
Monday, June 21, 2010

The Subtle Self

Obliquity of vision ....... the spiritual squint,
Hinders in our discernment of God's will
Which would otherwise be clear as noonday.
Carefully, diligently, consider and search thy heart;
For though delivered through the grace of God,
We are yet liable to the subtle working of the self,
Even in our holiest, most reverently sublime hours,
It poisons our motives, and spreads a foul decay,
Whispering seductive flatteries into our pleased ears,
While it turns our step and spirit from Its holy purpose;
As a small matter of iron turns the compass needle.
So long as we harbor some thought of advantage,
Or to gain the praise and commendation on men;
It is not possible to clearly see His will and purpose.
The door to self must be closed with resolution
If we are to hear and attend the still, small voice.
All cross traffic must be excluded from our hearts,
If we are to truly behold His Urim and Thummin
Brighten with God's yes, and darken with His no.

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