
Monday, August 16, 2010

God; The Suffering One

It is because God
Is our Savior;
That Yeshua
Is our Savior;
The Son did nothing,
But what the Father
Did, does, and commands:
If Shiloh suffered,
To restore the breach;
It was because,
His Father suffers:
Giving Himself to His own.
He knew the cost:
Not energy of Will alone,
Or the pain of separation;
But the sore suffering,
That could only be God's;
In the developing,
And bringing to fruition,
The Divine God-life,
In the individual soul;
An agony still renewed.
The suffering Yeshua endured,
Was that of the Father,
From the foundations;
Reaching it's appointed climax,
In the person of His Son:
God provides the Sacrifice;
The Sacrifice is Himself.
He is always,
And has ever been,
Sacrificing Himself to and for
His beloved creation:
It lies in the very essence
Of His Creative Act.

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