In what appears to be an effort to diffuse the Roman Catholic pedophilia scandal, Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone told a news conference in Chile that it is homosexuality, not celibacy that is linked to pedophilia;
"Many psychologists and psychiatrists have shown that there is no link between celibacy
and pedophilia but many others have shown, I have recently been told, that there is a
relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia."
"This pathology is one that touches all categories of people, and priests to a lesser degree
in percentage terms, the behavior of the priests in this case, the negative behavior, is very
serious, is scandalous."
It is difficult to know where to begin in response; but let me first say that this pathology does NOT touch all categories of people - it does not touch the saved, those called out by the Lord for His service both lay and clerical. Notice that there is no mention of sin or repentance; and again why would any organization which supposedly represents God on earth and is to minister to the community hire unbelievers (and homosexuals are most certainly unbelievers) as priests of all things. The Bible is quite clear in its teachings on sexual behavior as well as on the requirements for ministry within the body; and the Roman Catholic Church follows none of them, claiming a status for themselves as above and not beholden to God's Written Word. My friends, He is not present, not even represented in the Roman church. If you have any part in Roman Catholicism,(or any other organized religious sect) run to Him and fall on your face in repentance, seeking His forgiveness and guidance. Flee for your very spiritual lives while you still can; for the times are growing perilously short. Seek Him today while He may still be found.
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