
Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Have we not pondered these things:
Even in childhood,
Through all our days,
And those long whimsical nights;
And have we not sung the songs
Which grew.......
Out of the revelation of the story within us,
And around us;
And have not these songs been born within us,
To direct, and encourage us into the story;
To become one with it,
We seek it out.......
We see it in flickers of motion;
And as we grasp.......
It is we who are apprehended by the story;
And by the Storyteller, Himself:
Truth is,
We, have been apprehended on our search,
But it is the glory of God, to daily renew Himself;
And this apprehension,
For each time of its seeing.......
Is its own renewal....... 
As if, this night of seeing it
As though I had not seen it before;
Does not mean that I have not seen it before:
I am not speaking here
About degrees of comprehension;
But of depths; of penetration.