
Saturday, December 24, 2011


In the process of time,
Did it come to pass:
Unto us a child was born,
Unto us a Son was given;
In Him was Life; and the Life,
Was a Light unto men;
That all men, through Him,
Might believe in the Light;
For His Light is life,
Unto all who believe.
And they called His name:

Merry Christmas to all !!!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh Ye Who Sigh

Oh, ye who sigh,
And languish,
Who mourn
Your lack of power,
Hear ye not
His plaintive sigh:
“Could ye not watch
With Me one hour?”
For His fruitfulness
And blessing
There is no simple road;
The power for
This walk of ours
Comes on your knees,
With God.

'Tis The Season To Be Jolly?

Run, run Rudolph: Reindeer spotted on Ohio highway

No one spotted Santa Claus, but several drivers say they encountered a reindeer as they drove along a northeast Ohio highway.

The Akron Beacon Journal reports  drivers on state Route 21 in Norton had to dodge the reindeer Sunday morning after it fell from the back of a livestock truck and walked down the middle of lanes.

Patrolman Kevin Starling grabbed a harness on the reindeer and pulled it out of traffic while an off-duty firefighter stopped oncoming vehicles.

Starling says the reindeer suffered road rash and a broken antler.

Authorities say the livestock truck was headed to a party when it hit a bump and the doors opened, allowing the reindeer to fall out. Officers found the truck and returned the reindeer to its owner.

I Guess anyone can have a bad day -- even a raindeer -- interesting timing though -- haha (my commentary; of course)

Drunken Santas Terrorized Lower Manhattan During SantaCon

SOUTH STREET SEAPORT — Thousands of drunken Santas terrorized Lower Manhattan when they flooded into the neighborhood for SantaCon earlier this month, openly flouting public drinking and urination laws, locals say.

Angry residents attended Community Board 1's Monday night meeting to complain about the latest incarnation of the annual pub crawl, whose participants have been allowed to grow more rowdy every year, they say.

"There was public urination, people vomiting all over the place, open containers and no police," said John Fratta, chairman of the Seaport/Civic Center Committee which plans to send an angry missive to Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and the 1st Precinct complaining about the lack of enforcement during SantaCon.

The committee said that the NYPD devoted more resources to Occupy Wall Street than to SantaCon, and asked police for a better response at the neighborhood's next expected pub-crawl on St. Patrick's Day.

"The mayor put so much power on Occupy Wall Street, he had Downtown under lock and key — but he forgot about Santa," said Ann DeFalco, a member of Community Board 1's Seaport/Civic Center Committee, at a meeting Monday night.

Residents said they saw unruly Santas buying six-packs of bottled beer on Fulton Street, then standing in the middle of the street drinking them and shattering the empty glass bottles on the ground.

The mayor's office referred questions Tuesday morning to the NYPD. The NYPD did not return requests for comment.

CB1 staff said they spoke to Santacon organizers, who acknowledged that they had recieved complaints and planned to make changes for next year, a CB1 representative said.

SantaCon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

On its website, the group wrote, "Santa does not accept corporate sponsorship or speak to the press."

Paul Hovitz, a CB1 member, suggested that people who want to dress up as Santa should do a good deed rather than just drinking.

"Instead of going to pubs, they should go to senior centers and do something productive," Hovitz said.

"Santa should be associated with milk and cookies, not beer."

'Tis the season to be jolly -- right? (my commentary)

An Eventide Devotional

An Eventide Devotional, Volume 24

Filling-Up For The Journey,

is now up @


Monday, December 19, 2011

An Eventide Devotional

An Eventide Devotional, Volume 23:

To Live Is Christ ....... To Die Is Gain,

is now up @


To Live Is Christ ... To Die Is Gain

I have seen visions, my friends, of a coming nightmare with death on a scale that is unimaginable and it will be directed at us; the redeemed lambs of Almighty God; and it is even now at the door ..... now do the ravens sing, my friends; for they will come upon us; grim and growling as the gray wolf ....... stand and prevail, that thy heart may be found faithful ....... know ye not; that this is the hour for which we were born ....... seek not the life of this world, but stand upon the promise of life given by God to all who love Him and seek His ways; for what they see as an end, we know to be but a glorious beginning.

Psa 42:2  My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
Psa 42:3  My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?

Php 1:21  for to me to live is Christ, and to die gain.
Php 1:22  And if to live in the flesh is to me a fruit of work, then what shall I choose? I know not;
Php 1:23  for I am pressed by the two, having the desire to depart, and to be with Christ, for it is far better,
Php 1:24  and to remain in the flesh is more necessary

What horrors and fears come upon the worlders, and the carnally-minded, when they think of their death! Yet no prospect affords me such comfort as that of my death and final transformation. I have exceeding great cause to rejoice, when I compare what I now am and suffer — with what I shall then enjoy and be.

Now my joys are fleeting; and often fail to live up to expectations — then, they shall be perfectly present, and fulfilling eternally.

Now I walk by faith, and live on hope.  —  Then I shall know, for I shall see Him face to face, as I shall then dwell in His light, and feed at His table.

Now I am daily struggling with death and sin — but then I shall eternally triumph over both.

Now I toil along a wearisome road — but then I shall walk above these skies along the wondrous highways of heaven.

Now my eyes rove from vanity to vanity — but then they shall see, even fix upon our Risen Lord in His highest glory.

Now I live among stalkers, vampires, and beasts whose daily aim is to create strife, turmoil, fear, and pain — but then I shall dwell among the multitudes of the redeemed, with angels and archangels — in the glorious presence of the Living God.

Now I often bemoan myself as the frail inhabitant of a feeble body — but then I shall be possessed of all the vigor of immortality — of all the briskness of eternal life.

Now I have foes without, and foes within, to grapple with on a  daily basis --- the sin within my nature, and the follies of my heart; in addition to enemies from this dark and forboding world, both seen, and unseen.

Now, imperfection is stamped . . .
upon all that I feel ....... upon all I desire ....... upon all my joys and sorrows ....... and, truth be told, upon all I do.

What says the sigh, which daily escapes from my heavy heart?

What says the groan, which ascends from my troubled soul?

What says the tear, which so often  rolls down my cheek?

But there is perfection in Christ! In Him . . . our full and eternal perfection is decreed, promised, provided for. It will be realized in heaven, when we see Him as He really is—and shall be made like Him!— but then, triumphing over every foe, I shall sing of the glories of our Lord, and never cease from this matchless, this inexhaustible theme.

Now I often stagger my way along the road of life  — but then, renewed into His His divine likeness, I shall dwell with the Ancient of days, and enjoy the dearest and most intimate communion with Jehovah and the Lamb forever ....... then an endless eternity shall be ours, and our joy shall be as durable as it is desirable; and as permanent as it is pleasant .......then in the light of His countenance, in the brightness of His glory, shall we walk on forever.

Now, my friends, this raging midnight through which we pass, has spread its shadow over all we see and touch ....... yet amidst the blackest gloom that dwells within this darkness,  blinding the natural man, the soul of the lamb is at no loss to view the realities surrounding him -- both visible and invisible -- through the light of his faith ....... and this light, His light will guide us safely home through even the most dense darkness that envelopes and hinders us.

What is, for the world, a bitter end; is for the lamb of God, a whole new beginning beyond our wildest dreams ....... as Paul himself said: 1Co 2:9  But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

So, I tell you, as this darkness begins to collapse and feed upon itself, and death is on every doorstep, take courage in His promise and His truth ....... stand without fear against the coming onslaught ....... for if you are hid in Him, there is nothing they can do to separate you out ....... and when they have done all they are able, our life will be transformed, in the twinkling of an eye, into the freedom of His image, crowned with His glory ....... for all eternity. We shall then be gloriously free ....... our whole person, body, soul, and spirit — will be in perfect liberty: free from the curse ....... free from every foe — and all fears from every fault — and all our failings ....... free from frailty — and, at last, free from all internal, external, and eternal evil.

For it was this very vision that prompted both the psalmist, and Paul to exclaim ....... My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? ....... for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Monday, December 12, 2011

An Eventide Devotional

An Eventide Devotional,

Volume 22:

An Insignificant Hell,

is now up @


Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Will Instruct Thee

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.  Psalm 32:8

At best, my friends, we know but little of God and His Kingdom -- and we are very slow to learn. But the Lord has promised to instruct us.

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go, He says. Here the Lord is the speaker, and gives the psalmist an answer to his prayer. Our Saviour is our instructor. The Lord himself reaches out, as it were, to teach his children to walk in His way, directed by His Holy Spirit, and bounded by His Word. We are not pardoned that we may  live after our own lusts, but that we may be schooled in holiness and trained for perfection. An education in the waters of Heaven  is one of the wondrous covenant blessings of our adoption: "All thy children shall be taught by the Lord." Though we have never set at the foot of a Gamaliel or an Aristotle; or gone to Harvard or Yale; we have  learned to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. I will guide thee with mine eye, He says;  as servants take their cue from the master's eye, and a nod  is all that they require, so shall we learn to obey the slightest hints of our Master, not needing thunderbolts to startle us, but being prompted by whispers and the small touches of love.

The Lord's teaching always produces . . .
humility, and a proper view of self ....
confidence in God, and a zeal for His glory and His Kingdom ....
and builds a heart devoted to Christ!

Our Father's teaching always . . .
bring us to the feet of Yeshua, and
delivers us through His shed blood ....
enlightening us with the power of His Truth.

This threefold repetition, I will instruct thee, I will teach thee, I will guide thee, is to show us, and teach us of the love, power, and faithfulness of all three faces of Yahweh: the Spirit to bring understanding; the Son to go before us; and the Father to watch over us, and our ways.

Under Divine instruction we learn . . .
the true nature of life and creation ..... within the fullness of our risen Savior... and the certain knowledge of His victory ....
juxtaposed against the vile coldness of the evil one ... with all the devastation he brings ....
while careening to his own doom.

It is a marvelous thing; that all heaven is ready to instruct us, my friends.With this in mind,  let us be early and often at His throne of grace, praying, as the Psalmist did, "Show me Your ways, O LORD, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth and teach me -- for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long." Psalm 25:4-5. Then shall we exclaim, as Elihu did, "God is exalted in His power. Who is a teacher like Him!" Job 36:22

The Lord  sanctifies us unto Him through the truth He imparts. For He is our lesson , my friends, and to know Him is to know His life, His peace and His joy.

Do you sit at His feet? .... do you treasure and feast upon His Words? ... does your life show forth His praise?

Learn of Him ... know of His intimacies ... live within Him ... and He will counsel thee, and His eye will cover thee.

Psa 25:9  The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
Psa 25:10  All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.

Psa 33:18  Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy

"Teach me Your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path!" Psalm 27:11

Cunneda's Ramble

Cunneda's Ramble, Volume 44:

A Word,

is now up @


An Eventide Devotional

An Eventide Devotional,

Volume 20: A Tale of the Heart,

is now up @


On The Road With Cunneda

On The Road With Cunneda,

Volume 26: The Thoughts Kept Coming,

is now up @


Friday, December 9, 2011

Hold My Hand

So many dangers, Lord;
Shadows, well mounted,
On the high rocks
Of doubt and fear;
The beguiling gowns
Of temptation;
And the galling scorpion
Of indulged lust;
At all points,
The cold brush
Of the evil one,
Chills to the bone:
Hold my hand, tightly,
As we cross
This hollow land.