Heavenly Father; we come into this place to praise and glorify Thy Name. For Thine, Oh Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the Kingdom, Oh Lord; and Thou art exalted as head above all.
We have come together in the name of Yeshua, our risen Lord and Savior who sits on Thy Throne of Righteousness to stand, as Thou has commanded us, against the evil one and those who would do his bidding. The provenance of this prayer, and this room for prayer is the monstrous evil of electronic gangstalking and mind control being employed by the forces of darkness in their efforts to sever all of mankind from Thee. We bring this evil out of the shadows of darkness and into Thy light that we may stand against it and the evil that lies behind and around it; for to shut up is to tolerate; and to tolerate is to approve. Therefore, do we come together in Thy Name, to raise, in Thy power, Thy holy standards of righteousness:
In the name of Yeshua; we call on all powers of His Blood and Thy Spirit in Heaven and in earth to come against this monstrous evil. Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, Oh Most Mighty, with Thy glory, and with Thy majesty; send Thou Thine holy angels to harrass, befuddle, and slay them; drive them to exhaustion with a thousand worms in a hundred places; take from them their sanity as they try to steal it from others. We have beheld Thy greatness and Thy lovingkindness; and we know from Thy Word, that no weapon formed against Thee shall prosper; and that You will tread down the wicked as if they be ashes on the sole of Thy feet. Come swiftly Oh Lord; act now, as we, Thy servants assemble here, in the power of Thy Word; Thy Blood; and Thy Spirit; and do dawn our armor and join ranks; holding high our shield of faith; to come against this wickedness in high places. And in this gap shall we stand, Almighty God; in Thy strength, and through Thy power, according to Thy will: for, as it is written, "Behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall, by any means, harm you," We believe Thy Word; and Thy Truth is as a song in our hearts as we forray out against the enemy. All praise, all glory, and all honor we give unto Thee Oh Lord.
In all these things to we ask and seek Thy face, in the name of our risen Lord, Yeshua: that name which is above all names.