard after Him who is our strength, our life, and our all.
Goodnight my friends.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Meek Shall Eat
The meek shall eat
Of the fullness of God,
And be satisfied;
For the Living Lamb
Will be a Light unto them,
And teach them His ways:
They shall sing songs
Of praise unto the Lord,
Whom they have sought;
And their very heart
Shall live forever,
And delight themselves,
In the abundance
Of His peace.
Of the fullness of God,
And be satisfied;
For the Living Lamb
Will be a Light unto them,
And teach them His ways:
They shall sing songs
Of praise unto the Lord,
Whom they have sought;
And their very heart
Shall live forever,
And delight themselves,
In the abundance
Of His peace.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mercy never began to be;
But from Eternity was;
It will never cease to be:
Forever His mercy flows,
Even to the deepest parts,
Of our desparation and need;
As the balming Oil of Joy;
And the boundless grandure,
Of God's love and compassion:
For all the paths of the Lord,
Are mercy, and truth;
And His mercy,
Shall compass about them
That love and trust in Him.
But from Eternity was;
It will never cease to be:
Forever His mercy flows,
Even to the deepest parts,
Of our desparation and need;
As the balming Oil of Joy;
And the boundless grandure,
Of God's love and compassion:
For all the paths of the Lord,
Are mercy, and truth;
And His mercy,
Shall compass about them
That love and trust in Him.
The Winds of Tribulation
When God crucifies,
The innermost parts
Of the soul;
No creature is able
To comfort it:
Yet it is within,
The winds of tribulation;
That God separates
The wheat,
From the chaff.
The innermost parts
Of the soul;
No creature is able
To comfort it:
Yet it is within,
The winds of tribulation;
That God separates
The wheat,
From the chaff.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
To Know Him
When the soul,
Through travail and prayer;
Becomes awash in tranquility:
The restful, blissful stillness,
That marks the presence
Of our Risen Lord;
It ought then, and there,
Cut off all reasonings,
And rest; quietly rest,
In the presence
Of Almighty God:
To see Him; to know Him;
To rejoice in Him;
And to Love Him.
Through travail and prayer;
Becomes awash in tranquility:
The restful, blissful stillness,
That marks the presence
Of our Risen Lord;
It ought then, and there,
Cut off all reasonings,
And rest; quietly rest,
In the presence
Of Almighty God:
To see Him; to know Him;
To rejoice in Him;
And to Love Him.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested in UK
LONDON (AP) -- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange surrendered to London police Tuesday to face a Swedish arrest warrant, the latest blow to an organization that faces legal, financial and technological challenges after releasing hundreds of secret U.S. diplomatic cables.
Assange was at Westminster Magistrate's Court on Tuesday afternoon, waiting to attend a hearing. His Swedish lawyer told The Associated Press his client would challenge any extradition from Britain to Sweden.
If that is the case, Assange will likely be remanded into U.K. custody or released on bail until another judge rules on whether to extradite him, a spokeswoman for the extradition department said on customary condition of anonymity.
Assange, a 39-year-old Australian, has been accused by two women in Sweden. He faces rape and sexual molestation allegations in one case and sexual molestation and unlawful coercion in the other. Assange denies the allegations.
His British attorney Mark Stephens says the allegations stem from a "dispute over consensual but unprotected sex" last summer.
Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny has rejected claims by Stephens and Assange that the prosecution has political overtones. She planned to comment on the arrest later Tuesday.
Assange's Swedish lawyer Bjorn Hurtig said his client would contest any extradition.
"He will absolutely do that," he told the AP in a telephone interview.
Hurtig said it was difficult to say how long the extradition process in Britain would take - anywhere from a week to two months. He said if Assange was extradited to Sweden, he wouldn't be kept in detention after he's been questioned, "because it's been for the sake of the questioning that he's been detained."
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, visiting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. troops in Afghanistan, was pleased by the arrest.
"That sounds like good news to me," he said.
Beginning in July, WikiLeaks angered the U.S. government by releasing tens of thousands of secret U.S. military documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. That was followed last week by the ongoing release of what WikiLeaks says will eventually be a quarter-million cables from U.S. diplomatic posts around the world. The group provided those documents to five major newspapers, which have been working with WikiLeaks to edit the cables for publication.
In the past week, WikiLeaks has seen its bank accounts canceled and its web sites attacked. The U.S. government has launched a criminal investigation, saying the group has jeopardized U.S. national security and diplomatic efforts around the world.
WikiLeaks has also seen an online army of supporters come to its aid, sending donations, fighting off computer attacks and setting up over 500 mirror sites around the world to make sure that the secret documents are published regardless of what happens to Assange.
A spokesman for WikiLeaks called Assange's arrest an attack on media freedom and said it won't prevent the organization from releasing more secret documents.
"This will not change our operation," Kristinn Hrafnsson told The Associated Press.
But Hrafnsson also said the group had no plans at the moment to release the key to a heavily encrypted version of some of its most important documents - an "insurance" file that has been distributed to supporters in case of an emergency. Hrafnsson said that will only come into play if "grave matters" involving WikiLeaks staff occur - but did not elaborate on what those would be.
The campaign against WikiLeaks began with an effort to jam the website as the cables were being released. U.S. Internet companies, Inc., EveryDNS and PayPal, Inc. then severed their links with WikiLeaks in quick succession, forcing it to jump to new servers and adopt a new primary Web address - - in Switzerland.
Swiss authorities closed Assange's new Swiss bank account Monday, and MasterCard has pulled the plug on payments to WikiLeaks, according to technology news website CNET.
The attacks appeared to have been at least partially successful in stanching the flow of secrets: WikiLeaks has not published any new cables in more than 24 hours, although stories about them have continued to appear in The New York Times and Britain's The Guardian, two of the newspapers given advance access to the cables.
WikiLeaks' Twitter feed, generally packed with updates, appeals and pithy comments, has been silent since Monday night, when the group warned that Assange's arrest was imminent.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
41:10 - Duologue
"Fear thou not;
For I am with thee:"
Behold, God is my salvation;
In Him will I trust, and not be afraid,
"Be not dismayed;
For I am thy God:
I will strengthen thee;
Yea, I will help thee;"
For the Lord Jehovah
Is my strength, and my song;
For The Lord of Hosts is with me;
The God of Jacob is my refuge;
"Yea, I will uphold thee,
With the right hand
Of My righteousness."
He also is become my salvation;
My deliverance, and my help;
My soul does follow hard after Thee,
For Thy right hand upholdeth me.
The essence of His power,
Is a consuming love;
That lifts and empowers the soul,
To cast aside, all fear.
His promise is everlasting,
And sure:
For He is faithful,
Who has promised.
For I am with thee:"
Behold, God is my salvation;
In Him will I trust, and not be afraid,
"Be not dismayed;
For I am thy God:
I will strengthen thee;
Yea, I will help thee;"
For the Lord Jehovah
Is my strength, and my song;
For The Lord of Hosts is with me;
The God of Jacob is my refuge;
"Yea, I will uphold thee,
With the right hand
Of My righteousness."
He also is become my salvation;
My deliverance, and my help;
My soul does follow hard after Thee,
For Thy right hand upholdeth me.
The essence of His power,
Is a consuming love;
That lifts and empowers the soul,
To cast aside, all fear.
His promise is everlasting,
And sure:
For He is faithful,
Who has promised.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
His Wings
When a young man,
I was a left winger;
As I aged,
And matured;
I became right wing;
When the Lord
Grabbed hold of me,
I lodged under
His Wings;
And no longer cared,
About the extremes
Of man.
I was a left winger;
As I aged,
And matured;
I became right wing;
When the Lord
Grabbed hold of me,
I lodged under
His Wings;
And no longer cared,
About the extremes
Of man.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Burning Lustre
It is the burning luster,
Of His manifest holiness;
The echo, and the witness,
To His everlasting glory;
That we see emblazoned
Across the mantle
Of His creation;
For He occupies fully,
Unto the infinite;
As the train of His robe
Filled the Holy place:
To veil what would be clear;
And to make clear,
All that is veiled.
Of His manifest holiness;
The echo, and the witness,
To His everlasting glory;
That we see emblazoned
Across the mantle
Of His creation;
For He occupies fully,
Unto the infinite;
As the train of His robe
Filled the Holy place:
To veil what would be clear;
And to make clear,
All that is veiled.
Lazy Day
As the evening sky
Unfolded before me;
Relaxed; in prayerful thoughts,
On the bank of the Scioto;
Trusty fishing pole at my side;
Was my heart stirred,
In praise and thanksgiving,
To the Father of Lights;
For wisdom, joy, and life,
Are of Him, and in Him.
In this gentle carress,
I am home once more.
Unfolded before me;
Relaxed; in prayerful thoughts,
On the bank of the Scioto;
Trusty fishing pole at my side;
Was my heart stirred,
In praise and thanksgiving,
To the Father of Lights;
For wisdom, joy, and life,
Are of Him, and in Him.
In this gentle carress,
I am home once more.
Monday, November 29, 2010
When men
Come to love
The darkness;
Shunning light;
The coming
Of the Light;
Works only
Come to love
The darkness;
Shunning light;
The coming
Of the Light;
Works only
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Podcast 11: Loneliness
My latest podcast:
is now up at:
I pray it brings comfort to you.
is now up at:
I pray it brings comfort to you.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Loneliness .......
Is an aching void,
In the pit of our soul;
A deep longing,
To love, and be loved;
To be fully known,
And accepted.
It is a hollow,
Haunting cry,
Sweeping through
Our very being:
Chilling our bones,
And causing us
To shiver.
Is an aching void,
In the pit of our soul;
A deep longing,
To love, and be loved;
To be fully known,
And accepted.
It is a hollow,
Haunting cry,
Sweeping through
Our very being:
Chilling our bones,
And causing us
To shiver.
Friday, November 26, 2010
E.M. Bounds on Prayer
"Prayer cannot be retired as a secondary force in this world. To do so is to retire God from the movement. It is to make God secondary. The prayer ministry is an all-engaging force. It must be so, to be a force at all. Prayer is the sense of God’s need and the call for God’s help to supply that need. The estimate and place of prayer is the estimate and place of God. To give prayer the secondary place is to make God secondary in life’s affairs. To substitute other forces for prayer, retires God and materializes the whole movement."
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thy Spirit
Thy Spirit, Oh Lord,
Does speak of wisdom;
And the meditations
Within my heart,
Shall be of understanding;
For it is written:
That through wisdom,
Is a house built;
And by understanding,
Is it established.
Does speak of wisdom;
And the meditations
Within my heart,
Shall be of understanding;
For it is written:
That through wisdom,
Is a house built;
And by understanding,
Is it established.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"It is not that God's help and presence must still be proved in our life; rather God's presence and help have been demonstrated for us in the life of Jesus Christ. It is in fact more important for us to know what God did to Israel, in God's Son Jesus Christ, than to discover what God intends for us today. The fact that Jesus Christ died is more important than the fact that I will die. And the fact that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead is the sole ground of my hope that I, too, will be raised on the day of judgment"
Happy Thanksgiving
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven (Matt. 5:12).
Thanksgiving is not just a day, but a way of life.
Have a wonderful Thanksgivivg everyone.
Thanksgiving is not just a day, but a way of life.
Have a wonderful Thanksgivivg everyone.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Oh Lord
Oh Lord,
Thou has pleaded
The causes of my soul;
Thou has redeemed
All that is my life:
In the day of storms,
Did Thy mighty hand
Stay the roisterous wind;
Behold; Thou has taken,
Out of my hand,
The cup of trembling;
Even the dregs,
Of the vials of Thy fury;
That I shall drink of it,
No more.
Thou has pleaded
The causes of my soul;
Thou has redeemed
All that is my life:
In the day of storms,
Did Thy mighty hand
Stay the roisterous wind;
Behold; Thou has taken,
Out of my hand,
The cup of trembling;
Even the dregs,
Of the vials of Thy fury;
That I shall drink of it,
No more.
Obama Lawyers Defend ‘Kill Lists’
Lawyers for the Barack Obama administration told a federal judge Monday that the U.S. government has authority to kill U.S. citizens whom the executive branch has unilaterally determined pose a threat to national security.
That claim came in federal court in Washington, D.C., in response to a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). The two human rights legal advocacy organizations contend that the administration’s so-called “targeted killing authority” violates the constitution and international law.
“The full contours of the government’s position would allow the executive unreviewable authority to target and kill any U.S. citizen it deems a suspect of terrorism anywhere,” CCR attorney Pardiss Kebriae told IPS.
“As the government would have it, while non-citizens detained at Guantanamo Bay can challenge the deprivation of their liberty by the United States, a U.S. citizen could not challenge an impending deprivation of his life by his own government.”
“The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected the government’s claim to an unchecked system of global detention, and the district court should similarly reject the administration’s claim here to an unchecked system of global targeted killing,” she said.
The ACLU and the CCR were retained by Nasser al-Awlaki to bring a lawsuit in connection with the government’s decision to authorize the targeted killing of his son, Anwar al-Awlaki. The lawsuit asks the court to rule that, “outside the context of armed conflict, the government can carry out the targeted killing of an American citizen only as a last resort to address an imminent threat to life or physical safety.”
Anwar al-Awlaki was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and has dual U.S. and Yemeni citizenship. He is a firebrand extremist imam who has been accused by government officials and in the press of using his sermons and the Internet to recruit jihadists. He is thought to be in hiding in Yemen.
The lawsuit also asks the court to “order the government to disclose the legal standard it uses to place U.S. citizens on government kill lists.” “If the constitution means anything, it surely means that the president does not have unreviewable authority to summarily execute any American whom he concludes is an enemy of the state,” said Jameel Jaffer, deputy legal director of the ACLU, who presented arguments in the case.
“It’s the government’s responsibility to protect the nation from terrorist attacks, but the courts have a crucial role to play in ensuring that counterterrorism policies are consistent with the Constitution.”
The government filed a brief in the case in September, claiming that the executive’s targeted killing authority is a “political question” that should not be subject to judicial review. The government also asserted the “state secrets” privilege, contending that the case should be dismissed to avoid the disclosure of sensitive information.
On Aug. 30, 2010, the CCR and the ACLU filed suit on behalf of Nasser al-Awlaki against President Obama, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Leon Panetta, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, challenging their decision to authorize the targeted killing of his son as a violation of the U.S. Constitution and international law.
“Targeting individuals for killing who are suspected of crimes but have not been convicted – without oversight, due process, or disclosed standards for being placed on the kill list – also poses the risk that the government will erroneously target the wrong people,” the groups noted.
“Since 9/11, the U.S. government has detained thousands men as terrorists, only for courts or the government itself to discover later that the evidence was wrong or unreliable and release them.”
The Justice Department declined to comment on the case, which is one of two related lawsuits brought by the ACLU and the CCR.
The second is against the U.S. Treasury Department and its Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) challenging the legality and constitutionality of the scheme that requires them to obtain a license in order to file a lawsuit concerning the government’s asserted authority to carry out targeted killings of individuals, including U.S. citizens, far from any battlefield.
On July 16, however, the secretary of the treasury labeled Anwar al-Awlaki a “specially designated global terrorist,” which makes it a crime for lawyers to provide representation for his benefit without first seeking a license from OFAC.
The CCR and the ACLU sought a license, but after the government’s failure to grant one despite the urgency created by an outstanding authorization for Al-Aulaqi’s death, the two groups brought suit challenging the licensing scheme as applied to the representation they seek to provide.
CCR and the ACLU have not had contact with Anwar al-Awlaki.
The OFAC requirements generally make it illegal to provide any service, including legal representation, to or for the benefit of an individual designated as a terrorist. A lawyer who provides legal representation for the benefit of such a person without getting special permission is subject to criminal and civil penalties.
In their lawsuit, CCR and the ACLU charge that OFAC has exceeded its authority by subjecting uncompensated legal services to a licensing requirement, and that OFAC’s regulations violate the First Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, and the principle of separation of powers.
The lawsuit asks the court to invalidate the regulations and to make clear that lawyers can provide representation for the benefit of designated individuals without first seeking the government’s consent.
The OFAC case is currently pending in the U.S. district court for the District of Columbia.
That claim came in federal court in Washington, D.C., in response to a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). The two human rights legal advocacy organizations contend that the administration’s so-called “targeted killing authority” violates the constitution and international law.
“The full contours of the government’s position would allow the executive unreviewable authority to target and kill any U.S. citizen it deems a suspect of terrorism anywhere,” CCR attorney Pardiss Kebriae told IPS.
“As the government would have it, while non-citizens detained at Guantanamo Bay can challenge the deprivation of their liberty by the United States, a U.S. citizen could not challenge an impending deprivation of his life by his own government.”
“The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected the government’s claim to an unchecked system of global detention, and the district court should similarly reject the administration’s claim here to an unchecked system of global targeted killing,” she said.
The ACLU and the CCR were retained by Nasser al-Awlaki to bring a lawsuit in connection with the government’s decision to authorize the targeted killing of his son, Anwar al-Awlaki. The lawsuit asks the court to rule that, “outside the context of armed conflict, the government can carry out the targeted killing of an American citizen only as a last resort to address an imminent threat to life or physical safety.”
Anwar al-Awlaki was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and has dual U.S. and Yemeni citizenship. He is a firebrand extremist imam who has been accused by government officials and in the press of using his sermons and the Internet to recruit jihadists. He is thought to be in hiding in Yemen.
The lawsuit also asks the court to “order the government to disclose the legal standard it uses to place U.S. citizens on government kill lists.” “If the constitution means anything, it surely means that the president does not have unreviewable authority to summarily execute any American whom he concludes is an enemy of the state,” said Jameel Jaffer, deputy legal director of the ACLU, who presented arguments in the case.
“It’s the government’s responsibility to protect the nation from terrorist attacks, but the courts have a crucial role to play in ensuring that counterterrorism policies are consistent with the Constitution.”
The government filed a brief in the case in September, claiming that the executive’s targeted killing authority is a “political question” that should not be subject to judicial review. The government also asserted the “state secrets” privilege, contending that the case should be dismissed to avoid the disclosure of sensitive information.
On Aug. 30, 2010, the CCR and the ACLU filed suit on behalf of Nasser al-Awlaki against President Obama, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Leon Panetta, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, challenging their decision to authorize the targeted killing of his son as a violation of the U.S. Constitution and international law.
“Targeting individuals for killing who are suspected of crimes but have not been convicted – without oversight, due process, or disclosed standards for being placed on the kill list – also poses the risk that the government will erroneously target the wrong people,” the groups noted.
“Since 9/11, the U.S. government has detained thousands men as terrorists, only for courts or the government itself to discover later that the evidence was wrong or unreliable and release them.”
The Justice Department declined to comment on the case, which is one of two related lawsuits brought by the ACLU and the CCR.
The second is against the U.S. Treasury Department and its Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) challenging the legality and constitutionality of the scheme that requires them to obtain a license in order to file a lawsuit concerning the government’s asserted authority to carry out targeted killings of individuals, including U.S. citizens, far from any battlefield.
On July 16, however, the secretary of the treasury labeled Anwar al-Awlaki a “specially designated global terrorist,” which makes it a crime for lawyers to provide representation for his benefit without first seeking a license from OFAC.
The CCR and the ACLU sought a license, but after the government’s failure to grant one despite the urgency created by an outstanding authorization for Al-Aulaqi’s death, the two groups brought suit challenging the licensing scheme as applied to the representation they seek to provide.
CCR and the ACLU have not had contact with Anwar al-Awlaki.
The OFAC requirements generally make it illegal to provide any service, including legal representation, to or for the benefit of an individual designated as a terrorist. A lawyer who provides legal representation for the benefit of such a person without getting special permission is subject to criminal and civil penalties.
In their lawsuit, CCR and the ACLU charge that OFAC has exceeded its authority by subjecting uncompensated legal services to a licensing requirement, and that OFAC’s regulations violate the First Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, and the principle of separation of powers.
The lawsuit asks the court to invalidate the regulations and to make clear that lawyers can provide representation for the benefit of designated individuals without first seeking the government’s consent.
The OFAC case is currently pending in the U.S. district court for the District of Columbia.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Radiant Praise
The radiant praise;
Flowing freely,
Through the lips
Of a broken heart,
Carries a sweet savor
Unto the Lord:
As an offering,
Lain across Holy fire.
Yea; in His lovingkindness;
Will He exchange
The coat of sackcloth,
For the garment
Of gladness;
Wherein the hallelujahs
Will become as fervent,
As the hosannas.
Flowing freely,
Through the lips
Of a broken heart,
Carries a sweet savor
Unto the Lord:
As an offering,
Lain across Holy fire.
Yea; in His lovingkindness;
Will He exchange
The coat of sackcloth,
For the garment
Of gladness;
Wherein the hallelujahs
Will become as fervent,
As the hosannas.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Joy Of The Child
We must draw our life,
By the ever uplooking
Hunger of the Spirit:
Every moment....fresh,
From the Living One;
For it is He,
Who feeds....who warms;
And who alone quenches:
He must be to us,
All in all;
The Life of the Father,
Must be the joy,
Of the child.
By the ever uplooking
Hunger of the Spirit:
Every moment....fresh,
From the Living One;
For it is He,
Who feeds....who warms;
And who alone quenches:
He must be to us,
All in all;
The Life of the Father,
Must be the joy,
Of the child.
This Life
This life; this self;
Is given to us,
That we may
Sacrifice it:
It is ours,
That we might,
Like Yeshua,
Have something
To offer.
Is given to us,
That we may
Sacrifice it:
It is ours,
That we might,
Like Yeshua,
Have something
To offer.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Be Joyful In Him
Let all them
That love Thy name
Be joyful in Thee;
For in Thy presence,
Is fullness of joy;
At Thy right hand,
There are pleasures,
For ever more.
Let the Lord
Be magnified,
Who hath delight
In the abundance
Of His servant:
Yea, upon the lyre,
Will I sing praise
Unto Thee;
Oh Jah, my God
That love Thy name
Be joyful in Thee;
For in Thy presence,
Is fullness of joy;
At Thy right hand,
There are pleasures,
For ever more.
Let the Lord
Be magnified,
Who hath delight
In the abundance
Of His servant:
Yea, upon the lyre,
Will I sing praise
Unto Thee;
Oh Jah, my God
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
In The Patient Stillness
In the patient stillness,
Of quiet submission;
The whole of my being
Is one great hush:
No strident passions,
No averse reluctance.
Prostrate at His feet,
I am lifted,
Ever, ever so gently
Into His warm embrace;
Almost as if I,
Had become my prayer;
And my soul,
Is all one supplication.
Of quiet submission;
The whole of my being
Is one great hush:
No strident passions,
No averse reluctance.
Prostrate at His feet,
I am lifted,
Ever, ever so gently
Into His warm embrace;
Almost as if I,
Had become my prayer;
And my soul,
Is all one supplication.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Podcast 9: Surrender
The newest podcast is now up at:
I do appreciate your many comments.
I do appreciate your many comments.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Prophesy of A W Tozer @1950
If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation it must be by other means than any now being used. If the church in the second half of this century is to recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of preacher. The proper, ruler-of-the-synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting.
Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will be not one but many) he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear. He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world. He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the one and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath.
Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will be not one but many) he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear. He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world. He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the one and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Natural Language
The natural,
Instinctive language
Of our deepest love,
Is surrender:
For the inmost longing
Of this love,
Is to give itself
To its beloved:
Not so much
To acquire,
As to bestow;
Melding into one life,
With a twofold respiration:
Outward to give;
Inward to receive.
Instinctive language
Of our deepest love,
Is surrender:
For the inmost longing
Of this love,
Is to give itself
To its beloved:
Not so much
To acquire,
As to bestow;
Melding into one life,
With a twofold respiration:
Outward to give;
Inward to receive.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Spiritual Maturity
Spiritual maturity,
Is not in the ability to pray,
And receive the gifts,
That God has promised;
It is in the will,
And in the desire,
To wield His passion in prayer,
Until you have surrendered
Fully unto Him,
Everything He has given to you.
The greater battle,
Is not to receive;
But to give
All that we receive,
Back unto Him,
Who so freely gave;
For His use,
And for His glory.
Is not in the ability to pray,
And receive the gifts,
That God has promised;
It is in the will,
And in the desire,
To wield His passion in prayer,
Until you have surrendered
Fully unto Him,
Everything He has given to you.
The greater battle,
Is not to receive;
But to give
All that we receive,
Back unto Him,
Who so freely gave;
For His use,
And for His glory.
Victory in the Promise
"Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
Job 19:27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me."
Job, by the grace of Almighty Jah, knew his Redeemer, and the truths of judgment and life, before Abraham; before Moses; before David or Isaiah; before the Law and the prophets. He was before most all of the people that we know from the Word: but he was NOT before before the Promise; He was NOT before belief in the Promise; and NOT before victory over the adversary in that belief. For the Promise is of Eternity; even from the first unto the last; and that promise gives victory still, today! and tommorrow! as surely as it did in the day of Job!
Praise God; Praise Almighty God!
Surrender .......
To the Risen One;
Complete surrender,
Is both a gift,
And a consumation;
It is the act of a moment,
And the work of a lifetime:
A gripping endowment
Of sight and power
Awaits thee here;
Implanting new energies,
Carrying a new focus:
For only in the depths
Of the Holy Flower,
Will you find
Its deepest Nectar,
Imparting life,
Eternal and intense.
To the Risen One;
Complete surrender,
Is both a gift,
And a consumation;
It is the act of a moment,
And the work of a lifetime:
A gripping endowment
Of sight and power
Awaits thee here;
Implanting new energies,
Carrying a new focus:
For only in the depths
Of the Holy Flower,
Will you find
Its deepest Nectar,
Imparting life,
Eternal and intense.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
To Pray Without Ceasing
To pray without ceasing,
To live a life of prayer;
Is an everliving repose,
In His loving arms:
It becomes the habit
Of the new heart;
The tone and tension,
Of the new nature.
Like the act of faith;
It is a whole life,
Devoted to action:
As deep calling unto Deep,
It is the walk of faith,
In its vital purity.
To live a life of prayer;
Is an everliving repose,
In His loving arms:
It becomes the habit
Of the new heart;
The tone and tension,
Of the new nature.
Like the act of faith;
It is a whole life,
Devoted to action:
As deep calling unto Deep,
It is the walk of faith,
In its vital purity.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Natural Lyric
The natural lyric
Of the spiritual life,
Is found in prayer:
Receiving its timbre,
And metre in eternity;
Riding the scales,
Of His infinite love.
It is the song,
Of sublime surrender,
To His redemption,
And His reconciliation,
Between loving wills:
It is God's Eternal Love
Moving in time.
Of the spiritual life,
Is found in prayer:
Receiving its timbre,
And metre in eternity;
Riding the scales,
Of His infinite love.
It is the song,
Of sublime surrender,
To His redemption,
And His reconciliation,
Between loving wills:
It is God's Eternal Love
Moving in time.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Podcast 7 All of Him
My newest podcast is now up; All of Him. This one is something different I think: I kinda got excited. Give it a listen.
In Prayer
In prayer,
Do we touch
His highest reality;
We are lifted,
Into the atmosphere
Of Divine revelation;
Swept away,
Into the ambience;
Where God's manifestation
Bursts open,
Into His inspiration.
Do we touch
His highest reality;
We are lifted,
Into the atmosphere
Of Divine revelation;
Swept away,
Into the ambience;
Where God's manifestation
Bursts open,
Into His inspiration.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Secret of the Walk
When He calls,
We come;
For we know to come;
When He feeds,
We pray;
For we know to pray;
When He speaks,
We listen;
For we have learned
To know His voice.
The secret of the walk,
Comes in the doing
Of the things we know:
Yet, in His wisdom,
Only as we are willing to do;
Shall we truly come to know.
We come;
For we know to come;
When He feeds,
We pray;
For we know to pray;
When He speaks,
We listen;
For we have learned
To know His voice.
The secret of the walk,
Comes in the doing
Of the things we know:
Yet, in His wisdom,
Only as we are willing to do;
Shall we truly come to know.
Friday, October 29, 2010
His Light of Life
His Light of Life;
Beautiful, and full of joy,
Shines, with all power,
Into the bossom of a man;
And lights it afire
For His work of grace.
The Holy Fire gathers,
To give birth to Light;
As the inner vision
Breaks swiftly through:
Keen as a flash of lightning,
It soars from the soul,
Into the heart and mind;
Like a raging wildfire of love,
Pure, and all-embracing;
With the power of His passion,
And the sublime satisfaction
Of His infinite peace.
Beautiful, and full of joy,
Shines, with all power,
Into the bossom of a man;
And lights it afire
For His work of grace.
The Holy Fire gathers,
To give birth to Light;
As the inner vision
Breaks swiftly through:
Keen as a flash of lightning,
It soars from the soul,
Into the heart and mind;
Like a raging wildfire of love,
Pure, and all-embracing;
With the power of His passion,
And the sublime satisfaction
Of His infinite peace.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
New Podcast is Up---Finally
My throat has healed enough for me to post a new podcast.
It's now up at
Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
It's now up at
Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
It Is Life!
His righteousness, his justice, is better than anything
scholars or theologians could offer. It is something
absolutely different, and it does not depend on moral
intentions and good ideas. The righteousness of the
law can be fulfilled only through a new, organic way of
living, through a life from God that flares up like light
and sears and purifies like salt. It is like a flame that
shines, like the sap that pulses through a tree. It is life!
Eberhard Arnold
scholars or theologians could offer. It is something
absolutely different, and it does not depend on moral
intentions and good ideas. The righteousness of the
law can be fulfilled only through a new, organic way of
living, through a life from God that flares up like light
and sears and purifies like salt. It is like a flame that
shines, like the sap that pulses through a tree. It is life!
Eberhard Arnold
Monday, October 25, 2010
A Firm Kick In The Pants
Sometimes we don't need another chance to express how we feel or to ask someone to understand our situation. Sometimes we just need a firm kick in the pants. An unsmiling expectation that if we mean all these wonderful things we talk about and sing about, then lets see something to prove it.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Costly Grace
Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again and again, the gift which must be asked for, the door at which a man must knock. Such grace is costly because it calls us to follow, and it is grace because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life. It is costly because it condemns sin, and grace because it justifies the sinner. Above all, it is costly because it cost God the life of his Son: 'Ye were bought at a price', and what has cost God much cannot be cheap for us. Above all, it is grace because God did not reckon his Son too dear a price to pay for our life, but delivered him up for us. Costly grace is the Incarnation of God.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Key
Faith in the Risen One;
Is forevermore the key,
To the doors of the night,
That so encompass thee;
Opening thy soul,
To the glorious
Light of dawn;
Shining forth from
The Living Heart of God:
Bearing His righteousness,
As the Light;
And His judgment,
As the noonday.
Is forevermore the key,
To the doors of the night,
That so encompass thee;
Opening thy soul,
To the glorious
Light of dawn;
Shining forth from
The Living Heart of God:
Bearing His righteousness,
As the Light;
And His judgment,
As the noonday.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Dispenser Of Life
In Yeshua, came the flames
Of judgment and of life;
He came to enkindle a fire,
Into the Firestorm of Light;
For He is the Holy Flame,
Beating in the Divine Heart;
Pouring out His burning love
Over all who will.
In Him; In Him alone;
Has the torch of wrath,
Become the Dispenser of Life.
Of judgment and of life;
He came to enkindle a fire,
Into the Firestorm of Light;
For He is the Holy Flame,
Beating in the Divine Heart;
Pouring out His burning love
Over all who will.
In Him; In Him alone;
Has the torch of wrath,
Become the Dispenser of Life.
Salt and Light
The Sermon on the Mount is the first step on the way
of discipleship, and it is of decisive importance to me
that our church consider this deeply. If we fully grasp
the Sermon on the Mount and believe it, then nothing
can frighten us – neither our own self-recognition, nor
financial threats, nor our personal weakness.
The dedication demanded in the Sermon on the
Mount is not a new law or moral teaching. Instead it
is forgiveness. Its vital element is the light and warmth
of the Holy Spirit. Here is Christ: the essence of salt,
and the strength of the tree that bears good fruit.
The Sermon on the Mount shows us the character of
a community, which shines like a light for the whole
The Sermon on the Mount is not a high-tension
moralism, but we must grasp it as the revelation
of God’s real power in human life. If we take our
surrender to God seriously and allow him to enter our
lives as light, as the only energy which makes new life
possible, then we will be able to live the new life.
Eberhard Arnold
of discipleship, and it is of decisive importance to me
that our church consider this deeply. If we fully grasp
the Sermon on the Mount and believe it, then nothing
can frighten us – neither our own self-recognition, nor
financial threats, nor our personal weakness.
The dedication demanded in the Sermon on the
Mount is not a new law or moral teaching. Instead it
is forgiveness. Its vital element is the light and warmth
of the Holy Spirit. Here is Christ: the essence of salt,
and the strength of the tree that bears good fruit.
The Sermon on the Mount shows us the character of
a community, which shines like a light for the whole
The Sermon on the Mount is not a high-tension
moralism, but we must grasp it as the revelation
of God’s real power in human life. If we take our
surrender to God seriously and allow him to enter our
lives as light, as the only energy which makes new life
possible, then we will be able to live the new life.
Eberhard Arnold
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thoughts from Innerland by Arnold
God gives himself in the certainty of direct contact. In him alone
the heart’s need for security finds the firm ground of the here and
now, for which it must long continually. The presence of Christ is a
wonderful gift of God. In it we receive perfect unity with God in
love and faith. Through this experience, however, the stark difference
between his purity and our guilt dawns on us just as powerfully.
We stand in the midst of disunity between people, classes,
and nations, while he is and remains one. It is in this oneness that
we become aware of the abysmal difference that separates our
nature from his.
Eberhard Arnold
the heart’s need for security finds the firm ground of the here and
now, for which it must long continually. The presence of Christ is a
wonderful gift of God. In it we receive perfect unity with God in
love and faith. Through this experience, however, the stark difference
between his purity and our guilt dawns on us just as powerfully.
We stand in the midst of disunity between people, classes,
and nations, while he is and remains one. It is in this oneness that
we become aware of the abysmal difference that separates our
nature from his.
Eberhard Arnold
He Knows
God knows of the inner fight:
How it goes on,
With deep, deep pain
In the hidden recesses
Of the soul;
He sees thy conscience:
Bringing its witness,
Again ....... and again,
To thy hearts awareness;
He hears the hidden thoughts:
How they accuse, and excuse;
He knows of the wrestlings,
With inner ties that bind
To all that is base;
And He knows .......
That the ravaging beast of prey
Confuses the mind,
In the guise of an angel of light;
And so-called liberation.
How it goes on,
With deep, deep pain
In the hidden recesses
Of the soul;
He sees thy conscience:
Bringing its witness,
Again ....... and again,
To thy hearts awareness;
He hears the hidden thoughts:
How they accuse, and excuse;
He knows of the wrestlings,
With inner ties that bind
To all that is base;
And He knows .......
That the ravaging beast of prey
Confuses the mind,
In the guise of an angel of light;
And so-called liberation.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Will the Federal Reserve Cause a Civil War?
Bernanke critics are on the attack (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
What is the most likely cause today of civil unrest? Immigration. Gay Marriage. Abortion. The Results of Election Day. The Mosque at Ground Zero. Nope.
Try the Federal Reserve. November 3rd is when the Federal Reserve's next policy committee meeting ends, and if you thought this was just another boring money meeting you would be wrong. It could be the most important meeting in Fed history, maybe. The US central bank is expected to announce its next move to boost the faltering economic recovery. To say there has been considerable debate and anxiety among Fed watchers about what the central bank should do would be an understatement. Chairman Ben Bernanke has indicated in recent speeches that the central bank plans to try to drive down already low-interest rates by buying up long-term bonds. A number of people both inside the Fed and out believe this is the wrong move. But one website seems to believe that Ben's plan might actually lead to armed conflict. Last week, the blog, Zerohedge wrote, paraphrasing a top economic forecaster David Rosenberg, that it believed the Fed's plan is not only moronic, but "positions US society one step closer to civil war if not worse." (See photos inside the world of Ben Bernanke)
I'm not sure what "if not worse," is supposed to mean. But, with the Tea Party gaining followers, the idea of civil war over economic issues doesn't seem that far-fetched these days. And Ron Paul definitely thinks the Fed should be ended. In TIME's recently cover story on the militia movement many said these groups are powder kegs looking for a catalyst. So why not a Fed policy committee meeting. Still, I'm not convinced we are headed for Fedamageddon. That being said, the Fed's early November meeting is an important one. Here's why:
Usually, there is generally a consensus about what the Federal Reserve should do. When the economy is weak, the Fed cuts short-term interest rates to spur borrowing and economic activity. When the economy is strong and inflation is rising, it does the opposite. But nearly two years after the Fed cut short-term interest rates to basically zero, more and more economists are questioning whether the US central bank is making the right moves. The economy is still very weak and unemployment seems stubbornly stuck near 10%.
The problem is the Fed only directly sets short-term interest rates. And they are already about as close to zero as you can go. That's why Ben Bernanke has been recently talking about something called "quantitative easing." That's when the Fed basically creates money to buy the long-term bonds that it doesn't directly control, and drive down those interest rates as well. That should further reduce the cost of borrowing for large companies and homeowners. Some people are calling this "QE2" because the Fed made a similar move during the height of the financial crisis when it bought mortgage bonds. (See photos of the Tea Party movement)
Not everyone agrees this is a good move. In fact, a number of presidents of regional Fed banks, not all of which get to vote at Fed policy meetings, have recently come out against Bernanke's plans. Some say it sets bad policy. Others think it will stock inflation, which might be the point. Few, though, have warned of armed conflict. Here's how Zerohedge justifies its prediction of why the Fed's Nov. 3rd meeting will lead to violence:
In a very real sense, Bernanke is throwing Granny and Grandpa down the stairs - on purpose. He is literally threatening those at the lower end of the economic strata, along with all who are retired, with starvation and death, and in a just nation where the rule of law controlled instead of being abused by the kleptocrats he would be facing charges of Seditious Conspiracy, as his policies will inevitably lead to the destruction of our republic.OK. The idea that Bernanke might kill large swaths of low-income neighborhoods or Florida by his plan to further lower interest rates is a little ridiculous. But there is a point in Zerohedge's crazy. Lower rates do tend to favor borrowers over savers. And the largest borrowers in the country are banks, speculators and large corporations. The largest spenders in our country though tend to be individuals. Consumer spending makes up 70% of the economy. And the vast majority of consumers are on the low-end of the income scale. So I think it is a valid question to ask whether the Fed's desire to drive down interest rates at all costs policy is working. Companies are already borrowing at low rates. They are just not spending. (Read a special report on the financial crisis blame game)
That being said, civil war, probably not. "It is a gross exaggeration," says Allan Meltzer, who is a top Fed historian at Carnegie Mellon. "I cannot recall ever learning about riots or civil war even when the Fed made other mistakes." When I called, David Rosenberg was traveling and couldn't talk, but he did send me a quick e-mail to stress that he has never, ever suggested that any moves the Fed makes will lead to a militia uprising.
Some smart people, though, including Meltzer, it appears, and Rosenberg do think the path of quantitative easing that the Fed looks likely to embark on is the wrong move. John Taylor, a top Fed scholar at Stanford, says eventually you will have to pull the support out, and when you do a year from now when the economy is recovering he thinks it could be quite disruptive. So even if you don't double dip now, you might double dip then. And even if you don't it would make for a slow recovery. Others, such as Raghuram Rajan, who has became famous for warning about the possibility of a financial crisis back in 2005, believe low-interest rates could be creating new bubbles in say gold or commodities.
So it seems clear what the Fed is likely to do. How the economy, the militias and the rest of us react is up in the air. The count down is on. T minus 15 days to Fedamageddon. See you there, hopefully.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Come Swiftly
Come swiftly my love,
Whispers the Spirit of my Lord;
Away, into our secret place,
And draw nigh the veil,
That I may know thee;
And delight in thee,
Amidst the Living Spring
Of timeless Life:
For in this place does
Heaven stand open to thee.
Rejoice, and glory
In the Source of the Light
That guides thy life;
And learn the secrets,
Of the sacred music,
That has ever sounded
Along thy pathways:
As the lyrical euphony
Of the golden bells of Aaron,
As he passed expectantly
Into the Holy Place.
"Until the day break,
And the shadows flee away,
I will take thee
To the mountain of myrrh,
And to the hill of frankincense.
Thou art all fair, my love;
There is no spot in thee."
Whispers the Spirit of my Lord;
Away, into our secret place,
And draw nigh the veil,
That I may know thee;
And delight in thee,
Amidst the Living Spring
Of timeless Life:
For in this place does
Heaven stand open to thee.
Rejoice, and glory
In the Source of the Light
That guides thy life;
And learn the secrets,
Of the sacred music,
That has ever sounded
Along thy pathways:
As the lyrical euphony
Of the golden bells of Aaron,
As he passed expectantly
Into the Holy Place.
"Until the day break,
And the shadows flee away,
I will take thee
To the mountain of myrrh,
And to the hill of frankincense.
Thou art all fair, my love;
There is no spot in thee."
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Over every patch of blue sky,
The thundercloud has rolled;
Every peaceful little valley,
Has its desparate scenes
Of tempest and agony;
Every day has its night;
Every life, its death:
Pain and sorrow,
Are as deeply embedded
In His natural order of life,
As are love, and joy;
For God hath set one
Over against the other,
To draw all men unto Him.
The thundercloud has rolled;
Every peaceful little valley,
Has its desparate scenes
Of tempest and agony;
Every day has its night;
Every life, its death:
Pain and sorrow,
Are as deeply embedded
In His natural order of life,
As are love, and joy;
For God hath set one
Over against the other,
To draw all men unto Him.
The Viands Of Life
The viands of Life;
And of His love,
That are spread out
Upon the table,
Yeshua has prepared
For His beloved;
Come not without
The bitter herbs;
They are both parts
Of the Sacrifice,
That reconciles to God:
For the Christ who feeds;
Must first have been,
The Lamb who is slain.
And of His love,
That are spread out
Upon the table,
Yeshua has prepared
For His beloved;
Come not without
The bitter herbs;
They are both parts
Of the Sacrifice,
That reconciles to God:
For the Christ who feeds;
Must first have been,
The Lamb who is slain.
I downloaded and watched the mini-series Fallen, mentioned by Zeph in his interview with Bro. T. yesterday, and quite frankly I was blown away. There is much that is new age here,it shows Lucifer and the fallen angels in in far too good a light, and their theology is wacked, but I think everyone should see this film, if only to understand that there is so much more to God's creation than we can imagine.
So, keeping your Bible close, and God even closer, watch this film. You will not soon forget it, I think.
p.s. It was a great interview yesterday and the chat was outstanding as usual. I do so look forward to these Saturdey chats for the fellowship with my spiritual family. Thank you all, with much love in His name.
So, keeping your Bible close, and God even closer, watch this film. You will not soon forget it, I think.
p.s. It was a great interview yesterday and the chat was outstanding as usual. I do so look forward to these Saturdey chats for the fellowship with my spiritual family. Thank you all, with much love in His name.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Name
The Name of the Lord,
Is a gentle caress,
When it comes from
Loving lips, a willing heart,
And a believing mind:
'Jehovah' 'Jah' 'Lord';
There is wonder in His Name,
For It expresses in full,
The timeless; unlimited;
Changeless Being of God.
Here, we gaze gently upon
Upon that majestic, glorious,
Thought of Infinite Being:
Self-derived; Self-motivated;
And awesomely self-ruled;
The Being of Him,
Whose Name can only be,
'I Am That I Am".
Is a gentle caress,
When it comes from
Loving lips, a willing heart,
And a believing mind:
'Jehovah' 'Jah' 'Lord';
There is wonder in His Name,
For It expresses in full,
The timeless; unlimited;
Changeless Being of God.
Here, we gaze gently upon
Upon that majestic, glorious,
Thought of Infinite Being:
Self-derived; Self-motivated;
And awesomely self-ruled;
The Being of Him,
Whose Name can only be,
'I Am That I Am".
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thy lovingkindness of old lives still:
Still, as of old,
The hosts of the Lord
Encamp around them
That love and serve Him;
Still, as of old,
The Voice of Guidance,
Comes from between the cherubim;
Still, as of old,
Does the pillar of cloud and fire,
Move before us;
Still, as of old,
Do angels walk among men;
Still, as of old,
Is His hand stretched forth,
To bless; to feed; and to guard.
The Light, which was so magical
In the morning beauty,
Has lost none of its Luster;
The River which flowed
Through past ages,
Has not dried-up
In the sands of time;
The Fire which blazed so clear,
Has not died down to ashes;
The God of Jacob is still our refuge;
As Thou has spoken it;
So it will be.
Still, as of old,
The hosts of the Lord
Encamp around them
That love and serve Him;
Still, as of old,
The Voice of Guidance,
Comes from between the cherubim;
Still, as of old,
Does the pillar of cloud and fire,
Move before us;
Still, as of old,
Do angels walk among men;
Still, as of old,
Is His hand stretched forth,
To bless; to feed; and to guard.
The Light, which was so magical
In the morning beauty,
Has lost none of its Luster;
The River which flowed
Through past ages,
Has not dried-up
In the sands of time;
The Fire which blazed so clear,
Has not died down to ashes;
The God of Jacob is still our refuge;
As Thou has spoken it;
So it will be.
His Certain Sunrise
Trust in the Lord;
And reckon on His goodness:
The outward deliverance
May seem to tarry;
But ever there comes before it,
As heralds of its approach,
The feel of a lightened burden,
And the infinite calmness
Of a strengthened heart.
It may, after all, seem long
Before the morning breaks;
Yet even while the darkness looms,
Comes the promise of the dawn:
A faint aire begins to stir
Among the sleeping leaves;
And the first joyful notes
Of the morning dove,
Are but a prelude,
To the full chorus of Light,
That will hail-in
His certain sunrise.
And reckon on His goodness:
The outward deliverance
May seem to tarry;
But ever there comes before it,
As heralds of its approach,
The feel of a lightened burden,
And the infinite calmness
Of a strengthened heart.
It may, after all, seem long
Before the morning breaks;
Yet even while the darkness looms,
Comes the promise of the dawn:
A faint aire begins to stir
Among the sleeping leaves;
And the first joyful notes
Of the morning dove,
Are but a prelude,
To the full chorus of Light,
That will hail-in
His certain sunrise.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Coils Of Fragrant Sacrifice
The prayers of the righteous,
Come before Him as incense:
Wreathing and wafting,
In coils of fragrant sacrifice,
Up to the heavenlies;
Propelled by the fires
Of unutterable love,
Alight in the soul
Of the redeemed;
Tended, and stirred,
To an impassioned blaze,
By the Spirit of God;
And fed commonly,
Morning and evening,
By fresh coals
From the altar of Golgatha.
Come before Him as incense:
Wreathing and wafting,
In coils of fragrant sacrifice,
Up to the heavenlies;
Propelled by the fires
Of unutterable love,
Alight in the soul
Of the redeemed;
Tended, and stirred,
To an impassioned blaze,
By the Spirit of God;
And fed commonly,
Morning and evening,
By fresh coals
From the altar of Golgatha.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
We make necessary
For our contentment;
We make lord
Of our happiness.
By our thoughtless desires,
We give chattel and goods
Supreme power over us;
And thereby intertwine
Our being with theirs:
That the blow,
Which destroys them,
Lets out our life blood.
We make necessary
For our contentment;
We make lord
Of our happiness.
By our thoughtless desires,
We give chattel and goods
Supreme power over us;
And thereby intertwine
Our being with theirs:
That the blow,
Which destroys them,
Lets out our life blood.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Effluence Of Love
Creation is the effluence
Of the loving heart of God;
Authenticated in symbol and type,
Through His creative hand;
On the infinitely great,
And the immeasurably small;
On the near, and the far off;
With but one inscription:
God is love.
As in nature, so in providence:
Origination, support, and direction,
Are the works and heralds
Of that same majestic love.
A love emblazoned in light,
Across the evening sky;
Engraved in the smallest stone;
And silently wispered
Through every crocus,
Working its way upward
Through the winter's snow.
"Praise Him for His mighty acts:
Praise Him according to
His excellent greatness .......
Let everything that hath breath
Praise the Lord."
For His love and mercy
Endureth forever.
Of the loving heart of God;
Authenticated in symbol and type,
Through His creative hand;
On the infinitely great,
And the immeasurably small;
On the near, and the far off;
With but one inscription:
God is love.
As in nature, so in providence:
Origination, support, and direction,
Are the works and heralds
Of that same majestic love.
A love emblazoned in light,
Across the evening sky;
Engraved in the smallest stone;
And silently wispered
Through every crocus,
Working its way upward
Through the winter's snow.
"Praise Him for His mighty acts:
Praise Him according to
His excellent greatness .......
Let everything that hath breath
Praise the Lord."
For His love and mercy
Endureth forever.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Wherever His grace is seen,
And His love is made welcome;
There shall the heart be warmed,
And praise break forth;
As surely as streams flow
From the cave of the glacier,
When the summer sun is high;
And the land responds,
With a glowing cascade of life.
And His love is made welcome;
There shall the heart be warmed,
And praise break forth;
As surely as streams flow
From the cave of the glacier,
When the summer sun is high;
And the land responds,
With a glowing cascade of life.
Stop, and consider;
Hear the testimony
In the widow's reserve
Of meal and oil:
Yesterday's supply,
Does not diminish
Tomorrow's store.
"Oh taste and see,
That the Lord is good."
Hear the testimony
In the widow's reserve
Of meal and oil:
Yesterday's supply,
Does not diminish
Tomorrow's store.
"Oh taste and see,
That the Lord is good."
On the Way of Yeshua;
Intervals of time
Lose their meaning;
Brothers and sisters
Of earlier days,
Speak clearly to us,
Of the love of God,
And of His mercies;
Almost as if they were here;
Present with us today;
Which, in fact, they are:
If we listen to them,
And through their words;
Hear the voice of our Lord.
Intervals of time
Lose their meaning;
Brothers and sisters
Of earlier days,
Speak clearly to us,
Of the love of God,
And of His mercies;
Almost as if they were here;
Present with us today;
Which, in fact, they are:
If we listen to them,
And through their words;
Hear the voice of our Lord.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Prayer is more than petition;
Oftentimes, it is not cast
Into words at all:
In its widest, truest form,
Prayer is the posture
Of devout contemplation of God,
And intercourse with Him,
In the heart, the mind, and the will;
A communion which unites,
Asparation and attainment;
Longing and fruition;
Seeking and finding;
A communion .......
Often lost for words;
Seemingly, actually,
Transcending all thought.
Oftentimes, it is not cast
Into words at all:
In its widest, truest form,
Prayer is the posture
Of devout contemplation of God,
And intercourse with Him,
In the heart, the mind, and the will;
A communion which unites,
Asparation and attainment;
Longing and fruition;
Seeking and finding;
A communion .......
Often lost for words;
Seemingly, actually,
Transcending all thought.
Friday, October 1, 2010
His Life
His Life, is the Light;
And the Light, is His Life:
The two are One;
Both in their source,
And in their deepest nature;
For Jah so loved the world,
That His Light, became Life;
That He might restore life, to life.
This one gift: Light and Life;
Is imparted freely,
As we draw near Him:
Even poured out over us,
As a warming spring shower,
While we dance in the grass;
Cleansing the outer vessel,
And purifying the inner parts,
As we gently, deeply breathe in
The fragrant, inspired mists
Of His presence.
And the Light, is His Life:
The two are One;
Both in their source,
And in their deepest nature;
For Jah so loved the world,
That His Light, became Life;
That He might restore life, to life.
This one gift: Light and Life;
Is imparted freely,
As we draw near Him:
Even poured out over us,
As a warming spring shower,
While we dance in the grass;
Cleansing the outer vessel,
And purifying the inner parts,
As we gently, deeply breathe in
The fragrant, inspired mists
Of His presence.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Quiet Haven
If we would keep,
A clear firm course;
Instead of inward shipwreck,
Amid the chaos of life;
Then our soul must often seek
After the quiet haven,
Of prayerful communion
With our heavenly Father.
A clear firm course;
Instead of inward shipwreck,
Amid the chaos of life;
Then our soul must often seek
After the quiet haven,
Of prayerful communion
With our heavenly Father.
The Word Is Near
The Word is near you;
He is on your lips,
And in your heart:
The Living Word,
Comes unto you,
Because He has
Come into the world.
Forasmuch as you act
In His name;
Believe in His words;
And confess Him openly:
This Word will again
Become body and flesh,
In your mouth;
In your heart;
And in the work
He calls you to do.
He is on your lips,
And in your heart:
The Living Word,
Comes unto you,
Because He has
Come into the world.
Forasmuch as you act
In His name;
Believe in His words;
And confess Him openly:
This Word will again
Become body and flesh,
In your mouth;
In your heart;
And in the work
He calls you to do.
How Do We Deal With the Sermon On The Mount
Humanly speaking, we could understand and
interpret the Sermon on the Mount in a thousand
different ways. Jesus knows only one possibility:
simple surrender and obedience, not interpreting it or
applying it, but doing and obeying it. That is the only
way to hear his word. He does not mean that it is to be
discussed as an ideal; he really means us to get on with
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
interpret the Sermon on the Mount in a thousand
different ways. Jesus knows only one possibility:
simple surrender and obedience, not interpreting it or
applying it, but doing and obeying it. That is the only
way to hear his word. He does not mean that it is to be
discussed as an ideal; he really means us to get on with
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Innermost Meaning
"And I will bring the blind
By a way that they know not;
I will lead them in paths
That they have not known:
I will make darkness light before them,
And crooked things strait.
These things will I do unto them,
And not forsake them." Isa. 42:16
The very structure of prophesy
Lies amiss and in corruption,
Unless it be clearly seen,
That all the history of Israel,
Is in itself a montage of prediction:
A grand supernatural system
Of imparted types and shadows;
And that all the incursions
Of His mighty hand,
Are one in principle;
And all behold and foretell,
Of His glorious intervention,
In redeeming love,
Through the person of Messiah;
And in Him do we apprehend,
The innermost meaning
Of the promise given to Abraham.
By a way that they know not;
I will lead them in paths
That they have not known:
I will make darkness light before them,
And crooked things strait.
These things will I do unto them,
And not forsake them." Isa. 42:16
The very structure of prophesy
Lies amiss and in corruption,
Unless it be clearly seen,
That all the history of Israel,
Is in itself a montage of prediction:
A grand supernatural system
Of imparted types and shadows;
And that all the incursions
Of His mighty hand,
Are one in principle;
And all behold and foretell,
Of His glorious intervention,
In redeeming love,
Through the person of Messiah;
And in Him do we apprehend,
The innermost meaning
Of the promise given to Abraham.
That Wondrous Flame
That wondrous Flame;
That burns but dimly,
In the heavy air
Of an acrid world,
Into a renewed brilliance,
When on our knees;
Seeking His face:
It is here;
The ills of the flesh
Cease to vex,
And weigh upon the spirit;
Here, are we purged,
Of the slag of life's weariness;
And lovingly restored,
As a bruised reed;
Mended and bound-up
By His tender hand.
For here:
His touch will be healing;
And His presence,
Will be peace.
That burns but dimly,
In the heavy air
Of an acrid world,
Into a renewed brilliance,
When on our knees;
Seeking His face:
It is here;
The ills of the flesh
Cease to vex,
And weigh upon the spirit;
Here, are we purged,
Of the slag of life's weariness;
And lovingly restored,
As a bruised reed;
Mended and bound-up
By His tender hand.
For here:
His touch will be healing;
And His presence,
Will be peace.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Communion With God
Communion with God,
Gives beauty and ornament
To the spirit of a man;
It refines and perfects
The rudeness of his life;
It brings Light unto his path;
And gives Life to his soul.
Still, it is an effect,
Produced in proportion,
To the depth and continuity
Of his partaking.
"The soul of the sluggard,
Desireth, and hath nothing:
But the soul of the diligent,
Shall be made fat."
Gives beauty and ornament
To the spirit of a man;
It refines and perfects
The rudeness of his life;
It brings Light unto his path;
And gives Life to his soul.
Still, it is an effect,
Produced in proportion,
To the depth and continuity
Of his partaking.
"The soul of the sluggard,
Desireth, and hath nothing:
But the soul of the diligent,
Shall be made fat."
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The fire of God,
Is the fire of love;
As well as
The fire of purity:
It draws and quickens;
With one accord,
As it destroys and consumes.
Intrust to His burning gaze:
Open thyself to the Flame,
As flowers to the sunshine;
Bask in His glowing, stinging love,
And He shall tend to thee;
As a refiner and purifier of silver;
To purge and cleanse the dross,
That you may shine forth;
A vessel, fit for the Master's use.
Is the fire of love;
As well as
The fire of purity:
It draws and quickens;
With one accord,
As it destroys and consumes.
Intrust to His burning gaze:
Open thyself to the Flame,
As flowers to the sunshine;
Bask in His glowing, stinging love,
And He shall tend to thee;
As a refiner and purifier of silver;
To purge and cleanse the dross,
That you may shine forth;
A vessel, fit for the Master's use.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The provision of God,
Is care for the day;
Not for the morrow.
Today is that moment,
Which intersects
With the work to be done;
Today is the hour
To be minded:
For tomorrow is nowhere;
Till God has formed it.
"Take therefore no thought
For the morrow: for the morrow
Shall take thought
For the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day
Is the evil thereof."
Is care for the day;
Not for the morrow.
Today is that moment,
Which intersects
With the work to be done;
Today is the hour
To be minded:
For tomorrow is nowhere;
Till God has formed it.
"Take therefore no thought
For the morrow: for the morrow
Shall take thought
For the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day
Is the evil thereof."
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
This Veil Of Gloom
A brutish man knoweth not;
Neither does a fool understand:
The world of man,
Lays soundly entangled,
In the barren folds
Of a dark undulating veil,
Thick as the morning fog;
Hovering ....... unregarded,
Below the horizon of Light.
This veil of gloom,
And imparted obscuration;
Is swathed round about,
Holding him in the darkness,
That he may not see;
And entangling his feet,
That he might stumble and fall,
As one without a Lamp,
In the sullen, shifting shadows,
Of his grim and bleeding land.
For the only Light,
Is the will of God;
And he who is of the night;
Will have the Light taken from him;
That he, when the darkness
Is made perfect and complete;
May know only darkness:
Being totally without the Light.
Neither does a fool understand:
The world of man,
Lays soundly entangled,
In the barren folds
Of a dark undulating veil,
Thick as the morning fog;
Hovering ....... unregarded,
Below the horizon of Light.
This veil of gloom,
And imparted obscuration;
Is swathed round about,
Holding him in the darkness,
That he may not see;
And entangling his feet,
That he might stumble and fall,
As one without a Lamp,
In the sullen, shifting shadows,
Of his grim and bleeding land.
For the only Light,
Is the will of God;
And he who is of the night;
Will have the Light taken from him;
That he, when the darkness
Is made perfect and complete;
May know only darkness:
Being totally without the Light.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Light Of The Living
The light of the living,
That arouses, and burns
Within my feeble body,
Of decline, death, and decay;
Would glow unquenched,
If not for Thee, Oh Lord.
Unto Thee do I live:
Thou has, by Thine own hand,
Guided me in the ways of life;
Through the many trials
Of passion and suffering;
Safely past the raging fires
Of beauty and desire;
Into the waiting arms,
Of the risen Lamb;
To learn the lessons of love.
I thank Thee, Lord.
That arouses, and burns
Within my feeble body,
Of decline, death, and decay;
Would glow unquenched,
If not for Thee, Oh Lord.
Unto Thee do I live:
Thou has, by Thine own hand,
Guided me in the ways of life;
Through the many trials
Of passion and suffering;
Safely past the raging fires
Of beauty and desire;
Into the waiting arms,
Of the risen Lamb;
To learn the lessons of love.
I thank Thee, Lord.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Life's Highest Calling (a short Haiku)
Life's highest calling;
Is a twining of our soul,
With the heart of God.
When He is come near:
Enters my inmost being;
His Life flows to me
All embracing life!
He has surely become mine;
As I become His.
My soul is swept up,
In the embrace of His arms:
Like running on air!
Bound up completely,
In the raw penetration,
Of His loving gaze.
Transformed from within;
So to live my life without,
Unto His glory.
Is a twining of our soul,
With the heart of God.
When He is come near:
Enters my inmost being;
His Life flows to me
All embracing life!
He has surely become mine;
As I become His.
My soul is swept up,
In the embrace of His arms:
Like running on air!
Bound up completely,
In the raw penetration,
Of His loving gaze.
Transformed from within;
So to live my life without,
Unto His glory.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Call To Action
This hour of world history is a challenge to inwardness. It represent a
call to be at work in the world; it implies tasks that are literally boundless.
Therefore it is high time that we gather ourselves for serious thought,
going deeper and deeper, in order to
gain clarity about our inner life. We have to know the foundations
and laws of inwardness. Then we will also gain more and more
clarity for the whole shaping of life – in what divine order, under
what rulership of Christ, and under what decrees of the Holy Spirit
we are to set about this shaping of life, and how to carry it out.
Most of all, it is important that we experience the power of God in
our inner being, because only then are we capable of standing firm
and holding out in the storms to come. Only when our inner life is
anchored in God can we gain the strength to take up the enormous
tasks of the future with the courage of faith. When unity and
clarity bring order in our innermost being, then, and only then, can
our life attain the warming and radiating power of the light on the
lampstand. Then, representing the unity and freedom of the city on
the hill, it will become a light for the whole world.
Eberhard Arnold
call to be at work in the world; it implies tasks that are literally boundless.
Therefore it is high time that we gather ourselves for serious thought,
going deeper and deeper, in order to
gain clarity about our inner life. We have to know the foundations
and laws of inwardness. Then we will also gain more and more
clarity for the whole shaping of life – in what divine order, under
what rulership of Christ, and under what decrees of the Holy Spirit
we are to set about this shaping of life, and how to carry it out.
Most of all, it is important that we experience the power of God in
our inner being, because only then are we capable of standing firm
and holding out in the storms to come. Only when our inner life is
anchored in God can we gain the strength to take up the enormous
tasks of the future with the courage of faith. When unity and
clarity bring order in our innermost being, then, and only then, can
our life attain the warming and radiating power of the light on the
lampstand. Then, representing the unity and freedom of the city on
the hill, it will become a light for the whole world.
Eberhard Arnold
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mitchell bounced happily into my life;
My first grandson, full of hope and promise.
Though he could never walk, or talk;
A heart of love and a disposition of joy,
Spoke, where words never would:
He could smile; he could hug;
And he could give kisseys;
He spread laughter and gladness,
Like a perfect, playful bubble,
Dancing gayly in the sunlight.
Alas, one stormy August night,
My perfect little bubble burst;
And Mitchell was gone.
For days uncounted;
Only the motions of life
Did I go through:
Sore in body; sore in mind;
Sore in heart; and sore in spirit;
My soul lingered, dismally,
Near the depths of misery.
Prayer was fleeting at best,
And faith staggered under the blows:
The sickening assaults of pain;
The constant reminders of loss;
A place of refuge I found,
Only in deepest sleep.
Sunlight, flashing off Mitchell's picture,
On a crisp and cool fall morning,
Flared brightly across my face;
Waking me suddenly, with a start.
As I gazed longingly at his smile,
A warm trickle of joy passed into my soul;
And I smiled at the memories .......
Even laughed as I recalled his antics:
Soon the trickle turned to a bubbling;
Then an irruption throughout my being,
Driving me to my knees in awe and adoration,
As His miracle of healing blossomed forth,
With His gentle fingertip carress.
Then came a gentle, almost melodic voice;
"The healing and the promise,
Are imbedded in thy faith;
What you need; what you would;
You already have; if you only will."
Joy and abundance of life were renewed,
But fuller, and somehow more sublime:
I had aged; I had grown; I had learned;
Now I knew His peace and abundance
Were secure, not only from the troubles of life;
But from within the troubles of life as well.
A last word, I have hid in my heart,
For the joy it brings; "He can walk now."
Concord Of Love
He bears me up
With singular care;
He caresses my soul:
Stroking, ever so softly,
With the luxuriant, warm,
And inviting desires
Of His countenance:
Holding me gently,
Through the flowing surge
Of His astounding grace.
As I am drawn in,
Enjoying His embrace;
He sets His concord of love,
In order within me:
I am divested of all;
Entering freely; fully;
Into the marvelous designs
Of His divine righteousness;
That, above all else,
He may be glorified.
With singular care;
He caresses my soul:
Stroking, ever so softly,
With the luxuriant, warm,
And inviting desires
Of His countenance:
Holding me gently,
Through the flowing surge
Of His astounding grace.
As I am drawn in,
Enjoying His embrace;
He sets His concord of love,
In order within me:
I am divested of all;
Entering freely; fully;
Into the marvelous designs
Of His divine righteousness;
That, above all else,
He may be glorified.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Serenade Of Hope
He who is of the Lord;
Seeks out the song
Of His Wisdom,
Chiming among the
Coaxial spheres,
Of Divine revelation:
He rejoices in the cry
Of changeless Truth;
He claps his hands.
To God's Aria of Love;
He skips for joy,
To the lyre and flute;
Delighting in the Lamb's
Canto of redemption,
That fills the heavens,
And shakes the earth:
It makes his soul glad,
And pleases his spirit:
For it is his salvation,
His serenade of hope.
Seeks out the song
Of His Wisdom,
Chiming among the
Coaxial spheres,
Of Divine revelation:
He rejoices in the cry
Of changeless Truth;
He claps his hands.
To God's Aria of Love;
He skips for joy,
To the lyre and flute;
Delighting in the Lamb's
Canto of redemption,
That fills the heavens,
And shakes the earth:
It makes his soul glad,
And pleases his spirit:
For it is his salvation,
His serenade of hope.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Way Of Life
Thy Word;
Is that which
We live by;
To understand
The Words of
Our Risen Lord,
Is the Business
Of Life.
It is the road
To understanding,
Of the Word ,
To receive Him,
Is to receive
The Father;
And so to have
His Life in us;
For His Life,
Is the Way
Of Life.
Is that which
We live by;
To understand
The Words of
Our Risen Lord,
Is the Business
Of Life.
It is the road
To understanding,
Of the Word ,
To receive Him,
Is to receive
The Father;
And so to have
His Life in us;
For His Life,
Is the Way
Of Life.
When you seek the will of God,
Should the vision and sight tarry;
Wait upon it ....... wait for it:
For the times and seasons;
These be in the Father's care
We do well to wait for God;
When we know responsively,
How faithfully He waits for us.
Whereas, waiting calms the heart;
Detaches it from the fever
Of life in our frenzied world,
And the many frets which kill;
It opens, and focuses our eye,
To mark the meanings and flow,
In the passage of life's history;
It brings us into constant touch,
And communion with Almighty God:
Then how prescious He is;
How infinitely more prescious,
When, at last, He comes.
Should the vision and sight tarry;
Wait upon it ....... wait for it:
For the times and seasons;
These be in the Father's care
We do well to wait for God;
When we know responsively,
How faithfully He waits for us.
Whereas, waiting calms the heart;
Detaches it from the fever
Of life in our frenzied world,
And the many frets which kill;
It opens, and focuses our eye,
To mark the meanings and flow,
In the passage of life's history;
It brings us into constant touch,
And communion with Almighty God:
Then how prescious He is;
How infinitely more prescious,
When, at last, He comes.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Podcast 3 On Prayer Is Up
I have just uploaded podcast 3: On Prayer.
I changed the format skightly and have corrected
some of the technical and microphone problems,
so this should be much easier to listen through.
Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
I really do listen to your comments.
Thank you my friends.
I changed the format skightly and have corrected
some of the technical and microphone problems,
so this should be much easier to listen through.
Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
I really do listen to your comments.
Thank you my friends.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Dropping Leaves
When the leaves drop,
From the many trees
Of the woodland;
We behold a deep,
Wondrous blue sky,
That was hidden,
In their abundance.
In the same way;
God never empties,
Without being ready to fill;
Sorrow, pain, and loss,
Groom, and prepare
The battered heart,
For the vision of God:
Purging the inward eye,
That it may more clearly
Come to see Him.
From the many trees
Of the woodland;
We behold a deep,
Wondrous blue sky,
That was hidden,
In their abundance.
In the same way;
God never empties,
Without being ready to fill;
Sorrow, pain, and loss,
Groom, and prepare
The battered heart,
For the vision of God:
Purging the inward eye,
That it may more clearly
Come to see Him.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Cease, oh weary heart,
Thy mournful quetchings;
Delay is not denial:
A thousand years,
He reckons as a day;
Surely, He is coming,
On the flaired pinions
Of every breaking wind;
Already He is nigh,
Even at the door:
Never a moment too soon;
Yet not an instant late.
Thy mournful quetchings;
Delay is not denial:
A thousand years,
He reckons as a day;
Surely, He is coming,
On the flaired pinions
Of every breaking wind;
Already He is nigh,
Even at the door:
Never a moment too soon;
Yet not an instant late.
New Podcast Is Up
My newest podcast: Hope is now published and up.
Here is the link;
Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
Here is the link;
Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
Friday, September 3, 2010
In The Dark
God, in the dark;
Can make the man,
Thirst for Light;
Who never,
While in the light;
Sought, but the dark.
All fear of His Light;
Comes of the darkness,
That remains hidden within,
In the secret corredors
Of the soul;
Not yet surrendered.
Our Lord will call;
Cajole, and deliver;
He will soothe, satisfy,
And freely give all;
He will not, however,
Grant the man leave,
To stay in the dark.
Can make the man,
Thirst for Light;
Who never,
While in the light;
Sought, but the dark.
All fear of His Light;
Comes of the darkness,
That remains hidden within,
In the secret corredors
Of the soul;
Not yet surrendered.
Our Lord will call;
Cajole, and deliver;
He will soothe, satisfy,
And freely give all;
He will not, however,
Grant the man leave,
To stay in the dark.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Humble Pilgrim
When the humble pilgrim
On the Way of Truth,
Comes on his journey,
To the Word of God:
He beholds a guiding Light,
And a vibrant wellspring,
Beckoning by the wayside.
He does that which he sees,
So he shall understand,
And find its Truth.
He who is set,
On understanding,
Rather than doing,
Sees only an object
Of stunning beauty;
A jewell to be stored:
For he has not in him,
He who can understand.
It is as if he walks
Under an opium sky,
Raining down soporifics;
So that he is fast asleep,
To all he should wake to see.
On the Way of Truth,
Comes on his journey,
To the Word of God:
He beholds a guiding Light,
And a vibrant wellspring,
Beckoning by the wayside.
He does that which he sees,
So he shall understand,
And find its Truth.
He who is set,
On understanding,
Rather than doing,
Sees only an object
Of stunning beauty;
A jewell to be stored:
For he has not in him,
He who can understand.
It is as if he walks
Under an opium sky,
Raining down soporifics;
So that he is fast asleep,
To all he should wake to see.
There Is A River
There is a river,
That runs gently
Through a bountiful land;
The streams thereof,
Bring joy and gladness,
To the City of God.
It is a serene,
And peaceful place
To pitch our tents,
Beside its purring flow;
Here, shall pass
No hostile force;
Only the rafts
Of the righteous,
As they steadily pass
Unto the city above;
Into the midst of a lane,
Clear as crystal,
From where,
The River of Life
From the Throne of God.
That runs gently
Through a bountiful land;
The streams thereof,
Bring joy and gladness,
To the City of God.
It is a serene,
And peaceful place
To pitch our tents,
Beside its purring flow;
Here, shall pass
No hostile force;
Only the rafts
Of the righteous,
As they steadily pass
Unto the city above;
Into the midst of a lane,
Clear as crystal,
From where,
The River of Life
From the Throne of God.
Monday, August 30, 2010
If we love God;
And have our will,
Set to His will;
Our thoughts will fly,
Continuously, to Him;
As turtledoves;
To their Window perch.
And have our will,
Set to His will;
Our thoughts will fly,
Continuously, to Him;
As turtledoves;
To their Window perch.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
In My Daily Walk
The perfection of worship,
Is not in the revelation
Of my own lacking;
Nor in the epiphany;
And my simple recognition,
Of His magnificent glory;
Nay, it is not even
In the songs of praise,
Powered unto heaven,
On the wings of prayer;
The perfection of worship,
Is in the bold doing,
Of His perfect will,
In my daily walk.
Is not in the revelation
Of my own lacking;
Nor in the epiphany;
And my simple recognition,
Of His magnificent glory;
Nay, it is not even
In the songs of praise,
Powered unto heaven,
On the wings of prayer;
The perfection of worship,
Is in the bold doing,
Of His perfect will,
In my daily walk.
Podcast Is Up!
I have begun a new podcast with readings of my verse and some commentary.
The first episode; Peace, is now posted after much tribulation and just a little foolishness.
Give it a listen and let know what you think. Here is the website:
Be gentle with your comments, remember, we are all friends.
The first episode; Peace, is now posted after much tribulation and just a little foolishness.
Give it a listen and let know what you think. Here is the website:
Be gentle with your comments, remember, we are all friends.
Friday, August 27, 2010
A Glorious Second Coming
The dawn is a beacon,
Of our Lord's lovingkindness;
He makes the outgoing
Of the day to rejoice:
A glorious second coming,
Of Yeshua, our risen Savior,
Takes place every morning,
Within the prayerful soul;
Of His redeemed;
Flooding the heart,
With balming grace;
And drenching the spirit,
In His ageless Truth.
In this lofty inundation,
Are we immersed; lost;
In the abandoned rapture,
Of irreducible union
With the Master, Himself.
Of our Lord's lovingkindness;
He makes the outgoing
Of the day to rejoice:
A glorious second coming,
Of Yeshua, our risen Savior,
Takes place every morning,
Within the prayerful soul;
Of His redeemed;
Flooding the heart,
With balming grace;
And drenching the spirit,
In His ageless Truth.
In this lofty inundation,
Are we immersed; lost;
In the abandoned rapture,
Of irreducible union
With the Master, Himself.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
All Who Possess Him
All who possess Him;
All whom the Risen Lord
Has raptly laid hold of;
Have, from the beginning,
Been possessed of Him,
In the sublime unity,
Of His essential love.
And this holy love,
A love unto infinite life,
Is perpetually renewed,
By the vitalizing power
Of the Spirit of God;
For in Him, there comes,
An unremitting new birth,
In knowledge, in passion,
In joy, and in peace;
Through a continual embrace
With the Divine Godhead.
In this contentment;
All the chosen are enfolded:
Angels and men;
From the first,
Even to the last.
All whom the Risen Lord
Has raptly laid hold of;
Have, from the beginning,
Been possessed of Him,
In the sublime unity,
Of His essential love.
And this holy love,
A love unto infinite life,
Is perpetually renewed,
By the vitalizing power
Of the Spirit of God;
For in Him, there comes,
An unremitting new birth,
In knowledge, in passion,
In joy, and in peace;
Through a continual embrace
With the Divine Godhead.
In this contentment;
All the chosen are enfolded:
Angels and men;
From the first,
Even to the last.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
When summer draws nigh,
And the sun is prominent;
It reaps moisture,
Up from the soil,
Through the roots,
Into the dry sprigs,
And tender branchlets:
Hence, comes foliage;
Flower; and fruit.
When the Living Savior
Arises, and ascends,
In our willing hearts;
It is indeed summer,
In the adornment
Of our love:
He gives His light;
And His heat,
To our deepest desires;
And induces the soul,
To grow, and bring forth,
The unfolding leaves
Of inward passion;
The manyfold flowers
Of fervid devotion;
And the fruits,
Of thanksgiving and praise.
And the sun is prominent;
It reaps moisture,
Up from the soil,
Through the roots,
Into the dry sprigs,
And tender branchlets:
Hence, comes foliage;
Flower; and fruit.
When the Living Savior
Arises, and ascends,
In our willing hearts;
It is indeed summer,
In the adornment
Of our love:
He gives His light;
And His heat,
To our deepest desires;
And induces the soul,
To grow, and bring forth,
The unfolding leaves
Of inward passion;
The manyfold flowers
Of fervid devotion;
And the fruits,
Of thanksgiving and praise.
Monday, August 23, 2010
From the secluded depths
Of the Spirit filled believer,
There springs forth,
A percipient love
Which fills the heart,
And empowers the soul.
Of this yearning love;
Is born devotion to God:
Where the fire of holy love,
Launches heavenward,
The flames of desire;
There is devotion.
Devotion moves and draws,
From without, and within,
Towards the will of Jah;
It tends body and soul,
To blossom in exaltation
And avail before the Throne:
For every devoted life,
Is most holy unto the Lord;
And they shall prosper,
In grace, and in peace,
Who are devoted to Him.
Of the Spirit filled believer,
There springs forth,
A percipient love
Which fills the heart,
And empowers the soul.
Of this yearning love;
Is born devotion to God:
Where the fire of holy love,
Launches heavenward,
The flames of desire;
There is devotion.
Devotion moves and draws,
From without, and within,
Towards the will of Jah;
It tends body and soul,
To blossom in exaltation
And avail before the Throne:
For every devoted life,
Is most holy unto the Lord;
And they shall prosper,
In grace, and in peace,
Who are devoted to Him.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Annuity Of Love
Until perfect love,
Being the Truth of God,
Is able to cast out fear;
It would be well,
That fear should hold:
It is a bond,
However poor,
Between that which is,
And He who creates;
A bond that must
Anon be broken,
By the tightening,
Of an infinitely
Closer, more perfect,
Annuity of love.
Being the Truth of God,
Is able to cast out fear;
It would be well,
That fear should hold:
It is a bond,
However poor,
Between that which is,
And He who creates;
A bond that must
Anon be broken,
By the tightening,
Of an infinitely
Closer, more perfect,
Annuity of love.
The Dragon
The dragon has ascended;
And soars wrathfully,
High above the clouds;
Riding the thermals of chaos,
Searching, and watching,
The ways and goings
Of the sons of Adam:
Seeking prey below.
His eyes are steely cold;
His heart is firm,
As precious stone;
Hard, like the anvil;
When he rises up,
The mighty are afraid:
For he is a king,
Over all the children
Of pride and avarice.
And soars wrathfully,
High above the clouds;
Riding the thermals of chaos,
Searching, and watching,
The ways and goings
Of the sons of Adam:
Seeking prey below.
His eyes are steely cold;
His heart is firm,
As precious stone;
Hard, like the anvil;
When he rises up,
The mighty are afraid:
For he is a king,
Over all the children
Of pride and avarice.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Outer Darkness
To be as if
You never were;
Is to be cast,
Into outer darkness:
The ghastly, vast,
Outland gloom,
Beyond the gates
Of the City of God;
Where evil dogs range.
Silent, as it is dark,
For there is no sound;
Anymore than sight:
For the time of signs,
And senses is over;
Every sense has its signs,
They were all misused.
The man awakes,
From the struggle of death,
Into absolute loneliness:
Not a hint -
Not a shadow -
Of anything outside
His own consciousness,
Reaches to him.
All is dark -
Dark and dumb;
No movement -
Not a breath of wind;
So scents -
Not a touch;
Nothing to suggest,
Being, or thing,
Beyond the man himself;
No sign of God:
God has so far
Withdrawn from the man;
That he is witting only,
Of that from which
He has been excluded:
And that;
There is never to be,
Even the dream,
Of change.
You never were;
Is to be cast,
Into outer darkness:
The ghastly, vast,
Outland gloom,
Beyond the gates
Of the City of God;
Where evil dogs range.
Silent, as it is dark,
For there is no sound;
Anymore than sight:
For the time of signs,
And senses is over;
Every sense has its signs,
They were all misused.
The man awakes,
From the struggle of death,
Into absolute loneliness:
Not a hint -
Not a shadow -
Of anything outside
His own consciousness,
Reaches to him.
All is dark -
Dark and dumb;
No movement -
Not a breath of wind;
So scents -
Not a touch;
Nothing to suggest,
Being, or thing,
Beyond the man himself;
No sign of God:
God has so far
Withdrawn from the man;
That he is witting only,
Of that from which
He has been excluded:
And that;
There is never to be,
Even the dream,
Of change.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Our Eternal Need
Communion with God,
Is the one need of the soul,
Beyond all other need;
Prayer is the beginning,
Of that communion;
And some great need,
Is the motive of that prayer:
Our wants, and our needs,
Are for the sake of our coming
Into communion with God:
Our eternal need.
Is the one need of the soul,
Beyond all other need;
Prayer is the beginning,
Of that communion;
And some great need,
Is the motive of that prayer:
Our wants, and our needs,
Are for the sake of our coming
Into communion with God:
Our eternal need.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Coarse, Earthy Man
Taken in the Spirit;
I regard, coarse,
Earthy, man;
Whose blessings,
Fatefully become,
A curse unto him.
Weary with feebleness,
He calls upon death;
Yet in truth;
It is life he seeks:
He longs for rest;
But death, is not rest.
Low - sunk life;
Imagines itself,
Weary of life;
But it is death;
Not life, it is weary of.
What he calls life;
Is but a menagerie ,
Of living, nesting death:
The death of despair;
The death of failure;
The death of separation;
The unfinished death,
In the fear of discovery;
Or the lingering death,
Of the exhaustion of passion.
He seeks the darkness;
Because, in his madness,
It seems a refuge,
From the encroaching death
Which overwhelms him:
He is a forlorn creature;
Bedeviled, in, and by death.
"The Thief cometh not,
But to steal,
And to kill,
And to destroy:
I am come
That they might
Have life,
And that they
Might have it
More abundantly."
I regard, coarse,
Earthy, man;
Whose blessings,
Fatefully become,
A curse unto him.
Weary with feebleness,
He calls upon death;
Yet in truth;
It is life he seeks:
He longs for rest;
But death, is not rest.
Low - sunk life;
Imagines itself,
Weary of life;
But it is death;
Not life, it is weary of.
What he calls life;
Is but a menagerie ,
Of living, nesting death:
The death of despair;
The death of failure;
The death of separation;
The unfinished death,
In the fear of discovery;
Or the lingering death,
Of the exhaustion of passion.
He seeks the darkness;
Because, in his madness,
It seems a refuge,
From the encroaching death
Which overwhelms him:
He is a forlorn creature;
Bedeviled, in, and by death.
"The Thief cometh not,
But to steal,
And to kill,
And to destroy:
I am come
That they might
Have life,
And that they
Might have it
More abundantly."
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Prophet Of The Lord
The prophet of the Lord,
Exercises a power of seeing,
As by spiritual refraction,
Truths, not yet risen
Above the human horizon;
He sees, and makes note of,
The analogies and correspondences,
Between the concentric
Regions of creation:
It is the inspired working,
Of a poetic, symphonic imagination,
Pulsating with Divine Life;
Whose part is to foresee,
And welcome approaching Truth;
To discover uniting principles,
In the seemingly unrelated;
And to embody truths discovered,
In forms and symbols;
So as to present to other seekers,
The deeper truths to which,
Those forms and symbols
Owe their being.
Exercises a power of seeing,
As by spiritual refraction,
Truths, not yet risen
Above the human horizon;
He sees, and makes note of,
The analogies and correspondences,
Between the concentric
Regions of creation:
It is the inspired working,
Of a poetic, symphonic imagination,
Pulsating with Divine Life;
Whose part is to foresee,
And welcome approaching Truth;
To discover uniting principles,
In the seemingly unrelated;
And to embody truths discovered,
In forms and symbols;
So as to present to other seekers,
The deeper truths to which,
Those forms and symbols
Owe their being.
Nothing But God
The Light of our life,
Our sole, eternal,
And infinite joy;
Is quite simply:
God -- God -- God;
Nothing but God,
And all of His
Creation - In Him.
He is all, and in all;
And the children
Of His Kingdom know it!
We have witnessed Him,
Through His beloved Son;
We come to know Him,
Through His marvelous Spirit;
We touch His face,
Through the gift of faith.
God is Truth, and Life;
To be in God;
Is to know Him,
And to need no law.
Our sole, eternal,
And infinite joy;
Is quite simply:
God -- God -- God;
Nothing but God,
And all of His
Creation - In Him.
He is all, and in all;
And the children
Of His Kingdom know it!
We have witnessed Him,
Through His beloved Son;
We come to know Him,
Through His marvelous Spirit;
We touch His face,
Through the gift of faith.
God is Truth, and Life;
To be in God;
Is to know Him,
And to need no law.
Monday, August 16, 2010
God; The Suffering One
It is because God
Is our Savior;
That Yeshua
Is our Savior;
The Son did nothing,
But what the Father
Did, does, and commands:
If Shiloh suffered,
To restore the breach;
It was because,
His Father suffers:
Giving Himself to His own.
He knew the cost:
Not energy of Will alone,
Or the pain of separation;
But the sore suffering,
That could only be God's;
In the developing,
And bringing to fruition,
The Divine God-life,
In the individual soul;
An agony still renewed.
The suffering Yeshua endured,
Was that of the Father,
From the foundations;
Reaching it's appointed climax,
In the person of His Son:
God provides the Sacrifice;
The Sacrifice is Himself.
He is always,
And has ever been,
Sacrificing Himself to and for
His beloved creation:
It lies in the very essence
Of His Creative Act.
Is our Savior;
That Yeshua
Is our Savior;
The Son did nothing,
But what the Father
Did, does, and commands:
If Shiloh suffered,
To restore the breach;
It was because,
His Father suffers:
Giving Himself to His own.
He knew the cost:
Not energy of Will alone,
Or the pain of separation;
But the sore suffering,
That could only be God's;
In the developing,
And bringing to fruition,
The Divine God-life,
In the individual soul;
An agony still renewed.
The suffering Yeshua endured,
Was that of the Father,
From the foundations;
Reaching it's appointed climax,
In the person of His Son:
God provides the Sacrifice;
The Sacrifice is Himself.
He is always,
And has ever been,
Sacrificing Himself to and for
His beloved creation:
It lies in the very essence
Of His Creative Act.
He who trusts
In the Living God,
Can understand;
He whose mind
Is set at ease
In the Risen One;
Will quickly discover:
The many worries,
And cares of life
That ring, and resound,
Across your mind,
At any given moment;
Or but hold, and wait,
Until your head lays,
Weary, on sleep's pillow;
To leap upon you,
Thwarting all rest:
These; all of these;
Are but the minions
Of the Strongman,
Seeking for weakness;
And feverishly sucking,
At the wellspring
Of your life.
In the Living God,
Can understand;
He whose mind
Is set at ease
In the Risen One;
Will quickly discover:
The many worries,
And cares of life
That ring, and resound,
Across your mind,
At any given moment;
Or but hold, and wait,
Until your head lays,
Weary, on sleep's pillow;
To leap upon you,
Thwarting all rest:
These; all of these;
Are but the minions
Of the Strongman,
Seeking for weakness;
And feverishly sucking,
At the wellspring
Of your life.
A Cosmic Agony
The whole of history,
Is a cosmic agony:
Of creation, conspiracy,
Rebellion, degeneration,
And restoration;
Purposed, to avail
Divine and eternal life,
To fallen, finite man;
Created in the image,
And spiritual likeness,
Of the Lord of Hosts.
The outcome of this struggle:
The victory of that redemptive,
And again creative energies
Of Almighty God;
Will be a radiant life,
Whereof joy unspeakable,
Is the bespangled flower.
Is a cosmic agony:
Of creation, conspiracy,
Rebellion, degeneration,
And restoration;
Purposed, to avail
Divine and eternal life,
To fallen, finite man;
Created in the image,
And spiritual likeness,
Of the Lord of Hosts.
The outcome of this struggle:
The victory of that redemptive,
And again creative energies
Of Almighty God;
Will be a radiant life,
Whereof joy unspeakable,
Is the bespangled flower.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Rest Indeed
To seek His face;
And to acquiesce,
In His sacrifice;
To humbly partake,
In the Pascal feast,
At the table of God;
To take up His yoke,
And meekly bear it;
To place a hand,
Over thy will;
And cast thy bow
Into the dust:
This is rest indeed,
For the weary soul;
And peace of mind,
From the God of Peace.
And to acquiesce,
In His sacrifice;
To humbly partake,
In the Pascal feast,
At the table of God;
To take up His yoke,
And meekly bear it;
To place a hand,
Over thy will;
And cast thy bow
Into the dust:
This is rest indeed,
For the weary soul;
And peace of mind,
From the God of Peace.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Short Word
God is Life:
Eternal Life;
And death,
Cannot live,
In His sight;
For death,
Is corruption,
And has no
In itself;
Living only
In the decay,
Of the remains,
Of life.
Eternal Life;
And death,
Cannot live,
In His sight;
For death,
Is corruption,
And has no
In itself;
Living only
In the decay,
Of the remains,
Of life.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Ragnarok : The Destiny of the Gods
It all started when they discovered a Hole in the Earth's Magnetic Field.
Then there was the Norway Spiral.
More recently the South Pole's Magnetic Field completely disappeared for a time, as shown by the Canadian Vandal, which may be the smoking gun of global warming that some are looking for since heat breaks down magnetism this is obviously not a normal fluctuation.
Now their are Forest Fires in Russia and China burning out of control followed by an absurdly freakish Apocalyptic Thunderstorm pounding Finland and unexplained Harmonic Tremors stirring Yellowstone Super Volcano.
It has begun.
Ragnarok is on the way and as one scientist recently said, "It's an irreversible situation."
What am I talking about?
Cosmology, Mythology, Eschatology, Global Warming, Earth Science and, really, life in general for everyone on the planet.
Everything is about to change.
Whether you are an Atheist or Religious to the core, you can casually read through the Norse Mythology and see the Earth Changes presented there as the harbingers of the Apocalypse and scientists as well as the religious are in agreement on this regardless of how much they may bicker about the details.
What I am mostly talking about, however, is the deterioration of the earth's magnetic field, as mentioned above, long before the model predicts it and certainly before 2012 AD, which will lead to a Pole Shift.
The Hole in the Magnetic Field is allowing the northern portion of the earth's crust, and core, to heat up more then normal and more then the South Pole and this imbalance due to the global thermodynamics of the planet will deteriorate the magnetic field to the point that it will Flip the Earth's Core, followed by the Magnetic Field and then the Planet itself shortly thereafter.
And we can see that the northern portion of this planet is indeed heating up and there is a very good possibility that the next time the South Pole's Magnetic Field drops to zero, the poles will flip resulting in society being plunged back into the era of the cave man, literally, overnight.
Then the finer points of Ragnarok will begin.
The Myths say it starts out with a winter that lasts for three years and this is easily understood knowing that the pole shift will cause global volcanism to occur plunging the moon and sun into darkness and cooling the planet down for that period of time during which, of course, mankind will be in the every man, or race, for themselves mode as also described by the myths, which are also, noticeably, very similar to the specific details given in the Bible for the same period of time, with the waves of the sea roaring as described by both and men's hearts failing them for fear for the things that they see coming upon the earth and the powers of heaven and earth being shaken which is also recalled by the name Ragnarok itself which literally means the destruction of the powers that be.
Don't take it personally.
But, ready or not, here it comes.
Pure Chaos...
Then there was the Norway Spiral.
More recently the South Pole's Magnetic Field completely disappeared for a time, as shown by the Canadian Vandal, which may be the smoking gun of global warming that some are looking for since heat breaks down magnetism this is obviously not a normal fluctuation.
Now their are Forest Fires in Russia and China burning out of control followed by an absurdly freakish Apocalyptic Thunderstorm pounding Finland and unexplained Harmonic Tremors stirring Yellowstone Super Volcano.
It has begun.
Ragnarok is on the way and as one scientist recently said, "It's an irreversible situation."
What am I talking about?
Cosmology, Mythology, Eschatology, Global Warming, Earth Science and, really, life in general for everyone on the planet.
Everything is about to change.
Whether you are an Atheist or Religious to the core, you can casually read through the Norse Mythology and see the Earth Changes presented there as the harbingers of the Apocalypse and scientists as well as the religious are in agreement on this regardless of how much they may bicker about the details.
What I am mostly talking about, however, is the deterioration of the earth's magnetic field, as mentioned above, long before the model predicts it and certainly before 2012 AD, which will lead to a Pole Shift.
The Hole in the Magnetic Field is allowing the northern portion of the earth's crust, and core, to heat up more then normal and more then the South Pole and this imbalance due to the global thermodynamics of the planet will deteriorate the magnetic field to the point that it will Flip the Earth's Core, followed by the Magnetic Field and then the Planet itself shortly thereafter.
And we can see that the northern portion of this planet is indeed heating up and there is a very good possibility that the next time the South Pole's Magnetic Field drops to zero, the poles will flip resulting in society being plunged back into the era of the cave man, literally, overnight.
Then the finer points of Ragnarok will begin.
The Myths say it starts out with a winter that lasts for three years and this is easily understood knowing that the pole shift will cause global volcanism to occur plunging the moon and sun into darkness and cooling the planet down for that period of time during which, of course, mankind will be in the every man, or race, for themselves mode as also described by the myths, which are also, noticeably, very similar to the specific details given in the Bible for the same period of time, with the waves of the sea roaring as described by both and men's hearts failing them for fear for the things that they see coming upon the earth and the powers of heaven and earth being shaken which is also recalled by the name Ragnarok itself which literally means the destruction of the powers that be.
Don't take it personally.
But, ready or not, here it comes.
Pure Chaos...
Ambition, in every shape
That it presents itself;
Has to do with things,
Giving external advantage,
For the satisfaction of
Self - worship;
It is that form of pride,
Which usurps the rightful
Place of aspiration,
To godliness and salvation.
Yet it is nursed and cherished,
In many a soul,
That thinks itself devout;
Filling it with petty cares,
And life's disappointments;
That swarm like bees,
Around a fallen hive;
And shut out,
The Glory of God.
That it presents itself;
Has to do with things,
Giving external advantage,
For the satisfaction of
Self - worship;
It is that form of pride,
Which usurps the rightful
Place of aspiration,
To godliness and salvation.
Yet it is nursed and cherished,
In many a soul,
That thinks itself devout;
Filling it with petty cares,
And life's disappointments;
That swarm like bees,
Around a fallen hive;
And shut out,
The Glory of God.
Trith Is One
Truth is one;
He who does the Truth,
In the small things,
Is of the Truth;
He who will do it,
Only in a great thing;
Who postpones,
The small thing near him,
Where need is high;
To do the great thing,
Farther from him;
For the eyes of man;
Is not of the Truth.
He who does the Truth,
In the small things,
Is of the Truth;
He who will do it,
Only in a great thing;
Who postpones,
The small thing near him,
Where need is high;
To do the great thing,
Farther from him;
For the eyes of man;
Is not of the Truth.
Monday, August 9, 2010
The final end,
Of our separation
From all of Heaven;
Is not simplicity,
And the self-identity,
As some have taught:
These are but roads
We are made to travel.
On this journey,
The final end;
Is oneness .......
A oneness with Him,
Who is Life;
And the well source,
Of all being.
This is not possible,
However, without identity;
For there can be,
No unity of love;
No sympathy of grace;
No harmony in being;
Where there is but one.
Two, at the very least;
Are needed,
For Oneness of Life;
And the greater the number,
The richer the union.
Of our separation
From all of Heaven;
Is not simplicity,
And the self-identity,
As some have taught:
These are but roads
We are made to travel.
On this journey,
The final end;
Is oneness .......
A oneness with Him,
Who is Life;
And the well source,
Of all being.
This is not possible,
However, without identity;
For there can be,
No unity of love;
No sympathy of grace;
No harmony in being;
Where there is but one.
Two, at the very least;
Are needed,
For Oneness of Life;
And the greater the number,
The richer the union.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
At the draw,
Of a coarse grained,
And spotted day;
As I fall heavily,
Before the table
Of the Lord;
Sighing keenly,
For the lost flower
Of blamelessness;
And quivering,
At an impure lip.
'Oh Lord', I moaned;
'At times, Thy purity
Flees from me;
Like a fleeting vision
Of the night;
Whispering sharply,
From the periphery.
Create in me,
A new heart;
Renew Thy spirit
Within me;
And restore unto me,
The joy of my
Suddenly, do I feel
His healing touch;
And my soul is suffused
With Holy emotion;
The tides rise high;
Tumultuous torrents of joy
Knock loudly,
At the floodgates
Of my heart;
And burst forth
Upon my tongue,
As songs of
Seemingly joined,
By every element
Of His creation,
In a choral medley
Of rapturous praise!
Who is like
Unto Thee, Oh Lord?
Or to Thy faithfulness
Round about Thee?
Of a coarse grained,
And spotted day;
As I fall heavily,
Before the table
Of the Lord;
Sighing keenly,
For the lost flower
Of blamelessness;
And quivering,
At an impure lip.
'Oh Lord', I moaned;
'At times, Thy purity
Flees from me;
Like a fleeting vision
Of the night;
Whispering sharply,
From the periphery.
Create in me,
A new heart;
Renew Thy spirit
Within me;
And restore unto me,
The joy of my
Suddenly, do I feel
His healing touch;
And my soul is suffused
With Holy emotion;
The tides rise high;
Tumultuous torrents of joy
Knock loudly,
At the floodgates
Of my heart;
And burst forth
Upon my tongue,
As songs of
Seemingly joined,
By every element
Of His creation,
In a choral medley
Of rapturous praise!
Who is like
Unto Thee, Oh Lord?
Or to Thy faithfulness
Round about Thee?
In fervent,
Impassioned prayer,
Are we regathered,
In soul and spirit;
From the many fancies
That bewilder us;
And the distractions,
That dissolve us
Into the dust
Of the world.
Here, we are collected,
Into His peace;
Into His power;
And into His wisdom:
We gain a heart,
Resolved to any fate;
Because we rest;
Secure, and quenched,
In the gladsome arms,
Of the Living God.
Impassioned prayer,
Are we regathered,
In soul and spirit;
From the many fancies
That bewilder us;
And the distractions,
That dissolve us
Into the dust
Of the world.
Here, we are collected,
Into His peace;
Into His power;
And into His wisdom:
We gain a heart,
Resolved to any fate;
Because we rest;
Secure, and quenched,
In the gladsome arms,
Of the Living God.
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