
Friday, April 30, 2010

The Fall

The misery of our fall,
Arises rather naturally,
From the greatness of our sin.
For sin against Infinite Love,
Deeply fractures and mars the soul,
Evincing a consuming separation
From the presence of Him
Who is Infinite Love:
Bruising the very person of God.

To have failed our obligations,
And to have so fallen
From all Glory and Blessedness,
Begets an anguish deep in the heart;
The misery; the wormwood; and the gall:
Because to every purpose,
There is a time and a judgment.
Therefore, the misery of man
Is great upon him.

We are torn asunder.......bereft,
And lament of the ends
For which we were created:
To walk daily, openly with Him,
And to partake freely
In His unbounded favor.
Being detached from these,
We live to no good purpose;
And we are truly, fundamentally lost.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


The Lord by His wisdom
Hath founded the earth;
And has stretched out the heavens
By His understanding.
The empyrean declare His righteousness,
And all see His Glory;
For Thou, oh Lord,
Art high above all the earth;
Exalted over all creation.
By the power of His Word,
The depths are broken up
And the clouds drop down the dew;
Thy Throne is established of old;
Our dwelling place in all generations;
For Thou art from everlasting to everlasting.
Thy testimonies are very sure, and
Holiness becometh Thine House,
Oh Lord, forever.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

He Will Satisfy -- A Haiku

Give thanks unto God
For He is good forever
His mercy endures.

Oh let the redeemed,
Whom He hath redeemed in Blood,
Say so on roof tops!

They wandered alone,
In hunger, and in grave thirst;
Their soul had fainted.

They cried unto Him!
In their trouble and distress,
He delivered them;

And He led them forth.
Oh that men would praise the Lord,
For His wondrous Works.

He will satisfy,
And filleth the hungry soul
With goodness and grace.

The wise see these things;
They observe, and understand
His Loving Kindness.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Amos 8:11 & 12

The prophet fulminates a bitter proclamation:
Abandonment of the reprobate.......a famine of the Word;
Across the land.......a thick and heavy darkness.
None shall come to them:
No prophet; no counselor; no faithful reprover;
None to point the way to salvation;
No one to assure of the mercy of God.
Deprived of His forebearing grace,
They disquiet themselves and make a great noise;
Yet, in vain will their howling rend the air,
For He hath forbidden the upright
To return even nigh unto them.
In vain shall they bite the bridle,
And torment shall be their companion.
 He will not suffer them to hear what they ought;
But to pine away in their evils;
Without remedy.......without hope:
The severest of God's judgments
On this side of the worm that never dieth,
And the fire that is never quenched.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Good And Upright Is The Lord

Good and upright is the Lord:
Essentially, originally, and independently good;
Of Himself, in His own nature;
And providentially good to all creation.
He is upright - just; in Himself,
Righteous in all His ways and works,
And faithful in all His promises.
Even more will He teach His own,
Guiding them patiently in His ways;
As the Changeless, Evershining Light,
That shineth more and more,
Preceding and directing the faithful.
He keepeth the paths of judgment,
And preserveth the way of His saints;
For all the paths of the Lord
Are mercy, goodness, and truth.

Show me Thy ways, O Lord;
Teach me Thy paths.

Vatican Secretary of State: "Homosexuality, Not Celibacy Responsible For Pedophilia Scandals"

Today's scandal goes back centuries

In what appears to be an effort to diffuse the Roman Catholic pedophilia scandal, Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone told a news conference in Chile that it is homosexuality, not celibacy that is linked to pedophilia;
    "Many psychologists and psychiatrists have shown that there is no link between celibacy
    and pedophilia but many others have shown, I have recently been told, that there is a
    relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia."


    "This pathology is one that touches all categories of people, and priests to a lesser degree
    in percentage terms, the behavior of the priests in this case, the negative behavior, is very
    serious, is scandalous."

It is difficult to know where to begin in response; but let me first say that this pathology does NOT touch all categories of people - it does not touch the saved, those called out by the Lord for His service both lay and clerical. Notice that there is no mention of sin or repentance; and again why would any organization which supposedly represents God on earth and is to minister to the community hire unbelievers (and homosexuals are most certainly unbelievers) as priests of all things. The Bible is quite clear in its teachings on sexual behavior as well as on the requirements for ministry within the body; and the Roman Catholic Church follows none of them, claiming a status for themselves as above and not beholden to God's Written Word. My friends, He is not present, not even represented in the Roman church. If you have any part in Roman Catholicism,(or any other organized religious sect) run to Him and fall on your face in repentance, seeking His forgiveness and guidance. Flee for your very spiritual lives while you still can; for the times are growing perilously short. Seek Him today while He may still be found.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

By Fear Of The Lord

By mercy and truth iniquity is purged;
And by fear of the Lord, men depart from evil.
What man is he that feareth God?
Him shall He teach in the Way;
Yea, even in the instruction of Wisdom:
His soul shall dwell at ease; abundantly satisfied
With the fatness of Thy house:
He shall drink of the River of Thy Pleasure,
And his seed will inherit the earth.

The Secret of the Lord is with them
That fear Him - even the Spirit of Truth,
Whom the world cannot receive;
Because it is given only to the wise
To Know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.
"For whosoever hath, to him shall be given,
And he shall have more abundance:
But whosoever hath not, from him
Shall be taken away even what he hath."

The Wise

The wise - the pure in soul;
Being enlightened by the Spirit,
And concerned for the grace of God,
Did abandon and empty themselves:
A free turning of the will;
Begging a supernatural cleansing
To make ready the vessel
For the essential oil of unity with God,
Which springs forth naturally
Into the soul of those
Redeemed in the Blood of the Lamb.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

One Man's Rant

It is not necessary to be a Christian to recognize that Christianity has played a fundamental role in the shaping of western culture, and that there is no aspect of life in the west that has not been profoundly affected by that faith. It was the Christian synthesis of freedom and community that made modern western democracy and political liberty possible; based upon personal membership in a spiritual supranational community - a relationship denied, or not understood by our contemporary cultural, political, and religious leadership. To the believer, the understanding of historical development permits (even requires) interpretation of past events in the light of Divine Will and spiritual forces that may be unknown even to the actors themselves.

This Cristocentric view of history isolates and overthrows all other historistic rivals: from the ancient theories of endless repeating cycles to the spiritless homogeneity of our modern era. For the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation is not simply a theophany - a revelation of God to man; it is, in itself a new creation - the introduction of a new spiritual principal which transforms human nature into something entirely new. The history of the human race hinges on this unique Divine event which gives meaning to the whole historical process. The Incarnation gives shape to history and supplies a beginning, a middle, and an end to the story of man; an interpretation of times in terms of eternity and of human events in the light of divine revelation.

For at least the last fifty years, our culture - and our society - have increasingly de-emphasized moral effort and personal responsibility; thus overwhelming the Christian western medieval insight concerning the central importance of spiritual assent, rationality, and the freedom of the individual personality as prime coallessive cultural forces. This doctrine, a hallmark of western thought for centuries is in imminent danger of being deluged by forces on both the left and the right to return the individual person to a collective identity under the absolute control of a predetermined elite.

It is a movement not so much defined by its end as by its starting point; away from, rather than towards something definite. Though imbued with the dark powers and visions of neo-pagan theology, the point of departure is more real then the destination; and the destination will present a very different picture when arrived at, from the vaguer images formed at its inception. By destroying the traditional social habits of the people, by licensing the opinions of the most foolish, by substituting indoctrination for education, by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart over the qualified, by fostering the bedlam of cultural disintegration, this modernism will prepare the way for its own negation through the enaction of an artificial yet brutal control over all as a desperate attempt to remedy the created chaos. Thus initiating that final empire triggering the prophetic sequence of events recorded in Scripture leading to the return of our Lord.

We, as believers, stand on the cusp of the truly terrifying and the wondrous, chosen and preordained by God for these times to stand as a witness before man to His Glory and to His Love. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

Friday, April 23, 2010

On Salvation

Hearken unto my words,
Ye that follow after righteousness,
Even ye that seek the Lord.
It is good that a man
Should hope for and pursue
The salvation of the Lord.
I will hope continually,
And will yet praise Thee;
My mouth shall sing of Thy righteousness
And Thy salvation all the day;
Let all those that seek Thee,
Rejoice and be glad therein;
Let such as love Thy redemption
Continually magnify the Lord.
I am poor and needy,
Yet the Lord thinketh upon me;
Thou art my help and my deliverer,
Tarry not, oh my God, my Holy One.
For the salvation of the righteous
Is of the Lord: even the Rock;
From whence we are hewn:
He is our strength in time of trouble;
And He shall help and deliver us:
Yea, even save utterly,
Because we have trusted in Him.

Check Out Bro Thomas

I'm off driving over the road for a couple of days, be back tonight with another post hopefully. However, in the meantime, check out Brother Thomas' Blog. Two great articles from today and yesterday. A good man with a great gift from God - check it out - the link is just off to your right. God willing, I'll see you tonight.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Plain Talk; sorta:

The order of God, established by His Divine Will  is the life of the soul, and It manifests Itself in different ways in each of us. Whatever connection the Divine Will has with the individual hearts of His children; It nourishes the soul, and continually enlarges it by giving it whatever is best for it at any given time. It is not the particular act or deed performed that matters, but what God has willed for us in the present. It is the obedience in the servant spirit, and a fervent heart that bring to light His Will for the moment. Our Lord taught that we were to live for the day at hand - care not for the morrow, each day has trouble enough in itself. It is His Will, for the NOW, under whatever guise it presents itself, which is precisely that which is the most sanctifying for the soul.

Obedience in the righteous
Begets a manyfold fruit;
Nourished and increased by the Spirit,
Which, in Providential succession,
Reinvigorate and multiply
According to the same Divine Will.
He only requires of us,
That we allow Him to act
By abandoning ourselves utterly
To Him in perfect confidence.
Do not pause to consider,
Thrust thyself blindly into Him,
Believing, in unshakable faith,
That He will guide thy ways,
And guard thy flanks.
And know an efficacious grace,
By which the image of Christ
Is renewed in our souls.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

He Is Imminent

The finding of the Divine action,
In all that occurs in each moment,
Brings forth unfeigned wisdom;
A continuous revelation of Truth,
An unceasingly renewed caress with God.
It is a rejoicing with the Bridegroom;
Not in secret, or by stealth;
But openly......and in public,
Without any human respect.
It is a fund of peace, of joy, of love,
And of satisfaction with God,
Who is known; living; and operating
In the most perfect manner
In everything that happens
It is the beginning of an eternal happiness
Fully realized in the Lamb of God.
When He gives of Himself thus;
A fair, beatific exhilaration
Is scattered across the soul,
And the common becomes wondrous.
"Oh taste and see that the Lord is Good!
Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Remnant

The remnant, those called out by the Lord, chosen to be His people in these perilous times are not here by chance or accident of timing. We were created for the path we are to follow;
formed by Him as a witness to His glory and truth. Foreknown from the beginning; God has chosen us, His servants alive today, from any and all of creation to herald and exult in this, the end of the age, and whatever that may portend. We have been strengthened and prepared for this moment throughout eternity. Everything is given to us; all that we need is at hand. For He who calls is well able to provide: only trust and believe, and it shall be done:

Everyone that is called by My name;
I have created him for My glory,
I have formed him;
Yea, I have made him.
Ye are My witnesses, sayeth the Lord,
And My servant whom I have chosen;
That ye may know and believe Me,
And understand that I am He;
Before Me there was no god formed,
Neither shall there be after Me.
This people that I have formed for Myself;
They shall show forth My praise.
Ye are a chosen generation,
A royal priesthood, a holy nation,
A peculiar people;
That ye should show forth the praises
Of Him who hath called you out of darkness
Into His marvelous Light.

The Meek

"Blessed are the meek.......The poor in spirit..
Blessed are they that mourn.......
Blessed are the pure in heart......."
It is wisdom for us to listen
For He spoke out of the richness
Of His Eternal Godhead;
His Words are very Truth itself.

The abject, the afflicted, the wretched, and the undone;
Humbled under the crushing weight of decrial;
Poor in spirit and of a broken heart -
These the Lord will guide.
He takes notice of the lowly, the quiet, and the humble:
Beautifying them unto everlasting salvation,
And hiding them in the day of His anger.

Satisfied in the bounty and provision of the Lord,
The meek care not what be greater or lesser,
For he has quit the old struggle
And put on the new man:
Looking always to the Living One,
In whom all things will be restored,
And the righteous shall shine in holy ardor.

He walks, content in the Lord's embrace;
Subsumed in the abundance of peace
That courses through the gentle of soul:
An eternal grace; hidden in the heart;
Uncorrupted ....... Uncorruptable!
The adornment of a meek and quiet spirit
Which is of great price in the sight of the Lord.

As it is written in the Word:
"The meek He will guide in judgment;
The meek shall eat and be satisfied,
They shall praise the Lord that seek Him;
Your heart shall live forever...
We also are weak in Him,
But we shall live with Him
By the Power of God."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Talking Heads

Beware of the media's talking heads. Whatever their political persuasion or message; they are an illusion; a SOP thrown to the masses to keep them neutered and under control. They preach hallowed notions and present grandiose plans and ideas for reform, change, help the poor, return to constitutional government, etc., etc., ad nauseam; while they continue to game the system and make money hand over fist. They are not on your side, they are simply a pacifier for the restless, to distract from what is really being planned and done behind the scenes so that it can be thrust upon us as a fait accompli, with no response possible. Here is perhaps a better analogy: in the middle ages, when an opponent wished to distract the lord of the manor's defenses, they would send in female dogs in heat to unhinge the guard dogs and throw the manor into an uproar, easing their scheme towards fulfillment.The term used at the time for these dogs was "hot bitches"; this, in reality, is what these men and women are: ALL OF THEM. Turn away from any message or messenger not from or of the Lord. For all that is not of Him, is of the dust and of no profit to holiness and the high calling of the Kingdom.

Friday, April 16, 2010

On Faith

Genuine ....... Authentic faith
Must be definite and free of doubt.
Faith is not an abstract belief
In the existence of the Eternal;
Nor a mere mental acquiescence,
A simple assent of the will, or
A passive acceptance of facts presented;
No matter how sacred or thorough.

Faith is an operation of God;
A Divine illumination ....... A Holy energy,
Implanted by the Lord of Hosts
Into the soul of the believer:
A spiritual - divine aspiration,
Which takes of the supernatural,
And makes it a thing apprehendable
By the faculties of time and space.

Faith is fully conscious of God;
Recognizing in Him ....... A Savior.
It grapples with His Word,
And lays hold of Truth;
Saturated in His Holy Spirit,
It is energized by Sublime Fire.
Faith is the eternal starting point;
The foundation on which all things are built.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Righteous -- A Haiku

The righteous flourish
Like a green olive tree set
In the house of God.

Those that be planted
Trust in the mercy of Him
now and forever.

Thou wilt bless the kept,
The righteous, Thou will compass
Them as with a shield.

For the pure of heart
Shall bring forth fruit in old age
And sing a new song.

Rejoice in the Lord;
Praise is comely for the just,
Their mouth speaks wisdom.

The righteous exalt,
As the fruit of righteousness
Is a tree of life.

For the Lord is good;
Righteous in all His ways and
Holy in His works.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Help Wanted: Men of Prayer

The crying burden of our day,
Is for men, mature in the faith,
Ripened in the Word and sated by the Spirit,
Through a vitalized life of prayer.
To meet the perilous times now at hand.

When the battle is joined, triumph rides
In the empowered atmosphere of prayer.
A mordant, diseased heart
Is no more fearful symptom of death,
Than the non-praying are of spiritual atrophy.

For the prayer closet is the Garden of the Faith;
Rooting deeper and readier in prayer soaked ground,
Sowing the seeds of holiness, godliness, and endurance,
Amid a passion to declare the Word of God
To a corrupt and dying world.

"Therefore said He unto them,
'The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few;
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,
That He would send forth
Labourers into the harvest'."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Psalm 34:18

Those who are pressed and bore down with afflictions,
By the sorrow of soul under which their spirits are crushed,
With a sense of sin and sorrow - smitten by their own heart,
Leaving them wounded and abased.
Unto these, the Lord is nigh in a deliberate manner:
He comes and manifests Himself in graciousness,
Pouring in the oil and wine of His love,
To bind and sooth the bleeding heart;
Healing the bruise and restoring the breach.
As they are truly humbled by the burden of sin;
Melted down in open, honest repentance:
Poor and mean in their own eyes, and
Oppressed by the love and grace of God.
He will save with an everlasting salvation,
For the Lord does not despise the sacrifice
Of a broken and contrite spirit.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Way

As the course of the hummingbird is drawn
By the fragrant allure of nectar,
So the steps of the upright are ordered of the Lord;
And they delight in His tenor.
He guides the faithful in assurance, and truth;
Directing their journey on its intended path;
For God knoweth the way of the righteous.

His gaze ceaselessly attends upon the just,
Surveying all who travel the narrow road;
The Master knows them that are His.
Having been sanctified through His Truth;
And a witness to His manifest Glory;
Their heart shall not be turned back,
Neither will their steps decline.

He giveth power to the meek,
And to them without might,
He will amplify their strength;
Even unto those who do His commandments,
Harkening unto the Voice of His Word:
"They shall run and not be weary,
And they shall walk and not faint."

For the upright are of the Tree
Established alongside the River of Living Water,
Bringing forth an abundant fruit,
And whose leaf shall wither no more;
And they that be pruned and engrafted
Into the inviolate Congregation of the Righteous,
Shall flourish forevermore in the Courts of our God.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Take Time

The Divine life within us comes from God, and is entirely dependent upon Him. As all need fresh air every moment to breathe and live, so it only by constant communion with God that my soul can live and be strong.

The manna of one day was corrupt when the next day came. We must every day have fresh grace from on High, and it is obtained only in direct waiting on God Himself. Begin each day by tarrying before the Lord and letting Him touch you. Take time to meet and truly know God.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pantheistic Expansion

In the days ahead, an idea currently in vogue within the new age, environmental, and vegan cultures is about to explode upon the world and consume all before it. Pantheism is the belief that all are god, because god, their prime mover, is in all, thereby making a god of all creation and all creatures equally. This belief will be a prime pillar in the push for religious conformity in the coming one world dominion, and these ideas will be presented in flowery messianic words and images to maximize their appeal.

Uncounted millions will be deluded and seduced by this dark theology and it will be both militantly and militarily expanded. As it is thrust near the children of the Living God, we must stand: stand in faith; stand in Spirit; and stand in knowledge; but above all, stand.

"By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth ....... for He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast."  However closely God may be associated with the works of His hands, they are, and must eternally be, other than He; and He is, and must be, antecedent to and independent of them. He is transcendent above all His works even while He is imminent within them.

The minions of the enemy (and make no mistake about this, they are the enemy); are blind in the spirit and deaf in the soul. They go through the motions trying to live an ideal and be loyal to an indoctrinated principal with no thought beyond their own bellies. Yet come upon us they will. Prepare thyself; stay close to the Lord, stand on His promises, and all will be well; come what may. This is His pledge to us.

Monday, April 5, 2010

2 Peter 1: A Short Haiku

Neither be barren
Nor unfruitful in knowledge
Of our Lord, Jesus.

Having before us
Exceeding great,  precious hope
The promise of faith.

Add virtue to faith
And add to virtue, knowledge
To knowledge, temperance.

Give all diligence
For patience breeds godliness
Sown deep in the soul.

He that lacketh these
Hath forgotten and sees not
That he has been purged.

Friend, give attention
To make your calling certain
That you shall not fall.

For so an entrance
Shall be ministered to you
Into the Kingdom.

He will not neglect
To put you in remembrance
Of these things in Truth.

Take heed, for the Light
That shineth in a dark place
 Is balm to the soul.

Blessed be His name
For His Word and love be true
And His promise sure.

Join Not!

    Beware of the evil that now encompasses us on all sides and from every direction. Many are the promises of those who seek support, and they all have a plan. Yet they are as the lion who lies in wait for the unwary; they catch, and draw in. They crouch and humble themselves that the poor and weak may fall by the strong ones. They say among themselves that God has forgotten us and hid His Face from us; He will not see. Support not any man, party, or organization; for if you be of the Lord's own; you can join no other, for you were purchased at great price and belong not unto yourself.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Love Story

Formed according to His pleasure,
In keeping with the Holy plan,
To enjoy the transcendent minglings
 Of kindred personalities; as a Father with His sons.
To know Him; to live with Him;
To draw life and truth from Him.
Yet ..... we would not.
Forsaking  Love, prescience,and comformance,
We fled; and we hasted swiftly away
At the Voice of His Thunder.

Yet who can flee from the Living God?
What place is so deep
That He is not deeper still?
What place of darkness
Where His Glory does not shine?
Evicted; banished from His Face,
The blissful center of our creation,
Our right and proper dwelling,
Whose affection we kept not,
Begetting only turmoil and ageless restlessness.

Even so, the Infinite bonds of His love
Are not so easily shattered and cast assunder.
Through Infinite Wisdom and Sublime Charity,
A Way would be opened to us:
A reconciliation ....... a path of return,
To communion and the presence of the Living One.
The Golden Lampstand; yea even the Lord
Was given ....... a Blood sacrifice
Upon the brazen altar of Eternity,
Opening a Way into the High Place toward all who believe.

For God, who is rich in mercy,
And for the great love
With which He loved us,
Delivered acceptance unto us
In one Body; by the cross;
Having slain the enmity thereby;
And having made peace through Blood;
To reconcile all things unto Himself;
Whether they be in Earth or in Heaven.
As He is both the Author and Finisher of our faith.

The Self

There is, at least to some extent, an inner veil in the heart of even the most ardent believer that is a constant handicap to us in our walk and commune with our Lord. This veil is woven out of the fine threads of the self - life, the hyphenated sins of the human spirit. They are not something we do, they are something we are, and therein lies both their subtlety and their power.

To be specific, the self - sins are these: self-righteousness, self-pity, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-admiration, self-love, and a host of others like them. They dwell too deeply within us and are too much a part of our natures to come to our attention until the Light of God is focused upon them.

Self can live unrebuked at the very altar. It can watch the bleeding Victim die and not be impacted by what is sees. It can fight for the faith and eloquently preach the Gospel; telling all truth, and even feeding on orthodoxy.

Self is the opaque veil that hides the Face of God from us. It can be removed only in spiritual exercise and experience, never by mere instruction. There must be a Work of God here; we must invite the cross to do its deadly work within us. We must bring our self and our self - sins to Him for judgment.

God must do everything for us here; our part is to yield and trust. We must confess, forsake, repudiate, and reckon the self - life crucified. Insist that the work be done in very truth and it will be done. The cross is rough; it is deadly; but it is effective.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thy Word Is Light

By the Word of the Lord
Were the heavens and the Earth made,
And all the hosts of them
By the Breath of His mouth.

Bless the Lord ye saints;
All that do His commandments,
Harkening unto the voice of His Word;
For therein is light and life abundant.

The Word of the Lord is right,
And all His Works are done in truth:
Take and eat of that which is good,
Let thy soul delight itself in fatness.

In Thy Light, we shall see light;
For He is our God, and we, the people of His pasture,
His beloved ....... The sheep of His Hand;
Today; if ye will hear His Voice.

The entrance of Thy Word,
Giveth light, and life to the bitter of soul;
How precious are Thy thoughts, O Lord?
How great is the sum of them?

Thy Word is sown in the righteous,
Generating a Holy Light in the inmost heart:
While ye have the Light, believe in the Light,
That ye may be reckoned the children of the Light

The Coming Crackdown

Dark times appear to be on the horizon. The recent arrests in Ohio and Michigan coupled with the absurd letters from the equally absurd Guardians of the Free Republic have focused the governments attention on our basic freedoms, with the full intention to eliminating those it considers dangerous; and eliminating those who refuse to give up these freedoms. For the believer, these are dangerous times; discernment is a must. We may be drawn, by our mistrust of ceasar and his beast to ally ourselves with these Christian militia types; this is a mistake of catastrophic proportions. These groups are neither Christian nor a militia; they know not the Risen Savior. Nowhere did our Lord ask us to take up arms against any adversary, political ones included.

We are to serve one master, and the political fortunes of any country are insignificant. If we are His, our citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. We are to live at peace with all men to the best of our ability and keep a low profile; not drawing unwanted attention with meaningless political escapades.

The time will come, and soon I think, when we will be required to stand against the beast in His Power, for His Righteousness, for His Kingdom. This is not that fight! We are to be in the world yet not of the world, our fight is in the spirit, not of the flesh. This foolishness will only serve to ignite a massive retaliation by the authorities on all unwilling to submit to the beast. It is what they want.

Wait on the Lord, again I say wait. He is in total control of all times and seasons; and as long as we rest in Him and follow His Words, we have no need to fear and no need to ally ourselves with the ungodly no matter how much we may sympathize with their plight or their positions.

Remember, all is as it should be and His Plan is in full motion towards its certain completion and our help and interference is unnecessary - even dangerous - to us.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

God Is Always Previous

    To have found the Lord, and yet, at the same time, to still yearn after and pursue Him seems a great paradox in the life of a believer. Yet, this is only an appearance - a mirage. These are not opposites, but flip sides of the same coin. We find God only because He has sought us first. The moment we are quickened by the Spirit, our soul leaps in a joyous recognition of the Divine. This is  the beginning; the new birth without which no man can see the Kingdom of God; it is not an end (contrary to the preachings of the "cheap gracers"). The Word teaches that we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling through study and prayer, growing in the knowledge and favor of God. Our continual striving closely after Him is but the souls echo of God's redeeming grace growing and maturing in our hearts. It is the evidence that the Divine Seed was in fact planted in fertile soil; compelling the faithful on the unending quest into the infinite riches of God. He calls, we respond; He leads, we follow. God is always previous - it is the way of things.

Pardon my absence the past couple of days; driving over the road; just got back in.