
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pslam 139:13 - 16

Thou hast possessed my reins;
There is none on earth
That I desire, save Thee.
Thou hast enshrouded me,
As the twin golden cherubim
That outspread their wings,
To cover Thy Holy Ark;
And with the ambrosia of secundine,
Thou cradlest me in the womb.
Forever will I praise Thee,
For I was majestically and reverently formed:
An astonishing and wondrous conception;
The overt expression of every part,
The almost magical harmony of all,
Devoted solely to one.......
A sublime mirror image to Thy plan.
My vigor and strength were known unto You
From Before I was yet entwined;
Hidden from the eyes of man.
My pith, and my essence
Are determined in Thy book,
From the beginning of all:
Before the days were named.
And all save Thee lay static.

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