
Monday, April 29, 2013

John’s gospel could be called an experiential, or walking gospel, because of its focus on the reality of knowing, experiencing, and abiding in Christ. From the first chapter of John’s gospel to its final pages it describes the testimony of Christ through individuals whose lives were dramatically changed by the touch of God. From the wedding feast in Cana to the vivid picture of Lazarus hopping from his tomb, lives were being renewed from personal encounters with Christ. Nicodemus was stunned by the power of His words, while the blind found sight, and the leper found healing in His touch. The multitudes ate bread and fish, the wedding company had their wine, and the disciples had their feet washed. Faith was being awakened in dead hearts; all, from personal encounters with Christ. John called it, receiving of His fullness, grace upon grace.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Song of Life

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

This is a psalm of worship. It is a true psalm of life: the experience of a throbbing human heart; born of the Spirit, and fully alive in God. It is worship, at its most basic and sublime; it is a soul's walking song to God; it is humanity’s psalm of adoration to God. And it is meant to be a living, breathing, working song -- sometimes earthy, in its tears and grit; sometimes radiant, in its joy and praise -- but always, in this walk of faith, does this melody flow; for worship is the song of life.

The lambs of God, the singers of this aria, sing with impassioned ardor of the goodness of God; and of His lovingkindness in the midst of our struggles; and we sing on, continually, in all we do, because this overwhelming desire to worship was created within us by our risen Savior -- not as an add-on, but as an intrinsic part of our very nature. We were literally created to walk in worship; to live in adoring celebration of Him who gave us life.

This living, walking relationship of worship, is unique. It is based within the utter mystery of our being of the family of God through the blood of Yeshua; and, as in any living relationship, it is not a one-sided affair. It is a continuous exchange of songs and gifts -- we give of our infirmities, and we receive of His love; only to sing out of His glory in a voice given to us by God, Himself -- and as we sing of our struggles, our failings, and our aspirations; we hear a second voice, the voice of God within us, joining in this aria of life with His songs of consolation, forgiveness, grace, and strength. Living worship is two walking together; singing the harmonies of One.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Worship is a thirsty land crying out for rain -- It is a flame in its kindling birth -- It is a drop in quest of its ocean -- It is a voice in the night crying out in pain -- It is a soul standing in awe before the majesty and wonder of the heavens -- It is time subsiding into eternity -- It is a man being drawn up the altar stairs into God.