
Friday, November 28, 2014

It's the day after
And all through
The house,
Lie six sleeping
Quiet as a mouse;
As the sun
Rises quickly,
And eyes open fast;
I treasure this silence,
Cause I know
It won't last.
So it's out
To the playground,
And in for some food,
Then off to the movies
With my noisy
Little brood.
If I survive this day,
And it goes
As we plan;
I'll rest until
And do it all

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday;

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


If you speak of wonders,
They believe in
Ten thousand things;
Or they believe in nothing:
Yet, their laughter walks
Slowly, upon the heels
Of their tears:
In every life,
The light was out;
And no one was
Looking for the morning:
But suddenly and simply,
Like any dawn
That takes its turn;
There he stands,
Just outside our door....
Now and then striking within,
To give us back
The glory of lost ideals.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Anyone of us can turn water into wine, it simply takes a little time.......the message, and the miracle in the water and the wine is the time, not the wine.......Jesus transcended the time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Summer Sky

A Summer Sky

The grass rustles
And the lizards bask,
By broken columns, 
Once pulsing with the
Traffic of busy men;
Time, after time,
Has come and gone;
And the place that
Knew them once,
Knows them no more:
Breath leaves no wrinkles
On the face
Of the summer sky;
Orion still hangs
His glittering sword;
And the Horses yet
Weave their mystic braids;
For the hand is laid
Gently upon the man,
And a word
Of promise to the ear:
Breaking it to the hope,
In the mountain mists,
And the deep places
Of the earth;
Till they were dead or vanished,
That sought its life.